Noun1. a large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River; the largest inland body of water in the world
caspian[ 'kæspiən ]n.a large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River; the largest inland body of water in the world同义词:caspian Sea
adj.of or relating to or characteristic of the caspian SeaCaspian中文词源:
The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea.
Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.
Trufflehunter is one of the key animal roles in Prince Caspian.
A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. between the Black and Caspian c.
Chinese moves in the Caspian could well create a backlash, for example.
After a short silence Lucy asked, " And where are we now, Caspian? "
短暂的沉默后露西说, “ 我们现在在哪, 嘉斯宾? ”
The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world.
Caspian led them down a ladder into the after hatch.
Caspian: You are a mouse.
卡斯宾: 你只是一只老鼠.
But Caspian said, What storm?
于是嘉斯宾问道, 什么风暴?
Finally the Polos reached the Persian town of Saba, to the south of the Caspian Sea.
最后,波罗一行到达了波斯国的席巴城, 该城位于里海以南.
After September 11 , the Caspian Sea drew more and more attention because of its abundant oil reserves.
“9·11”事件之后, 作为可以取代中东石油供应地的中亚里海备受关注.
Lord Miraz : That is the most disturbing news of all. Our beloved Caspian abducted by Narnians.
米拉兹: 那这可就是最令人担心的消息了. 我们所爱戴的卡斯宾,被纳尼亚人绑架了.
Three of the eight subspecies of tiger - the Bali, Caspian and Javan tigers are extinct.
老虎8个亚种中的3个 —— 巴厘虎 、 里海虎和爪哇虎已经灭绝.
The Caspian holds a great amount of sturgeon, which yield eggs that are processed into caviar.
里海生产大量的鲟鱼, 这些鲟鱼可以加工成鱼子酱.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was nominated for several honors at the 35th Annual Saturn Awards, including Best Fantasy Film, Best Costume, Best Makeup, and Best Special Effects.
In 2003-2005, he was chief of staff and first deputy CO of the Caspian Flotilla.
New Developing Trends of International Competition of Oil-gas in Caspian Sea Area
The KM, also dubbed the Caspian Sea Monster by American observers who spotted the craft in satellite surveillance, remained in use until 1980 when it crashed during takeoff.
the Caspian Sea
n. 里海(位于亚欧交界)
The European Union has been lobbying for the TCGP, which would be laid under the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and would not go through Russian territory.
After September 11,the Caspian Sea drew more and more attention because of its abundant oil reserves.
“9·11”事件之后 ,作为可以取代中东石油供应地的中亚里海备受关注。
New changes have taken place on the question of energy development in the Caspian Sea after the terrorist attacks of September 11, which have impacted the security in the region.
“9·11”事件后,里海地区能源形势出现了新的变化,并将影响该地区安全形势 。
"My Lord Bern," said Caspian, "we must talk of the state of these Islands. But first what is your Lordship's own story?"
"You have lived on broken hearts all your life," said Caspian, "and if you are beggared, it is better to be a beggar than a slave.
"This is a merry shipmate you've brought us, Brother," whispered Caspian to Edmund with a chuckle; but before he could say anything more Eustace burst out again.
"The moneys your Lordship disbursed for our person will be made good from our own treasury," said Caspian.
The Pevensies must struggle to overthrow a usurping king named Miraz and restore the rightful heir to the throne, the young Prince Caspian.
One such disruption -- a fire on a critical pipeline through Turkey -- is imperiling the flow of Caspian oil to global markets.
China and Caspian Sea Petroleum
Questions and Strategy: China participate to the Energy Cooperation of the Caspian Sea in Middle Asia
From the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea, China's need for a reliable and efficient supply of energy to fuel its growth can make a force of stability in the strategic critical regions.
Russia temporarily stopped exporting black caviar and halted commercial fishing of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea recently in an effort to save the fish from extinction.
For the construction of a bypass Russian territory from the Caspian Sea natural gas pipeline to Europe, the United States and Europe is now trying to persuade Azerbaijan.
an ancient country in Asia on the Caspian Sea; dominated southwestern Asia from about 100 BC to 200 AD.
a river in western Asia; rises in northeast Turkey and flows to the Caspian Sea.
Tigers are thought to have evolved in China more than a million years ago, prowling west toward the Caspian Sea, north to Siberia, and south across Indochina and Indonesia.
China agreed this year to help build an oil pipeline linking Kazakhstan's oil-rich Caspian region with northwest China and a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across Kazakhstan to Shanghai.
Views on Competition of Pipeline-Paving Scheme from Disputen Exploitation of Oil and Gas in Caspian Sea Area
The New Russian Energy Strategy in Light of the Scramble for Oil in the Caspian Sea
From there it crosses the Black Sea, Marmara Sea and the Balkans to Venice, another crosses the Caspian Sea and across the Caucasus to the Black Sea in Georgia, thence to Constantinople.
He went as far west as the Caspian Sea and the Ukraine, reaching the territory of Parthia, where he reportedly also sent an envoy named Gan Ying to Daqin (i.e.
Later, on the basis of local lithic culture, the iron and bronze cultures of Central Asia all absorbed elements from Indo-Europeans who migrated from the north shore of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
" Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki at the summit of the Caspian Sea littoral countries at the beginning of that.
But this year, fewer fish are coming into the Volga delta from the Caspian Sea to spawn.
