a. 乳房的
[医] 乳房的
a. of or relating to the milk-giving gland of the female
mammary abscess [医] 乳腺脓肿
mammary calculus [医] 乳石(乳腺管石)
mammary cancer [医] 乳腺癌
mammary ducts [医] 输乳管
mammary feminism [医] 男子乳房发育, 男子女性型乳房
mammary fistula [医] 乳管瘘
mammary fold [医] 乳腺褶
mammary gland 乳腺
mammary glands [医] 乳腺
mammary hormone [医] 乳腺停经激素
mammary line [医] 乳头间线
mammary neuralgia [医] 乳房神经痛
mammary ridge [医] 乳腺嵴
mammary tumor agent [医] 小鼠乳癌病原体
mammary-stimulating hormone [建] 乳腺刺激素
mammary tissue 乳腺组织
murine mammary tumor virus 鼠类乳腺肿瘤病毒
mammary artery 乳腺动脉
fibroadenoma of mammary gland 乳腺纤维腺瘤
Yes, I know. It's not his fault, he doesn't have mammary glands.
是 我知道 他没有乳腺不是他的错
A lot of physical force goes into pulling a shot of espresso, and sometimes the torque of said pull, leads to a followthrough arc where one's hand could accidentally graze the outer contours of a receptionist's mammary.
做一杯意式浓缩需要大量的体力 有时候这个动作的扭矩 会产生一个弧线 使得一个人的手 不小心地擦过 一个前台的 的外轮廓