Chad是什么意思   Chad怎么读

英式:[tʃæd]    美式:[tʃæd]


n.乍得湖(非洲中北部)(在乍得、尼日尔、尼日利亚、喀麦隆等国接界处)(计)孔屑; 乍得[非洲]





1. a small piece of paper that is supposed to be removed when a hole is punched in a card or paper tape

chad[ tʃæd ]n.a small piece of paper that is supposed to be removed when a hole is punched in a card or paper tapea lake in north central Africa; fed by the Shari river

同义词:Lake chad

a landlocked desert republic in north-central Africa; was under French control until 1960

同义词:Republic of chadTchad

a family of Afroasiatic tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake chad in north central Africa

同义词:chadicchadic language



They crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Africa, where they stopped in Senegal, Chad, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

他们跨过大西洋到达非洲, 并在非洲的塞内加尔 、 乍得 、 苏丹和埃塞俄比亚进行了停留.

And they were talking about scholarships, while Jason and Chad were , like, serving me.

他们还提到奖学金来着, 然后杰森跟查德就在边上, 那个, 服侍我.

In a refugee camp in Chad, Sudanese refugees prepare the mihaya, a traditional healing drink.

在乍得的一个难民营里, 苏丹难民准备一种传统的治疗饮品——米哈雅.

Chad : Hey baby, are you here alone?

嗨,宝贝, 你一个人 吗 ?

Chad : We just had another team meeting.


Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music.


A unique camera angle an elephant's trunk approaching a waterhole in Zakouma National Park, Chad.

在乍得扎库玛国家公园, 独特的拍摄角度拍到了这张大象的鼻子接近水井的图片.

In Chad as well as in Djibouti, French forces are close to the peacekeepers'front line.

在乍得和吉布提, 法国维和部队靠近维和前线.

Chad Reissig atHopkins University in Balti more , Maryland, is a medical researcher who studies drug dependence.


Mr. Soungui . Ahmed ambassador of Chad Embassy in China opening statement.


Chad Bingham Jr. killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.


Chad: Hey, gotta see this dude play baseball.


Chad became an independent Republic.


Chad , the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community.

1958年, 刚果共和国的乍得和加蓬国成为法兰西共和体内的自治共和国.

There is, of course, no sign of the romance between Chad and Mamie.



Sri Lanka, Chad, Iraq and Pakistan also have had many cases of violence against aid workers.

斯里兰卡, 乍得湖, 伊拉克和巴基斯坦也有很多关于暴力袭击医疗援助人士的事件.

Embassy of Republic of Chad?


Chad? Chad is one of 10 poorest countries in the world.

查德—查德 是全球排名前10名最贫穷的国家之一.

Chad : Yo! Team voted you the game ball, captain!

唷! 队里投票决定把得胜球给你, 队长.

Chad : Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?

哇哦. 好吧, 那你拍一段视频回来我们看得了.

Lake Chad Basin is the largest inland lake.


Chad accused Sudan of " exporting the genocide " from its Darfur region over the border.


In 1958, the African nation of Chad became an autonomous republic within the French community.

1958年, 非洲国家乍得成为法国共同体下的自治共和国.

People , like Paster Chad Huebner, hope it will help in the battle with obesity.

像PCH的人们, 希望它在人们和肥胖的战斗中起到帮助.

Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.




In 1958, the African nation of Chad became an autonomous republic within the French community.


From 6-18 January 2005, 8 cases of meningococcal disease have been reported from Brejing, Treijing and Farchana refugee camps in northern Chad (see previous report).


Andie and myself would do a new Mansun tour and album anytime, Chad doesn't want to so all the fans will have to petition him.


Now covered in circular red welts, Chad pronounces his neck pain completely gone.


Zoey owes a favor that she knows she can't refuse.Is she making amends...or walking into a trap?Chad is missing a key piece of his past.


"If someone is disrespectful to a girl, I like to take care ofher ," says Chad.


The Seekers were at the head of the acoustic folk-rock division, right there with Peter &Gordon and Chad &Jeremy.