A landlocked republic south of Russia and northeast of the Caspian Sea,the original Turkic-speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century,an Asian Soviet from 1936 to 1991.
a lake east of the Caspian Sea lying between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
a lake east of the Caspian Sea lying between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
a republic in Asia east of the Caspian Sea and south of Kazakhstan and north of Iran; an Asian Soviet from 1925 to 1991
a republic in Asia east of the Caspian Sea and south of Kazakhstan and north of Iran; an Asian Soviet from 1925 to 1991.
Azerbaijan which lies on the Caspian seaSea, has major oilen oil and gas resources while the opposition says corruption is widespread.
A large region between the Black and Caspian seas,oil is its major resource.
a large region between the Black and Caspian seas; oil is its major resource.
Well it may have been the Caspian, sorry its at least as far east as RTW seemed a bit farther to me.
agreement on Caspian boundaries reached between Russia and Kazakhstan;
The Natural Gas Crisis between Russia and Ukraine and the Flow of Oil and Gas of the Caspian Sea
Russia has St Petersburg, named after Peter the Great's patron saint, America has Washington, neighbouring Turkmenistan has the Caspian port of Turkmenbashi, named for its late dictator.
The Caspian Sea, where Russia, Iran , Kazakhstan and a number of other countries meet, has an area of 371000 square kilometers and is known as the biggest lake in the world.
A Russian river; the longest river in Europe; flows into the Caspian Sea.
a Russian river; the longest river in Europe; flows into the Caspian Sea
Russian river; the longest river in Europe; flows into the Caspian Sea.
Energy resources diplomacy of far east Russia aims to making sources of the fund, and making development between far east Russia and the Caspian Sea complementary to each other.
The Kremlin confirmed that President Putin had been told of a conspiracy to kill him during his trip to Tehran for a summit of Caspian Sea nations tomorrow.
Three of eight subspecies of tiger, the Balinese, Javan, and Caspian are already extinct.
Numerous other routes were also plied throughout the ages, reaching all the way to Samarkand, Tashkent, India, and the Caspian Sea.
Ironically, because of habitat destruction, the goby is endangered in its native habitat of the Black and Caspian Seas in Russia.
具有讽刺意味的是,由 于栖息地破坏,刺鳍鱼在俄罗斯黑海和里海的原始栖息地中面临危险。
The Post-cold War Caspian Sea Energy Diplomacy of the United States
American Energy Strategy in the Caspian Sea of Central Asia after Cold War and Choice of Chinese Energy Strategy
prince caspian: two days ago i didn't believe in the existence of dwarfs or centaurs, but here you are and together we have a chance to take back what is ours!
Prince Caspian: Two days ago I didn't believe in the existence of dwa or centaurs, but here you are and together we have a chance to take back what is ours!
Sites under exploration are located in Mary Province, in western and northern Turkmenistan, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, and offshore in the Caspian Sea.
Former communist states are the keenest advocates of NATO expansion from its old transatlantic position towards the Black Sea and even, one day, to the Caspian Sea.
North Caspian Regional Construction Exhibition
North Caspian Regional Telecommunications Exhibition
Effects of the North Sea Caspian pattern on surface fluxes of Euro-Asian-Mediterranean seas
Caspian: Tonight for once, I want the truth. Did you kill my father?
Caspian: Hey! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia.
The sides hereby announce that only Caspian Sea littoral countries are allowed to use the resources of the sea.
The sides would make attempt to efficiently utilize the Caspian Sea rich resources and expand economic cooperation particularly in energy and transportation areas.
Joint Statement on Cooperation in the Use of the Caspian Sea;
Kazakhstan's health minister says a dead swan found on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the west of the country died of bird flu.
Oil-Gas Geological Features and Its Exploration Direction in Marginal Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan
Features and Exploration Trends of Hydrocarbon Accumulation Assemblage of the subsalt strata in Marginal Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan
A region of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. northeast of the Caspian Sea. The original Turkic inhabitants were overrun by the Mongols in the13th century and ruled by various khanates until the Russian conquest of1730 to 1853.
Therefore, all the coastal countries confront many problem, suchas how to determine the new legal status of the Caspian Sea, how to delimit theboundary, how to lay the petroleum pipeline, how to protect ecology etc.
A historical region of west-central Asia east of the Caspian Sea. Inhabited by Turkic-speaking peoples since the tenth century,it was annexed by Russia in 1881.
A historical region of west-central Asia east of the Caspian Sea. Inhabited by Turkic-speaking peoples since the tenth century, it was annexed by Russia in 1881.
The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1768 km long.
A heroic mouse and Aslan the lion help the children as they fight to return the exiled King Caspian to his rightful throne.
The [Caspian Sea's] sturgeon, ancient fish that survived the transition from dinosaur age to the mammal era, may not survive the transition from communism to free market.
Med and the Caspian sea and the Black sea and the Aral sea are the headstream of water vapor of Qilian mountain,but it is different in every season.
Transcaucasia located in the combined Europe and Asia, the Caspian Sea to the east, west and the Black Sea, mainly in the territory in the mountains, 3 / 5 in the area 600 meters above sea level.
an inland sea such as the Caspian
It also has oil and gas, which a consortium led by BP is extracting from the Caspian Sea and pumping through new pipelines across Georgia to Turkey and beyond.
In Central Asia indeed she reached much farther, extending at last, through tributary Turkish tribes, to Persia and the Caspian Sea.
用作名词(n.)The caspian Sea is one of the smallest sea in the world.
Mr Nazarbayev has agreed with Azerbaijan on an American-backed plan to bring energy across the caspian Sea.
A pipeline across the caspian would change the picture by opening up the resources of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.
The sides hereby announce that only caspian Sea littoral countries are allowed to use the resources of the sea.