adv.表面上地adv. 表面上地, 外表上地
形容词:ostensible;副词: ostensibly |
Adverb1. from appearances alone;
"irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land"
"the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned"
"had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"-Thomas Hardy
"on the face of it the problem seems minor"
副词 ostensibly:
from appearances alone
同义词:apparently, seemingly, on the face of it
ostensibly[ ɔs'tensəbli ]adv.from appearances alone
"had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"
同义词:apparentlyseeminglyon the face of it
He did it ostensibly for love, but really for money.
他这样做表面上是为了爱情, 实际上却是为了金钱.
She ripped off a leather jacket while ostensibly trying on clothes.
At first blush, this probably seems swell , since the alternative - ostensibly - is layoffs.
乍一看, 表面不裁员而采用其他方式这一举措似乎很不错.
Ostensibly a consular employee, he is actually a spy.
他表面上是领事馆雇员, 实为情报人员.
Is there another motive for the ostensibly philanthropic venture?
在这表面上的善事背后,是否有其他的目的 呢 ?
But fellow members of Egypt ostensibly secular judiciary have proved harder to convince.
"A film comes out that is ostensibly about being a millionaire, and actually what it's about, it's a film that says there are more important things than money," Beaufoy explained.
The author of renowned classics such as The Iceman Cometh and A Moon for the misbegotten died, ostensibly of pneumonia, on Nov. 27, 1953
He ostensibly restored democracy in 2002, but meanwhile claimed huge powers for his office.
The PCAPA was formed within days of that landmine attack, ostensibly to protest against the police's heavy-handed response to it.
The principle that scientific facts ostensibly falsify theory should play a roleof theoretic basis in the process of reconstruction.
Moscow and Beijing dominate the Shanghai grouping, which was set up ostensibly to counterbalance U.S. presence in Central Asia, but also to keep an eye on one another.
But on arrival at posh Morros Lodge in Baja California, Dan finds the ostensibly rich, carefree guests all playing roles...except, possibly, ham actor Mark Cardigan.
In dealing with customers and outsiders, remember that you represent the company, ostensibly with full responsibility and authority.
Both aviation giants are moaning loudly that their production systems and supply chains are flawed, albeit for ostensibly different reasons.
Cults serve as dangerous as well as morally questionable targets for hunters (as many cult members are ostensibly human).
Often, Asian-Americans actors are relegated to secondary characters, or worse, see roles ostensibly intended for them being whitewashed when they hit the big screen.
Of the 170 samples from ostensibly healthy volunteers,95.3%(162/170) of the normal Results were negative by Dimertest Latex compared to 97.6%(166/170) negative by the comparator assay.
Ostensibly, one could imagine a situation arising wherein the Sadat initiative would end in failure.
That's ostensibly a good thing, because the large amounts of ash and sulfur dioxide volcanoes eject reduce Earth's absorption of sunlight, resulting in a cooling effect.
Ostensibly Caine Shek companies obviously do lose the sale, but in the short term to enable the company to absorb a significant number of rental housing and promptly received a lot of rent.
Ostensibly, consumers won the first round, but do not forget "The law is strong, saying," Who is not necessarily to laugh.
Ostensibly, are uncontrollable, random nature, But this sort of "chain reaction" phenomenon has prompted us to take an interest, which reflect deep-seated factors.
he ap-proves and ostensibly puts into effect the laws passed by the legislators.
他可以认可立法机构通过 的法律,并公开付诸实施。
Ostensibly a consular employee, he is actually a spy.
Ostensibly a consular employee,he is actually a spy.
He did it ostensibly for love, but really for money.
That is not, however, how professional journalists, ostensibly speaking on behalf of the public, usually choose to see it.
Russians also spend freely on clothing and footwear, which gobble 9 per cent of their outlays, versus just 4 per cent for ostensibly hungry U.S. consumers
He rose fast, like Stalin and Mao, from within an ostensibly secular, progressive political party.
He was sentenced, ostensibly for spying, to 25 years of hard labor in a Siberian prison camp.
What it does: Passed in the wake of Chinese stonewalling during the SARS outbreak in 2003, the law ostensibly aims to improve the spread of information.
分析: 该法规在2003年非典爆发中国人极度审慎的时期通过,表面上是为了促进信息流通。
The first four dates were postponed, ostensibly because the singer needed more time for dress rehearsals in the venue.
Ostensibly for agricultural purposes, the credits had been siphoned off by Saddam Hussein to rebuild his military and weapons program after the Iran-Iraq war.
As a result, virtual reality may function as a link from the technological manifestations of humanity back to the world that technology has ostensibly supplanted.
The state even dominates many ostensibly deregulated sectors, such as the brewing industry, the retail sector, and textiles.