"This could bring an extra whiff of realism to the internet," said Chad Raube, director of internet services at Telewest Broadband.


"I need 1-2 days to consider the time," said Pu Lite Chad, "I have not sat down and carefully consider the pros and cons.


A body is found in Sudan believed to be that of a missing French soldier from the EU Force in Chad.


For three weeks, night after night, Chad painstakingly made 35 valentines.


"If I'm about five minutes late for a class, when I walk in and look up, at least three quarters of the seats in my class are filled with girls," says junior Chad Nelson.


The European Union had just begun deploying a peacekeeping force along Chad's border with Sudan when the rebel incursion started last week.


Chad:No.he is a famous moviemaking.


The nucleic acid sequences of the cDNA were 92% to 93.3% homologous to the Indian and Burmese strains, 90.7% and 77.4% homologous to Chad and Mexican strains. The ORF2 of HEV is relatively stable between the Asian strains.

与印度株和缅甸株的同源性在 92%以上 ,而与乍得和墨西哥株的同源性分别为 90 .7%和 77.4%。

The World Food Programme feeds people in countries including Chad, Uganda and Ethiopia, but reaches a fraction of its estimate of850 m people suffering from hunger.


Chad: Legends, one and all. But do you think that any of these Wildcat legends became legends by getting involved in musical auditions days before the league championships?


China and Chad have re-established diplomatic relations after the Central African nation agreed to sever ties with Taiwan.


Central African Republic: Prefectures Haute-Kotto, Vakaga, Haute-Mbomou,Bamingui-Bangoran, Ouhan, Ouhan-Pande, Nana-Mambere, Haute-Sangha and Sangha. Remaining borders with Chad and Sudan.


To keep up with that demand, Chinese oil companies have begun to invest billions of dollars in oil-rich states such as Nigeria, Chad and Angola.


To date48 African countries have paid due obeisance to Beijing: Chad, Senegal and Liberia are the latest to have abandoned their recognition of Taiwan.


Gretsch Jacqueline.McKenzie Chad.

主要演员: Joel.

Embassy of Republic of Chad?


Embassy of Republic of Chad??


Chad's army has been engaged in fierce fighting with rebel forces which it says are backed by Sudan.


President Idriss Deby says Chad is re-evaluating relations with Sudan after fighting with rebels in eastern Chad late last week.


Chad's President Idriss Deby Itno ordered the foreign oil firms ChevronTexaco and Petronas to leave the country from Sunday for non-payment of taxes.


Chad accused Sudan of "exporting the genocide" from its Darfur region over the border.


Chad has accused Sudan of backing its rebels -- a charge that Khartoum denies.


The government of Chad has accused Sudan of bombing four towns close to their joint boarder, creating panic and destroying homes. Sudan has dismissed the allegation as propaganda.


Chad's New President Idriss Deby arrived in Paris on the 12th for a visit.


Chad has seen Michael's future and now takes it upon himself to guide and nudge Michael along his path.


The hand of a man, killed in fighting between rebels and government forces, is seen in the back of a truck in Chad's capital city.


Joaquin Phoenix Chad Aaron Ernie.


The drying of Lake Chad, the judge said, was “far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and overgrazing, and regional climate variability”.


Mr. Negroponte leaves Sudan for Chad Monday. He will also visit Libya and Mauritania.


Large and populated nations like Brazil, India, Egypt, and Nigeria exist side by side with small countries like Paraguay , Nepal, Jordan, and Chad.


This year in May, the United Nations children's charity, UNICEF and the government of Chad signed an accord to help demobilize child soldiers throughout the country.


Since early 2005, the Foundation has been employing two part-time developers, Chad Perrin and Brion Vibber.

从2005年初开始,基金会雇佣了两名兼职的开发者,Chad Perrin和Brion Vibber。

They crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Africa, where they stopped in Senegal, Chad, Sudan, and Ethiopia.


It is suggested that Chad will return home to marry Mamie Pocock and continue in the family business: advertising.


