a. 对称的, 均匀的, 匀称的
[计] 对称的
a having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts
anti-symmetric [机] 反对称的
anti-symmetric function [机] 反对称函数
axial symmetric(al) flow [化] 轴对称流
bilaterally symmetric [网络] 双边对称
binary symmetric channel [计] 二进制对称信道
conjugate symmetric sequence [计] 共轭对称序列
elementary symmetric function [计] 基本对称函数
highly-symmetric graph [计] 高度对称图
mirror-symmetric [网络] 镜像对称
oblate symmetric top molecule [化] 扁对称陀螺分子
odd symmetric [计] 奇对称的
point symmetric graph [计] 点对称图
skew symmetric [化] 不对称的
skew symmetric matrix [计] 反对称矩阵
skew symmetric operator [计] 反对称算子
symmetric binary code [计] 对称二进制码
symmetric binary tree [计] 对称二叉树
symmetric carbon atom [化] 对称碳原子
symmetric center [化] 对称中心
It's not symmetrical. I know, but people aren't symmetrical.
不对称 我知道 但是人本来就是不对称的
Bruises are normally isolated and not symmetrical.
Well, most bacteria are symmetrical and ooth.
My hands were, like, the only symmetrical thing about me.
我的手 是我唯一互相對稱的部位了
I'd recognize those perfectly symmetrical buttocks anywhere.
It's brandnew flesh, but it's symmetrical. It's not random or cancerous.
这些血肉都是新的 但分布匀称 并非随机生成或癌变造成
you should raise 500 perfectly symmetrical kids.
At the back of the mansion, everything's ordered, neat, symmetrical.
在宅地的后花园 一切井然有序 整洁优雅 对称分布
She has a very symmetrical face she will attract a mate when she is ready.
她的脸型很对称 等她准备好了自然就会去约别人
I agree, although it's more likely a cipher with a symmetrical key.
我同意 不过这更像一种 对称密钥的密码