n.古代礼拜堂的前廊,教堂前厅n. 古代礼拜堂的前廊, 教堂前厅
Noun1. portico at the west end of an early Christian basilica or church
2. a vestibule leading to the nave of a church
名词 narthex:
portico at the west end of an early Christian basilica or church
a vestibule leading to the nave of a church
narthex[ 'nɑ:θeks ]n.portico at the west end of an early Christian basilica or churcha vestibule leading to the nave of a church
Subgen. Narthex
n. 巨茴亚属
Ferula narthex
[医] 纳香阿魏
"Nave: Main part of a Christian church, extending from the entrance (the narthex) to the transept or chancel (area around the altar)."
中堂: 基督教教堂的中央部分,从入口处(前廊)扩展到耳堂或圣坛(祭坛周围地区)。
"Nave: Main part of a Christian church, extending from the entrance (the narthex) to the transept or chancel (area around the altar)."
"Narthex: Long, narrow porch, usually colonnaded or arcaded, crossing the entire width of a church at its entrance."
前廊: 教堂入口处,与教堂整个宽度一样长的狭窄走廊,通常有廊柱或拱顶。
" Narthex: Long, narrow porch, usually colonnaded or arcaded, crossing the entire width of a church at its entrance."
10.At the east end of the nave is the vaulted sanctuary apse and at the west end a great narthex or vestibule, beyond which an exonarthex opens to the forecourt, or atrium.
The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.
The central part of a church,extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.
A Christian church building of a similar design, having a nave with a semicircular apse, two or four side aisles, a narthex, and a clerestory.
A Christian church building of a similar design,having a nave with a semicircular apse,two or four side aisles,a narthex,and a clerestory.
Christian church building of a similar design, having a nave with a semicircular apse, two or four side aisles, a narthex, and a clerestory.