chakra是什么意思   chakra怎么读

英式:[ˈtʃʌkrə]    美式:[ˈtʃʌkrə]






ChakraChakra is one of the artist names taken by the British production duo of Richard Louis Simmonds (Ricky Simmons) and Stephen Christopher Jones (Steve Jones). They produced trance music, usually sampling voices, notably working with Kate Cameron.





And there will be a "bliss bar" of raw foods joined by an interactive "chocolate chakra shakedown yoga dance.


Humans of vast spiritual capacity and large craniums came to earth and settled around the crown chakra of Terra or the North Pole 50,000 years ago (200,000 years as humans measure time).


OPALITE: Opalite is a delicate clear or milky iridescent stone, which when placed on the Crown Chakra in meditation is said to enhance psychic abilities and include visions.

OPALITE: Opalite 是一块精美清楚或乳状呈虹彩的宝石,据说当冥想时放置在冠轮可提高观想和通灵能力。

Once nine helixes are formed, this chakra will move out into the atmosphere of Earth to become more of an Earth chakra, connecting into the grid work.


One involves the positive energy or lay lines of the etheric body, chakra system and subtle bodies.


three ch`i channels and seven chakra


Unlike the Medal of Honor, the Param Vir Chakra is only given for "rarest of the rare gallantry which is beyond the call of duty and which in normal life is considered impossible to do.


Sushumna nadi does not cross over but passes straight up through the center of each chakra.


There are also serpents of positive and negative vibration that weave the lay lines and space between that construct the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies, light body and auric field.


Dear Hearts, visualize two flat circular shapes that connect through the eleventh (crown) chakra to create a special rotating, scalar wave transducer.


Beginning at 4200 strands, the 12-chakra system begins to be born with the budding of the diagram chakra between the third or solar plexus and fourth or heart chakra.


Starting from the top of your head visualize your crown chakra opening.


Energetically, such seduction often looks like a large fan that is projected from a certain chakra region enveloping both you and the seducer.


Usually he wears a small stupa in his headdress, and could be holding a chakra wheel resting a lotus.


But if we want to know wisdom, we have to concentrate on the wisdom chakra, which is the third eye again.


Life upon Mercury can however be attuned to through one's inner eye, just as one perceives one's own aura, chakra system, light body and subtle bodies.


Many people, though, have reported to me strong energy and chakra sensation the first time they used them.


You do not HAVE to be in a trance to learn energy and chakra work, it just works better in trance.


You may also communicate with us telepathically or holographically through the heart chakra.


You need a localised, mental opening effect in a chakra to stimulate it; this tearing open action, with your imaginary HANDS, provides it.


You need to be proficient in both consciousness raising and chakra control, but it is achievable.


The hologram sits in the heart chakra region of the human form.


The hologram sits within the heart chakra.


Inhale again deeply and slowly exhale. Intend to push soul fully into the second chakra region and one's sexual energy system along with Kundahlini.


By 1800, there are 800 new meridians that crisscross through major chakra centers beginning at the feet and ending at the crown interconnecting the right and left sides of the etheric body.


There are three parts on the flag.Orange, White and Green.There is a blue chakra (24-spoked wheel) in the white part .


Additionally, there is a Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra.


Similarly, Ida nadi also crosses over at each chakra but on the opposite side.


The ascent to 1800 causes each chakra to grow in size and shape from a spinning cone energy system to a multi-pedaled lotus shape.


Alas the larger headed ones chose to expand their energy flow to become global and not just within Terras crown chakra.


Throat Chakra: The throbbing in it can cause a very mild choking feeling, because of the sensitive area it is in.


Throat chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus and heart chakras to the Throat chakra.


Mark: Mmm Hhh. Is this the same thing as the seven chakra system?


Remember the solar plexus chakra.


For his gallantry and sheer ballsiness, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military award.


After 3000 this the library and angel are moved inside of the heart chakra and near the soul cavity again alleviating many associated problems of information brokering thereafter.


Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses.


Detailed maps of the chakra system and their connecting meridians and pathways, have been used for thousands of years in Eastern mysticism and medicine, i.e., acupuncture.


Check your muscles for any tensing during the energy raising and chakra stimulation exercises, and re-relax as needed.


In unconsciousness, the third chakra gives us the strongest sense of separation through egoic identification.