Even Yangtze River boat service to Badong was suspended, ostensibly because the docks needed repair, after protesters vowed to hold a demonstration there.
Beleaguered then by Islamists and a tide of public piety, the ostensibly secular government was prone to posing as a defender of orthodoxy.
She left the room, ostensibly to wash her face and hands, and cried her eyes out.
She ripped off a leather jacket while ostensibly trying on clothes.
Bruno was the youngest son, and ostensibly not connected with the Family business of prostitution.
The problems of falsification, excitant drugs, personation of ages, and ostensibly importing are overflowed.
It is deemed to be the evasion of law that the parties make their contract meet the requirement of "substantial connection" ostensibly by way of changing or establishing the connecting point.
We collected the essays and then (ostensibly) redistributed them, so the two contestants could evaluate each other's work.
So whether you're hunting for a job or still feeling ostensibly secure, now is a good time to evaluate your options and consider one of the aforementioned recession-proof careers.
Scold, abuse person by ostensibly pointing to someone else
In AD 828, two Venetian merchants stole the body of St Mark from a monastery in Alexandra, ostensibly transporting it under layers of pork fat co conceal it from Muslim guards.
An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.
Presidents and prime ministers from a score of rich and emerging economies will descend on Washington, DC, ostensibly to remake the rules of global finance.
Besides, the temptation of God, perjury, sacrilege, and simony are bad habits which are ostensibly religious but substantially blasphemous.
Ostensibly to bail out the newspaper industry but also to foster a life-long habit of learning.
Notice that the copy dialog in Figure 24-5 also has a Cancel button. Ostensibly, this satisfies requirement number four, that there be a way to cancel the operation.
Ostensibly or superficially attractive but lacking substance or conviction
But then the “Party of Martyrdom” might not feel it needs to bring down any more towers of capitalism since those ostensibly in charge have done such a cracking demolition job themselves.
Banter is ostensibly against politeness principle,but actually it presents polite communicative intention by impolite utterances,aiming to boost interpersonal harmony.
The striking thing about the insurgency now is how decentralised it has become, especially compared with the ostensibly monolithic Taliban government that existed until 2001.
Electrodes were inserted into parts of their brains, ostensibly because it could help to heal them.
New requirements for media reporting in the area have been imposed and checks stepped up.Some of the hardest hit areas are now blocked off to the media, ostensibly for safety reasons.
While taxpayers should not be fiduciaries of ostensibly private banks, their monies surely entitle them to boardroom representation.
Ostensibly a struggle between the schools of Locke and Kant, after 2200 years it still pretty much came down to Aristotle versus Plato.
ostensibly detection
Ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of his time on the beach.
Ostensibly he is on a business trip, but he spends most of the time on the beach.
Ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of the time on the beach.
表面上他是因公外出, 实际上大部分的时间都是在海浜。
an investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views
ostensibly convert
ostensibly convert to orthodoxy
Ostensibly the renminbi is pegged against a basket of other currencies.
Ostensibly, what rookie mistake prevents Anders from shooting down the Cylon Raider with which he has an eye-to-eye moment?
Ostensibly, It just a animation for the Kid.But there is some Profound truth hide in the surface.
Troops were sent in, ostensibly to protect the civilian population.
Ostensibly these things are uncontrollable, episodic, but this sort of "chain reaction" phenomenon has prompted us to take an interest, which reflect deep-seated reasons.
Those products, driven by consumer demand, ostensibly combine a good blend of low cost and high value, so why not apply the same process to cars?
These include “safeguards” which pop up and down as imports surge and recede, and a bewildering array of sanitary and “phytosanitary” standards aimed ostensibly at keeping out pests and disease.
These measures reduce the supply of land, ostensibly to prevent a speculative actual demand expansion purposes.
The move is a bold one, since the certificate is ostensibly in addition to all the price cuts and incentives already on the table at Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep.
It's an 80-story residential tower with revolving floors, ostensibly set for construction in Dubai this fall.
This man, a better Christian in all but the dogmatic sense of the word, than almost any of the ostensibly Christian sovereigns who have since reigned, persecuted Christianity.
This time each of the women watched the muffin joke being told on videotape by a person who was ostensibly going to be working with her on a task.
So the citified style was ostensibly imitated in these "new" buildings.Actually, their inherent tradition, and rural life were never infected by those changes occurred on architectures.
This has obviously grown into a fashion ostensibly following the sensible perception, but which in truth simply generates illusiveness and is by no means sustainable or ecological.
The reason is simple : a lack of fairness, justice and caring community even in ostensibly harmony, but also necessarily mask a fierce contradictions, one day to the volcanic eruption.
Now foreign companies are ostensibly welcome to participate as the state begins to cautiously privatise parts of its rail assets.
An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.
He did it ostensibly for love, but really for money.