He should consider a match with IBF light heavyweight champion Chad Dawson, himself a fighter in need of a quality opponent and attention-grabbing win.


Chad Reissig at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is a medical researcher who studys drunk studies drug dependence.


He says the ICC is also monitoring the deteriorating humanitarian conditions along the CAR's northern border with Chad and Sudan.


He says Chad's army has been trying to secure the refugee camps, and the effort has weakened its ability to defend the rest of the country against rebels.


He says people from Chad, Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia and others are fleeing to escape war at home.


Chad Reissig at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is a medical researcher who study studies drug dependsdependence.


Chad Reissig at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is A a medical researcher who studies drug dependence.


Chad Reissig at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is a medical researcher who studies drug dependence.


Chad: Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.


But conservationists have warned that ivory poaching is soaring in conflict areas including Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where rebel armies are using money from tusks to buy weapons.


The council's investigators had to glean this from refugees in Chad and elsewhere, as they were denied visas to visit Sudan.


But of the four, three were referred by the governments themselves (Uganda, Chad and the Central African Republic), and the fourth, Sudan, was referred by the Security Council.


Chad: Do you know something about this, small person?


Herds of such kills are piling up on the borders of one of the elephants' last central African strongholds, Chad's Zakouma National Park, according to a disturbing new report.


People, like Paster Chad Huebner, hope it will help in the battle with obesity.


Karen went to the dance with Chad, but all the while she was thinking about Jim.


The Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) requires 35 days, Ethiopia 33 and Chad, Ivory Coast and Niger 32.


Joining Dr.Kinay and Carl Ettensperger as co-hosts of the reception will be fellow Dellis Cay architects Piero Lissoni and Chad Oppenheim.


A number of countries, including Chad and Benain are reported to express disque about the text and it's important to point out that their resolution is limited in its scope.


Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang canceled a trip to Chad Sunday after Taipei severed diplomatic ties with the country upon learning of Chad's plans.


The various “peace processes” to try to resolve the conflict have repeatedly foundered on a mixture of government intransigence and intrigue, rebel divisions and foreign meddling, notably by Chad.


The various “peace processes” to try to resolve the conflict have repeatedly foundered on a mixture of government intransigence and intrigue rebel divisions and foreign meddling notably by Chad.


Just as important, the UN, probably with NATO support, could operate out of Chad to enforce a no-fly zone over Darfur.


BRIAN JACKSONTracy McGrady lived with Darfur's displaced people in Chad where he heard the refugees' tragic stories in their own words.


Chad: Yo! Team voted you the game ball, captain!


Khartoum denies it is behind that rebellion and says Sudan is ready to fight rebels it says are backed by Chad.


Chad: Hey baby, are you here alone?


The ties were cut in 1997 when Chad recognized Taiwan as a nation.


A unique camera angle captures an elephant's trunk approaching a waterhole in Zakouma National Park, Chad.


In southern Chad, refugees from the Central African Republic have also had their shipments limited.


The famous terms “dimpled” and “hanging” chad are associated with interpreting ballots in which election?


In the bookstore opposite the fountain is the story of Lake Chad, the silent lizards, the gorgeous gamboge tints.


The kit was tested in Chad, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Jamaica, Guyana, Maldives and Iraq before being launched.


He just returned from a two-week trip to Darfur, Chard (Chad) and the Democratic Republic of Congo with a UN peacekeeping of official.


At the other end of the scale, war-smitten Somaliais worst, barely beaten by Congo,Chad and Sudan.


Diplomats in Khartoum said Hu's position on Darfur could be linked to Chinese concerns about Sudan's stability, as well as that of neighboring Chad.


Chad: The small round pieces of paper waste produced during the production of punched paper tape and punch cards.


It gathers six countries of central Africa, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Chad.


Chad Lowe portrays David Call, the husband of a missing woman whose alibi is starting to unravel, making him the prime suspect.



A petroglyph emerges from the sands of the Sahara in chad.

Currently, France has 1200 soldiers stationed in chad.