adj.该死的,混账的(尤用于生气或恼火时)adj. <英俚>该死的动词eff的现在分词形式
名词复数: effigies |
动词 eff:
have sexual intercourse with
同义词:roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk
eff[ 'efiŋ ]v.have sexual intercourse with
同义词:roll in the haylovemake outmake lovesleep withget laidhave sexknowdo itbe intimatehave intercoursehave it awayhave it offscrewfuckjazzhumplie withbedhave a go at itbangget it onbonk
"Ef you doan care 'bout how folks talks 'bout dis fainbly, Ah does," she rumbled.
"Well, 'twouldn' do no hahm ef you wuz ter faint now an' den," advised Mammy.
A major yawn, but hear me out because this stuff is effing cool.
The EF measured by 2DE and LVA was significantly different (P<0.05), but there were no significant difference between EF measured by 3DE and LVA (P>0.05).
Cardial function and construct about EF LV LA excel evidently the control group,case of E/A<1 is less than that of the control group in 6 months.
6 个月行心脏彩超检查,EF、LV、LA显著优于对照组,E/A<1的例数少于对照组。
The genotypes of the ACE and CMA were not correlated with LVDd, LVDs and EF.
AFM was my initial impression of managment: another effing meeting.
"Systolic wall thickening score index (SWTI) had similar improements as EF both at rest and at peak dobutamine (-9% and -12%, respectiely;p < 0.0001)," Dr.
EF obviou sly fell (P<0.01) and CTR and LVMI rose strikingly (P<0.05) in CHF cases ; after treatment, EF increased and CTR and LVMI decreased (P<0 01).
CHF患者与对照组在治疗前比较,EF明显下降(P<0. 01),CTR、LVMI明显增加(P<0 .05),经温阳益气活血利水药治疗后,EF有明显提高,CTR、LVMI均明显下降(P<0 .01)。
CO and SV were significantly lower in the COC group than those in the control group,but HR and EF were not significantly affected.
COC组动物的CO、SV明显低于对照组 (n =6 - 9,P <0 0 5 ) ; 但两组动物的HR、EF没有明显改变。
Ejection fraction (EF) and stroke volume (SV) decreased markedly in DCM.
The infection of EBV has direct or indirect ef fection to some cancer, especially to the cancer of lymphatic hematopoietic system.
EF Education is founded. 1979 EF Education's first school in England is accredited.
EF 英孚教育由此诞生。 1979 EF在英国第一所学校被接受为ARELS会员。
How we began: EF Education was founded in 1965 by a young Swedish entrepreneur named Bertil Hult.
EF 英孚教育的未来: EF 英孚教育的未来应运而生。
Under dobutamine treatment, the EF (ejection fraction) was 39%.
EF has been establishing a network of Cambridge ESOL exam centers at EF schools worldwide to deliver EFCELT along with Cambridge ESOL certificates.
EF remains committed to breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography by providing the highest quality educational experiences.
EF Magazine always welcomes student work and feedback!
EF has been in China for more than 10 years and established over 70 schools across China. EF was elected as No. 1 language training brand by Sina in 2005.
EF, E/A,CcR were lowest in three groups.
EH组的E/A比值、LVMI、CAPR、IMT 、CAD,CcR较DM组明显高(p<0.01),而MAU和 EF值较DM组降低(p<0.01)。
In addition, whereas LTS is designed only as LINQ to SQL,EF presents many other constructs (for example, ESQL and provider independence) as well as LINQ to Entities.
The correlations between MRI and LVG for EDV,ESV and EF were 0.94,0.96 and 0.96 respectively(P<0.001).
However, EDV, ESV, SV, and MM were overestimated with MSCT compared to MRI, while EF was underestimated in MSCT.
TNF had a parallel relationship with LVMI,end-diastolic volume(EDV) and end-systolic volume(ESV),but a negative relationship with left ventricular ejection fraction(EF).
TNF与LVM I、左室舒张期末容积(EDV)及收缩期末容积(ESV)正相关,与左心室射血分数(EF)负相关。
Unlike LTS, EF is designed specifically for large enterprise applications, where a DBA team is in control of your database schema.
Compared with the effort that all of you have contributed to EF in the past several years, the six months I have worked for EF is really short.
SVI &EF of the reservation group improved more obviously than the non-reservation group.
We acknowledge receipt of your Mail heque, $100,000,in settlement ef the charges on the consignment, fnd pass this sumyo yorur credit, with best p thanks.
Interactive Features: Talk to English language experts from EF in our weekly forum.
The conditions,the processes and the results of test of adding Mg-Fe ball in EF production as slag-making material in No.1 Steel Making Plant of TISCO were introduced.
Continuously Annealing Stove of Copper Tube Roller-Bottom Style Micoxidation from Arom America EF corporation.
They wouldn't let him mess around with the radio so he started effing and blinding.
They wouldn't let him mess around with the radio so he started effing and blinding and threw their books on the floor.
His novel is really a fine ef f ort .
Now it's your turn to talk! EF students and teachers share their stories.
