[医] 丁二酰胆硷, 琥珀酰胆硷
n. a muscle relaxant for striated muscle that is used as an adjunct to anesthesia during certain surgical procedures
succinylcholine chloride [医] 氯化丁二酰胆硷, 氯化琥珀酰胆硷
succinylcholine iodide [化] 碘化琥珀酰胆碱; 碘化丁二酰胆碱
succinylcholine is one of the earliest anesthetics known to man.
Right, the kind of heart attack you get when you're shot in the leg with a succinylcholine dart.
如果你的腿被涂有琥珀胆碱的飞镖射中 你也会心脏病发的
The body turns succinylcholine into potassium, which occurs naturally in the body, so it's not detected as a toxin.
身体会将琥珀酰胆碱转化成钾 钾在人体内是正常物质 所以毒素检验是显示不出来的
He bumps into him on purpose and shoots him with a tiny dart of lethal poison called succinylcholine, induces a heart attack.
他故意撞上了他 然后注射了少量致命毒药 名叫琥珀酰胆碱 会导致心脏病
Now, once I insert this needle into your external jugular, this succinylcholine is gonna stop your heart, but slowly, because for seven long minutes you're gonna enjoy the tight unbearable constriction of your failing heart.
现在只要我用这支琥珀胆碱 给你颈外注射 你就会死 但是在漫长的七分钟内 你会享受到心脏因衰竭而收缩的感觉 让你生不如死