antitrust是什么意思   antitrust怎么读

英式:[ˌæntɪ'trʌst]    美式:[ˌæntɪ'trʌst]


adj.反托拉斯的; 反垄断的
adj.反托拉斯的, 反垄断的




1. of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices

形容词 antitrust:

of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices


antitrust[ ,ænti'trʌst ]adj.of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices




The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.


Agreements among parties in a competing relationship can raise antitrust suspicions.


United States antitrust legislation prohibits corporations from dominating or monopolizing an industry.



Any doubts that China's revamped antitrust regime punch its weight have been laid to rest.


But it is accepted as a norm and forms the basis of most antitrust policies.


But these typically are the creation of a legislative process or operate under close antitrust scrutiny.


Our antitrust laws have been too severe.



In procedure, China should establish the examination and approval system for antitrust exemption.

在程序上, 要建立反垄断法适用除外或豁免的审批制度.

Accordingly, their statue as the exemption of antitrust laws was also doubted.

相应的, 其在反垄断法上作为适用除外的领域也引起学者们的质疑.

Antitrust authorities must investigate the effect and purpose of an agreement to determine its legality.



Meanwhile, Apple is also feeling the antitrust pitchfork.

其间, 苹果公司也受到了反垄断的威胁.

It was sued by the U.S. federal government for violating antitrust law.



Analysis on legal and economic principles that govern modern antitrust practice provides the bases for discussion.


In recent years, forestall and antitrust problem cause the wide attention of academic group.

近年来, 垄断与反垄断问题引起理论界的广泛关注.

The author thought, antitrust law enforcement agency in our country should be established on two principles.

笔者认为, 我国反垄断法执行机构的设置应该考虑到两个方面的问题.

Antitrust lawyers in Beijing befuddled by the Ministry of Commerce's ruling.


Dean is fending off three antitrust lawsuits, the most recent filed by the Justice Department itself.

最近,司法部对迪恩食品提出了三项反垄断诉讼, 迪恩食品正忙于招架.

But, if be abused , be about to be made by the compasses of antitrust law.

但是, 如果被滥用, 就要受到反垄断法的规制.

Panasonic has been working with antitrust watchdogs in major markets to gain approval for the deal.


Policymakers use the antitrust laws to prevent oligopolies from engaging in behavior that reduces competition.


Other practices demand closer scrutiny based on principles that the courts and antitrust agencies have developed.


European antitrust authorities are also still pursuing Microsoft, which limits its ability to at Google.

欧盟反垄断当局还在起诉微软, 这些都限制了其反击谷歌的能力.

Accordingly, antitrust is a of mechanism industrial and commercial administration main job.

因此, 反垄断是工商行政管理机关的一项重要工作.

Since World War II, the government has been active in its antitrust prosecutions.

第二次世界大战以来, 政府积极地进行着反对托拉斯的检举活动.

英汉非文学 - 政府文件

The practice rich and colorful of American antitrust, also accompanying ceaseless academic innovation.

美国反垄断的实践丰富多彩, 也伴随着不断的理论创新.

The Clayton Antitrust Act tried to define more clearly what was meant by restraint of trade.


英汉非文学 - 政府文件

The European Commission announced it would launch an antitrust probe into the mainframe business of IBM.


Using antitrust laws to regulate business practices like bundling is not likely to benefit consumers.


The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.




John Taladay is a partner in the government antitrust practice of Howrey LLP in Washington DC.He says China's not playing by the same rules.


A law regulating the railroads was enacted in 1887 (Interstate Commerce Act) and another, preventing large firms from controlling a single industry, in 1890 (Sherman Antitrust Act).


In 1890 Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, a law aimed at restoring competition and free enterprise by breaking up big business combinations known as monopolies.


The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade , or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade .


An antitrust judgment in 1954 forced the firm to release its stranglehold on the shoe machinery market.


In 1986, PepsiCo was indicted on charges of conspiring to fix softdrink prices in Virginia and obstructing a federal grand jury investigation of the alleged antitrust violations (WSJ 29 October 1986).


In 2007 a committee of antitrust experts appointed by the American government proposed a test for whether bundling is predatory.


In August, China passed an antimonopoly law similar to antitrust regulation in the European Union.


Ms Varney's remarks suggest that the transatlantic flow of ideas on antitrust policy may now be moving from east to west.