The ef fect of erosion varies with soil type and depth.
The outpouring of support through donations, vigils, and individual initiatives, from around the EF world, has been very moving.
Product: Hult International Business School (an EF owned business school)Main Responsibilities: 1. Formulation o...... ...
Product: Hult International Business School (an EF owned business school)Main Responsibilities: 1. Formulation of recrui...... ...
The relationship between PRA,AngII,ALD,ANF,EN,NEN ,DA and EF,CI were analyzed.
The analytical results show that the high-content aromatic hydrocarbon of products will pollute environment and reduce the working ef ficiency of eng...
Let's called it bloody Monday since things are terribly going wrong and effing right together today.
Welcome to EF, English will chang our life.
Compared: with group routine therapy ,HR were reduced significantly(P<0.05) and EDD,SV, EF, CO were increased significantly in group carvedilol(P<0.01).
卡维地洛组HR较常规治疗组有显著降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而其它指标均较常规治疗组有非常显著改善 (P <0 .0 1)。
Additionally, where EF has LINQ to Entities, which is similar in design to LTS, EF also has Entity SQL and a strong provider model.
Another negative attribute of the Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro Lens is its slow focus speed.
She beat Liukin in the EF and won the gold medal for the uneven bar.
The analysis of EF (ecological footprint) is a new method of quantitative study of sustainable development, which can quantify human impact on natural ecosystem.
It is found that the powder size and the powder surface treatment have obvious effects on the static elastic modulus and compressive strength, and few ef...
There was a lot of effing and blinding going on.
A: Oh, I know there is a famous English school called"EF", you can go there to take a look.
EF Group.We come from Italy,Logistic is our passion!
EF International Academy in Brisbane is a candidate school for the Diploma Programme, pursuing authorization as IB World School.
Foreign Perspective: EF teachers and staff are from all over the world! Read about their interests, dreams, families, and their lives in China.
Figure 12-4 shows additional UI functionality, which is another differentiator for EF.
This support for complex scenarios is exemplified by the EF user interface seen in Figure 12-3.
And the mRNA expression of IL-6R in AEF group was remarkably lower than that in EF group on 9 PBD.
在烧伤后第 9天 ,AEF组IL - 6RmRNA明显低于EF组。
Chihiro is the younger twin sister of Kei Shindo from Ef: The First Tale. and the main heroine of the third chapter in the story.
At the heart of the system is the EF lens mount, which replaced the previous FD lens mount.
The EF Berthing Mechanism (EFBM) is a mechanism that connects the EF to the PM.
She said the results of I-PRESERVE echo those of the CHARM-PRESERVED and PEP-CHF in demonstrating no benefit of add-on ARBs in patients with HF and a preserved EF.
If an EF lens is not autofocusing correctly with a calibrated camera, the circuitry of the lens itself can be adjusted.
If you possess the above quality, you are the exact person we are looking for! Join EF, you will join one of the world's most dynamic companies!
If the same error occurs,try rebooting the system so that the driver creationchanges take ef?fect and the system clears.
如果出现同样 的错误,则重新启动系统,以使创建的驱动程序生效,系统清除。
Rocco felt in love with this bean beg that I brought back from a work event and he loves to take afternoon nap on it.So effing cute, right?
Canon EF 28mm F/1.8 USM Lens. EXCELLENT 5d 40d 50d 1ds Film ...
The equivalent environment index (I), environmental factor (EF), and environmental loading (ELV) are clearly de-fined, respectively.
Educational EF Magazine maintains a strong academic focus in every issue.
The result shows that this reinforced system is very ef f ective and greater maximus compressive strength can be reoched with more lagers of the composite wraps.
Wah's Words of Wisdom: Ask EF's Wah Chen about your problems with friends, school, or family. Wah can help!
Thew enormousa increase ef population will create many problems.
In parallelogram ABCD, two adjacent sides' ratio is 2:5.Perimeter=28cm.BE.CF bisect angleABC and angle BCD to meet E,F on AD respectively.Length of EF is?
Improving measures and suggestions were brought forward to establish a vitalized and competitive mechanism with low cost and high ef...
EF) Slow death regulation and control mechanism and the action segment of cell delay.
Ef: When asked about how the training programme was going, Lucy responded,"So far, so good".
On the aspect of EF,53.98% in treatment group were morethan that in control group (48.41%,P<0.01).
心脏彩色多普勒超声心动图射血分数(EF)治疗组治疗前48.41%,治疗后53.98%,P<0.01,对照组治疗前48.54%,治疗后51.81%,P<0.01。 治疗组未见不良反应。
ESV, EDV and PAFR had significantly decreased(P<0.001), EF and PER significantly increased(P<0.001), PRFR and PRFR PAFR had no significant differences after treatment(P>0.05).
Ef you buy me a ticket ter Tara, Ah sho be glad ter git home. Ah sho be glad ter see Miss Ellen and Mist' Gerald agin.
A fool always comez short ef his reckon-ing.
EF has over 27,000 employees, teachers and volunteers, with offices and schools in over 50 countries.