migratory是什么意思   migratory怎么读

英式:[ˈmaɪgrətrɪ]    美式:[ˈmaɪgrətrɪ]



adj.迁移的; 有迁居习惯(或特色)的; 流浪的; <医>游走性的
adj.迁移的, 流浪的


形容词: migrational |



1. used of animals that move seasonally;

"migratory birds"

2. habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work;

"appalled by the social conditions of migrant life"

"migratory workers"

形容词 migratory:

used of animals that move seasonally

habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work


migratory[ 'maiɡrətəri ]adj.used of animals that move seasonally

"migratory birds"

habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work

"migratory workers"



migratory 迁徙的 来自migrate,迁徙。


migratory flights/birds


...migratory farm labour.


New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.


The positive rate of migratory birds is higher than birds.


Most migratory farm workers earn very little indeed by comparison with other'workers.


Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to Lake Dongting, which hosts many migratory birds.

爆发地 宜阳 临近许多候鸟的聚集地洞庭湖.

The part of migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied.


Little is known about the migratory habits of these huge fish.


Migratory birds fly long distances between a winter home and a summer home.


Initial stage resistance against aggression, plant of Chinese coastal portion is inward the ground is migratory.

抗战初期, 中国沿海部分工厂向内地迁移.

Besides migratory birds, what other animals have the habit of migrating?

除了候鸟, 还有哪种动物有移居的习性?

The migratory fish are four: the reproductive migration feeding migratory and migratory warming, the winter migration.

鱼的洄游主要有四种: 生殖洄游、索饵洄游、趋暖洄游 、 越冬洄游.

An American migratory songbirdDolichonyx oryzivorus, the male of which has black , white , and yellowish plumage.


Habits: Uncommon Spring migratory bird and winter visitor.

生态习性: 为春秋普遍过境鸟,与稀有冬候鸟.

Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.

黑暗像潮水吞没几百亿个星球. 向日葵大片枯死.候鸟成群结队地送葬.

The region, which has several large lakes, is known to lie along migratory routes.

这个地区, 有几个大型湖泊, 位于候鸟的迁徙路径中.

The main protection for necked cranes and other migratory birds and their habitat.


Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.



But the baton that whether can they follow a government is migratory?

但他们是否会跟着政府的指挥棒迁移 呢 ?

A migratory bird that stops in a particular place for a limited period of time.


The monarch is one of the few butterfly species that make a migratory trip.


The American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ) a migratory songbird of the thrush family.

美洲知更鸟 ( 旅鸫 ) 是画眉科迁徙鸣鸟.

The luxuriant water plants and grass on the island attract huge flocks of migratory birds.


The migratory bird is a host of the wetland.


The mechanism of influence of the magnetic flux density on migratory behavior was discussed.


The part that migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied.


Migratory beekeeping is nothing new.


This kind of migratory bird migrates whenever autumn comes.


Such styles reflect a migratory trend: After working abroad, many here are back money and modernity.

这种衣着风格反映了当地流动性的趋势: 从国外打工回来后, 许多人不只带回了钱,也带回了现代化的气息.


The study cites several reasons for the disappearance of languages, ranging from repressive government policies and assimilation to economic pressures, migratory trends, disease and natural disasters.


"Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae.


Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae.


The Chinese capital has stepped up its efforts to fight bird flu by sending inspectors to farms, homes and migratory bird sanctuaries to enforce disease prevention controls.


Singapore is a stopover point for thousands of migratory birds travelling the East Asian Flyway.


The goal of WMBD 2007 is to try to focus world attention on the plight of migratory birds and to highlight the way they are being affected by climate change in the same way as all living things.


On 20th, a migratory bird flies from the north woods, revolves thespacious square to circle.


Nabarro said the concerns were triggered by news that the virus has spread through flocks of migratory birds.


"Amphibious migratory" type of migrant workers living at the bottom of town, a walk in the duplicate of the confused status between urban and rural areas.


"You know that under the Migratory Bird Treaty it's against federal law to contain a curved-bill thrasher.


One of the most significant factors is mobility, as greater mobility of an individual tends to give it greater migratory potential.


There must be something I cannot catch on, otherwise, how can the vert grow in turn, and the migratory birds all fly back to their homeland.


The part of migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied.


The Chiku Wetlands sanctuary near the estuary of the Tsengwen River in Tainan County has been the world's major habitat for Black-faced spoonbills and other Asian migratory species for years.


I am a lonely migratory bird in the world; looking for my own gorgeous way.


I wonder if the taxi uncle spotted the migratory bird?


Unlike the rabbit with its short dash, migratory birds require energy for extended periods of time.


World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a global initiative devoted to celebrating the beauty of migrating birds and for promoting their conservation worldwide.


The world census of endangered Black-faced spoonbills is scheduled to be finalized January 23,2005 when all the survey data on the rare migratory birds are collected from around Asia.


The Chobe elephant are migratory, making seasonal movements of up to 200 kilometres from the Chobe and Linyanti rivers, where they concentrate in the dry season, to the pa in the southeast of the park, to which they di erse in the rai .


They met up in San Francisco, and headed north in summer, south in winter, like migratory birds chasing the sunshine.


Migratory dynamic load balancing system was designed to balance the workload in a network of workstations in order to enhance resource utility and increase system throughput.


Mainly on the protection ofFor migratory birds and their habitats.


The main protection for black-necked cranes and other migratory birds and their habitat.


Mainly distributed in China's coastal regions, the Yangtze, Qiantang River, Pearl River, etc., for the Anadromous migratory fish, it's highly nostalgic.


To buy or sell migratory birds (or their eggs or nests).


His goal is to teach safe migratory paths to endangered birds.


The shearing structures formed by magmatic activities are the migratory channels of the hydrothermal solution and space for the forming of veins or ore-bodies.