Pfizer the drug manufacturer was guilty of antitrust violations.


A century ago, for example, the formation of economic monopolies threatened the public interest, prompting the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890.


Some people might think this is really an effort to improve your image, which has taken some hits at the antitrust trial.


Some companies would like to see more aggressive antitrust enforcement against their rivals, while others could be hurt by it.


One thing that should be unleashed immediately is antitrust: on a local level many hospitals and doctors work as price-fixing cabals.


Last week antitrust lawyers filed two sets of documents to get the merger approved by the European Commission in Brussels.


Now, with AMD's recent allegations and a March ruling by Japan's Fair Trade Commission that found that Intel had violated antitrust laws, the commission felt Intel merited another look.


Yet lawyers warn against viewing the antitrust laws as a panacea.


Compared with ex post licensing. ex ante licensing can improve social welfare under the framework of antitrust law.


With its antitrust actions, the government turned its attention to reining in technology giants like AT&T and IBM.

与它的反托拉斯行动,政府将注意力转向遏制在技术巨人一样, AT & T公司和IBM 。

Patent licensing and antitrust law are uniform in nature.However, in patent licensing, the patentee may impose some restraints upon the licensee, which may serves as obstacles to market competition.


The new law, which took effect last month, attempts to streamline and standardize the government's antitrust activities.


With the US Department of Justice already investigating antitrust concerns relating to the case, the other big dogs just couldn't restrain themselves from pitching in together for a united whinge.


Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada.Research and teaching: microeconomic theory, industrial organization and antitrust economics.


Primariliy has addressed identifying and avoiding agreements that violate (and communications that could be use as evidence of agreements that violate)antitrust laws without any evidence of harm to competition.


Clarity is also essential when it comes to persuading antitrust watchdogs that a link-up is benign.


From 1904 to 1914 the federal government on the whole succeeded in compelling the great corporations to comply with the antitrust law.


Chafee became recognized as an expert on civil liberties, influencing Louis Brandeis and Oliver Wendell, Jr.Holmes He was also an authority on equity, negotiable instruments, and antitrust law.


Any doubts that China's revamped antitrust regime would not punch its weight have been laid to rest.


The Antitrust Laws'Assess of Joint Venture Act


Fernando S.Ugarte,International Harmonization of Competition Policy,Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law,August 12,2002.


But Indian agencies have become noticeably more zealous in championing consumer protection issues under the existing, weaker antitrust regime.


But what is certain is that the final result will definitely not like Google and Yahoo currently envisaged, in order to avoid antitrust problems.


However, if there is evidence that the operators of the gasoline stations talked to each other about increasing prices, it may be an antitrust violation.


But since BHP's takeover would be conditional on antitrust approval, which could take months, Chinalco has a number of options in the meantime.


If so, the town is immune from the antitrust laws under the state action doctrine, which says that the antitrust laws are not meant to apply to the actions of a state.


The Clayton Antitrust Act tried to define more clearly what was meant by restraint of trade.


Microsoft's antitrust nemesis Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly insisted it work more quickly to produce the systems documents that software makers need to write Windows apps.


The five-year-old antitrust battles in Washington came to an end last year with a ruling that barely rapped the software giant on the knuckles.


Its core business of domestic oil exploration is closed to foreign competition, and it is part of a government-controlled domestic oligopoly that may violate Western countries' antitrust rules.


Mr Lewkow thinks some companies are rushing to do attractive but“ dicier” deals( from an antitrust standpoint) in the hope of getting them approved before the change of president, and a possible tightening of enforcement policies.


Even if now, american antitrust authorities oppugns Gu Ge possibly also to sell the plan to Yahoo website ad.


It was wishful thinking then, and remains so today, as long-running antitrust actions flare up again and regulators ponder new moves against the industry's giants.


In time, antitrust authorities came to appreciate Williamson's logic, and a wide range of businesses now place restrictions on who can sell their products and how.


The Definition of Relevant Market in Antitrust Laws


How we face the extraterritorial applications of Antitrust Law in USAand Competition Law in EU ,will determine how we best serve our own business interests and maintain our national sovereignty.


Guilds in the viewing field of antitrust law


The type of forestall compasses patternmaking of antitrust legislation can be divided roughly for behavior creed, structuralism type of patternmaking of two kinds of compasses.