There is a lotus that opens in the second chakra region.


Where pingala crosses to the right . the fifth is ajna chakra which is located at the medulla oblongata in the midbrain ,where , pingala terminates.


Base chakra: Raise energy up to your Base chakra. Use your HANDS to open it. Pull energy INTO the Base chakra. Repeat this first step, thoroughly, seven times.


Hawaiians exist in an island chain closest to the epicenter of the Earth Mother's global heart chakra.


Hawaii sits within the heart chakra of earth, and this stuck energy in the density of Honolulu hurt earth's field.


The Mother Earth is a living conscious energy or emanation of the Divine Power which has the qualities of the ‘Mooladhara chakra’.


Many people connect the color frequency of a specific chakra with that of the stone being used.


Most humans armor the heart with layers of pain, anger or fear compressed tightly around the heart chakra or just outside of the heart in the auric field.


Most humans have so vastly closed their hearts that there is no movement of chi in or out the chakra system and therefore real fulfillment cannot be experienced.


Much of this knowledge is relayed from the grids to the human vehicle, through a system of energy wheels, known to you as the chakra system.


Much of this knowledge is relayed from the gridsto the human vehicle, through a system of energywheels, known to you as the chakra system.


Being a symbol of the sun, the chakra represents life and movement, which transform the dwarf into the giant or the microcosm into macrocosm or again the centre into its diameter.


Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra.


Solar Plexus chakra: Draw energy from the feet, through the Base and Spleen chakras and on up to the Solar Plexus chakra.


Solar Plexus Chakra: This can sometimes cause a shortness of breath feeling, which can cause you to hyper-ventilate. This will pass, with time and use, as the chakra stabilises.


Had they moved about to all major chakra regions and shape shifted with all kingdoms in each perhaps this also would have been offset.


If you are stuck at the head, or some other part, this is a sign of an inactive chakra, possibly caused by an energy blockage.


If you do all the relaxation, mental calming, mental falling, chakra opening and energy raising exercises during the actual projection, you can use up your supply of mental energy.


If this happens, concentrate on stimulating the inactive chakra prior to projection.


It comes from one's human hologram that sits in the heart chakra.


For humans, the crown chakra was the place of the original seeding of mankind and from which all roots races migrated outwards towards other chakras global wide.


For those of you attaining Bodhisattva in your personal ascension, either this year or in the decades to come, you will begin to carry one to two of these octaves of love within your heart chakra.


For those who attune inward and wish to hear earth and nature, attune to your heart chakra and hologram.


Patchouli can also be burnt as incense and the smoke element will then help to balance the field as it enters the chakra and subtle body systems.


Begin to allow the Language of Light tones to rise through the legs, opening each meridian of the form energizing each chakra therein.


When one human shames another, they send a blast of energy into the field of another which creates one or many holes in their aura and chakra system.


As you learn to translate the chakra experiences, you will discover that life is not the same anymore.


Embracing forgiveness occurs as one begins to weave the pink vibrations into one's etheric lay lines of grid work within the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies and dreamtime light body.


When you are comfortable doing this, do the energy raising and chakra stimulation exercises, below, in trance.


This may give one a headache as the guardian spirals the crown chakra closed until the karma is addressed and released.


As the heart chakra opens, the spinning of the lotus creates the movement necessary to love what was unlovable.


As the crystalline instructions are added to the genetic grid work, the etheric grid work, meridian system, chakra system and subtle bodies begin to be rewoven or recast according to a new blueprint.


Perhaps the most psychologically dramatic and potent secretion of these glands is the psychedelic drug DMT (which is synthesized by the pineal gland, corresponding to the brow chakra).


When blessing the Nazarene, the seven Masters placed their hands, the tools of their will, upon the crown chakra of Jesus.


Seduction can occur from each chakra and has a slightly different purpose when projected from each body region.


When these two chakra mix, special hands signs allow the ninja to focus this combined energy for advanced jutsu.


When these twelve helixes or strands of many light-encoded filaments begin to vibrate within the body, each of the strands will correspond to a chakra center.


Soon they began to mimic the energy flow in their fields that spun in the crown chakra of earth and through all the kingdoms residing therein.


The heart chakra is the dreamtime of non-conditional love.


Heart chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra.


The white light now enters your heart chakra.

Releasing pain and guilt linked to that chakra.