But I think the secret that the migratory bird migrates is perhaps distributed the wetland on the earth.


But China said earlier this month it had stamped out the disease, which may have originated from migratory birds.


Generally speaking, the social bees do not summer in the South during the winter, as do migratory birds, but, instead, live or die in their natural environs.


However, fears of a global epidemic have prompted calls for a cull of migratory birds in areas like Siberia, Southeast Asia and South Africa.


But those few have clung tenaciously to the customs of their forefathers, following their herds along migratory routes linking winter and summer pastures.


Guandu plain, where the Jilong and Danshui Rivers meet, is a wetland and a great place to catch sight of migratory birds.


A migratory bird that stops in a particular place for a limited period of time.


Conservation of these important sites is vital for the long-term survival of these migratory birds.


Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?


MIGRATORY BIRDS and whales rely on stored fat to fuel their long, strenuous journeys.


Migratory birds move to other places to spend the winter or give birth.


Migratory birds fly long distances between a winter home and a summer home.


In all these birds,migratory bird account for68.4%,resident birds account for16.5%,others account for15.1%.


Its insurance gold is not migratory, its insurance number also is not done fluctuant.


And thus the main protective object is the migratory birds which come here wintering and resting.It’s the time of the migratory birds gathering every year from October to March next year.


The biological characteristic and living conditions of Asiatic migratory locust around Bosteng lake are analyzed and the related climatic conditions are studied.


Is bifurcated, Gahai Shilin Scenic Area by the turnout and the composition of Gahai nature reserve for migratory birds.


Using the stopover migratory thrushes following spring passage across the Gulf of Mexico,we examined the interactions of foraging behavior,energetic condition,and rate of fat deposit.


Large predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like whooping cranes and songbirds, and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from WWF's conservation efforts.


The migratory red admiral (Vanessa atalanta), widespread in Europe, Scandinavia, North America, and North Africa, feeds on stinging nettles.

包括:迁飞的红纹丽蛱蝶(Vanessa atalanta),以小荨麻为食,广泛分布于欧洲、斯堪的那维亚(Scandinavia)、北美洲和北非;

An open tidal area with islands will be created to provide a high tide roosting habitat for migratory waterbirds, especially shorebirds that use Deep Bay.


Through boarding and inspection, 1995 Agreement and WCPFC Commission conserve and manage the straddling and highly migratory stocks.


In the meantime, ingoing country and area stem from the consideration of pair of self interests, offer all sorts of favourable conditions with attractive force migratory capital actively.


Cathay Pacific today announced a new partnership with WWF, the global conservation organisation, to help conserve the wetland habitats of migratory waterbirds across Asia.


Pictured is the Black Tailed Snipe, a rarely seen winter migratory visitor to Taiwan.Two thirds of their silt-like legs are beneath the water. 2.


To the left and center of the picture can be seen the migratory white wagtail which passes through Taiwan every year.


In spring, 2004, during shorebird migratory season, a survey on the shorebird community and tidal flat environment was carried out in 10 research sites along the coastline.


Overexpression of CTHRC1 in PAC1 and MEF cells led to a significant increase in their migratory ability.


In last timeses of Internet, close a news kind the website is very simple, because coessential content reduced the migratory cost of the user, it is to change a platform to watch news nevertheless.


In the winter it is an unlivable, harsh tundra, but in the spring, it supports a diverse crowd of wildlife, including fish, sea mammals, wolves, and millions of migratory birds.


During wound healing, dermal fibroblasts switch from a migratory, repopulating phenotype to a contractile, matrix-reassembling phenotype.


Already, rising temperatures have had an effect on migratory birds.


When notochord organization is ceaseless and migratory, fiber annulus also increases.


Up to 50,000 migratory waterfowl and other birds are known to use the sites during migration.


Over the past few months, avian influenza has spread rapidly across Asia, Europe, the Middle Eastern, Africa carried by migratory birds.


Countries located along migratory routes need to be vigilant for signs of disease in wild and domestic birds.


"The migratory routes are going to the Middle East of course, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa, but most, most importantly and most worrying is Eastern Africa," Dr. Domenech said.


Considerable circumstantial evidence suggests that migratory birds can introduce low pathogenic H5 and H7 viruses to poultry flocks, which then mutate to the highly pathogenic form.


Each Ojibwa tribe was divided into migratory bands.


If two person's heaven, are the warm walls likely, imprisons you the dream, is happy whether is a leaf of prison likely, the migratory bird has lost south.


If you are interested in learning about bird-watching or the species of migratory birds that stop by Taiwan, give Guandu Nature Park a visit.


In the summer months, migratory birds fly along the coast to frequent the mangrove swamps.


Birds from as far as Siberia migrate to Bangladesh during winter but though hunting of migratory birds is illegal, they are often poached and sold in markets.


Most of the migratory birds that travel from South America, right up to the North, use the boreal as a nesting and often a breeding area.


Trevorrow M., 1997, Detection of migratory salmon in the fraser River using 100 kHz sidescan sonars, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol.54, p.1619-1629.


Here we investigate the population consequences of such mistiming in the migratory pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca4.


For Oriental migratory locust soil moisture content has direct impact to site selection for egg lay of the locusts, and their egg development and hatching.


The little egrets in Europe are migratory birds who winter in Africa.


They are migratory and range discontinuously from Britain to Iran and Manchuria.


It became part of local etiquette to take visitors to see migratory birds.


Ping Ding Shan Service Reception -Xiang Si Lake Migratory Bird Garden-Fields Sight-seeing District Bei Gang Port.


When hardware equipment installation is debugged after finishing, begin to have the migratory job of website platform.



Migratory beekeeping is nothing new.

These living beings are migratory birds .

Migratory workers migrate to cities in search of work.