反垄断立法的垄断规制模式大致可分为行为主义、结构主义两种规制模式。反垄断立法垄断规制模式选择必须合理 ,才能促进经济发展。

Antitrust authorities use the same standards applied to predatory pricing claims under the Sherman Act and the FTC Act to evaluate allegations of price discrimination used for this purpose.


Antitrust authorities must investigate the effect and purpose of an agreement to determine its legality.


Antitrust Government opposition to monopolies in the interest of competition. Established in the U.S. In 1890 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.


The antitrust laws are further complicated by the fact that many business practices can have a reasonable business justification even if they limit competition in some way.


The antitrust laws, however, give a manufacturer latitude to adopt a policy regarding a desired level of resale prices and to deal only with retailers who independently decide to follow that policy.


The antitrust laws describe unlawful practices in general terms, leaving it to the courts to decide what specific practices are illegal based on the facts and circumstances of each case.


Antitrust laws are a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products or services.


Antitrust law Law aimed at preventingmonopolies, price-fixing agreements, andother obstacles to free market competition.


The antitrust laws do not interfere with business decisions like these as long as the manufacturer acts unilaterally and not as part of a scheme to monopolize a market.


Coca-Cola set for EU antitrust agreement


As with other forms of private property, certain types of conduct with respect to intellectual property may have anticompetitive effects against which the antitrust laws can and do protect.


At the same time,we should adopt bilateral(agreements) and multilateral agreements to resolve the conflicts of antitrust ...


The Paramount-Famous-Lasky Corporation disputed the charges and as result the FTC announced they would ask the government to pursue antitrust action.


In a statement Wednesday, Microsoft reiterated its bid is fair and pointed out the antitrust problems likely to prevent Google and Yahoo from working together.


Department of Justice Antitrust Division


In the end, either the Antitrust Division will fail, or the courts will bend in a way that unsettles the law.


The Standard Oil and Tobacco decisions represented, therefore, a complete accommodation of legal doctrine to prevailing antitrust sentiment.


On one antitrust issue, though, the transatlantic gulf has been unusually wide: how to deal with firms with a market share so large as to dwarf their rivals.


At a secret meeting in San Diego in April, representatives of the nation's top newspapers first broached the subject of temporarily relaxing antitrust laws preventing price-fixing in the industry.


After its own antitrust authority and the EU approved E.ON's proposal in April, the government's obstructionism intensified.


IT TOOK more time than the Long March and the Great Leap Forward combined, but after 14 years of wrangling China will introduce a comprehensive antitrust law on August 1st.


The values of populism, which originated in the traditional social and political ideology of America, later dominated the development of antitrust law.


Consequently,we should locate it rightly during the legislation of Antitrust Act.We should adopt flexible principles of antitrust extraterritoriality,not localize stated mode.


As a demonstration of the vigorous enforcement of U.S. antitrust laws and the effort to safeguard competition, the AT&T breakup was an unqualified success.


If enforced both promptly and evenhandedly, strong antitrust laws will mark a step towards competitive capitalism, rather than crony capitalism, in both countries.


Such cartel results in the losses of social welfare and disadvantages to customers.The antitrust law does not allow them, which regulates market transactions in good order.


Venezuela's fair trade board is scheduled to rule next month on Pepsi's claim that the Cisneros defection violated the country's antitrust laws.


No order of the commission, board, or Secretary or judgment of the court to enforce the same shall in anywise relieve or absolve any person from any liability under the antitrust laws.


Senator Herb Kohl, a Democrat from Wisconsin who is chairman of the Senate antitrust subcommittee, said his committee would closely examine the venture.


It is suing Speedo's parent company, Warnaco Swimwear, Mr Schubert (for more or less insisting that members of his team wear the LZR) and others on antitrust grounds.

它则和其他反托拉斯机构一起起诉急速公司母公司的Warnaco Swimwear。而Schubert先生则多多少少要求他的队员都穿LZR。

It was sued by the U.S. federal government for violating antitrust law.


Actually, the "rule of reason" was the only standard by which the antitrust Law could be enforced, as the court had tacitly admitted years before.


Actually, the "rule of reason" was the only standard by which the antitrust Law could be enfored, as the court had tacitly admitted years before .



Liberal platforms regularly pronounce for antitrust enforcement.

A tying arrangement violates antitrust laws.