名词: cosigner | 动词过去式: cosigned | 动词过去分词: cosigned | 动词现在分词: cosigning | 动词第三人称单数: cosigns |
Noun1. ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
名词 cosine:
ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
cosine[ 'kəusain ]n.ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle同义词:cos
Aim To study some calculation formula of sine function and cosine function.
The source code simulates BER of OFDM system implemented using discrete cosine transform.
At last use the cosine function computing the similar degree, and implement the spam filtering.
Let's now examine the simplest wave from where the profile is a sine or cosine curve.
Thetheory includes Euler angular algorithm, direction cosine algorithm, quaternion algorithm and rotation vector algorithm.
基本理论包括欧拉角算法 、 方向余弦算法 、 四元数算法和等效旋转矢量算法.
There are sine cosine complete source code of the image can be used directly.
Discrete Cosine Transform and image compression.
Must compensate for the cosine effect.
In the flowing, an iterative channel estimation method using discrete cosine transform is proposed.
在此基础上, 利用离散余弦变换的特性,提出了一种基于DCT变换 的迭代信道估计算法.
The cosine rather than the sine is customarily used in this case.
Secondly, the level of cosine transform coding some of the improvements.
Each module was an arithmetical command such as add, subtract, multiply, cosine, sine.
每一个组件都是一种算数指令,诸如加 、 减 、 乘 、 余弦 、 正弦.
Cosine transform is widely adopted in image, video compression and pattern recognition.
We have also studied the variance spectral configuration of surfacefield using DCT ( Discrete Cosine Transform ).
并采用了离散余弦转换( DCT ) 对其方差的波谱结构进行了讨论.
For sinusoidal waveforms, equal to the cosine of angle of phase difference between voltage and current.
对于正弦波来说, 功率因子等于电压、电流位相差的余弦.
Formulas of inversion and cosine transform spectrum of gravity anomaly cylinderfinite stretched staircase were deduced.
Besides, the relations among alldemonstrated by calculating the cosine value.
A digital map watermarking algorithm based on discrete cosine transform ( DCT ) is presented.
设计了一个基于 DCT 的数字地图水印算法.
This paper studies the grating projective images compression technology based on Discrete Cosine Transformation ( DCT ).
文中研究了基于离散余弦变换的光栅 投影图 的压缩.
Familiar UWB pulses are introduced firstly, including Gaussian pulse, rise cosine pulse, etc.
首先研究了传统的超宽带脉冲的特性, 包括高斯脉冲 、 升余弦脉冲等.
A linearization method to design biorthogonal cosine BCM filter banks is proposed.
A linearization method to design biorthogonal cosine modulation ( BCM ) filter banks is proposed.
摘要介绍了一种用于设计双正交余弦调制 滤波器组 的线性化方法.
This procedure realize orthogonal transformation images, including Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, Walsh transform.
本程序实现图像的正交变换, 包括傅立叶变换, 离散余弦变换, 沃尔什变换.
This paper presents an information hiding algorithm in Discrete Cosine Transform ( DCT ) domain.
提出一种在图像离散余弦变换 ( DCT ) 域内的信息隐藏算法.
The confidence level and uncertainty limit of cosine of uniform R.V. (8).
Classical image source code, images of the orthogonal transformation, Fourier, discrete cosine transform, such as complete source code can be used directly.
Study and Verification of Raised-root cosine filter, half-band filter, CIC filter on multi-design tools.
4:利用多种工具对raised-root cosine filter, half-band filter ,CIC filter进行设计、验证。
Cos() returns the cosine of the arg parameter.
The Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) is one of the most widely used digital compression techniques for multimedia.
DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform离散余弦变换 )是目前应用最为广泛的多媒体数据压缩技术之一 .
Discrete cosine transformation (DCT) is the most frequent operation in coding and decoding standards as H.261, H.263, MPEG_1 and MPEG_2 and so on.
H. 263、MPEG_1以及MPEG_2等视频编解码标准中 ,运行频率最高的运算是离散余弦变换(DCT)。
MPEG2 also uses the discrete cosine transform,which takes images and finds their frequency and then compresses any repetitive frequencies.
MPEG2 also uses the discrete cosine transform, which takes images and finds their frequency and then compresses any repetitive frequencies.
YU Pin-neng.FFT and FPT hybrid algorithm for 2- D discrete cosine transform[J].Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 1994,29(4) :468 - 473.
Is a mathematical function that returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified angle, in radians, in the specified expression.
Hey,that she is going to see my cosin.
A Sort of Raise Cosine Filter Design
A subroutine that returns the value of a single variable, and that usually has a single exit, for example, subroutines that compute mathematical functions, such as sine, cosine, logarithm, or that compute the maximum of a set of numbers.
For the first one, the discrete ZAK transform and Raised cosine FIR filter are used to design time-frequency well-localized pulse shaping filters for OFDM/OQAM systems.
The Cosine Law of General Closed Planar Broken Line
What is the function of a cosine phase shifter?
The important influence factors to TCMF are due to the difference of the main contents of TCM, the Cosin method is better for similarity evaluation than Correlation method.
In order to discuss the rationality of various warping displacement modes, second-degree parabola, cubic parabola, fourth-degree parabola and cosine function are selected respectively.
To improve document clustering, a document similarity measure based on cosine vector and keywords frequency in documents is proposed, but also with an input ontology.
The conventional radar signal processing is used to the chirp coherent CO2 ladar in this paper. The match filter with cosine weight is presented for the signal process.
A novel video coding algorithm based on adaptive blocking regional wavelet transform and dis-crete cosine transform is described in this paper.
In order to increase the shooting times and shooting effects and on the analysis of the human soccer tape extraordinary technology, this paper introduce cosine curve into the goal line of robot.
What about sine and cosine function?
The relationship between gradient loaded effect and parameters have been deducted theoretically and verified experimentally.The application of cosine gradient loaded columns has been studied.
This example uses the Cos function to return the cosine of an angle.
The angle displacement of tested body is confirmed with the method of direction cosine, the mathematical model of angle displacement is established.
The product of the effective values of the voltage and current with the cosine of the phase angle between current and voltage in an alternating-current circuit.
The cosine analysis revealed that the rhythms were delayed in acrophase or even disappeared after the irradiation.
In practice, the Cosine measure is considered as the best model for document similarity search because of its good ability to measure similarity between two documents.
Cosine similarity is a good reflection of vector's similarity, and it also reflect the variations of vector's elements.
The method of round or adjustment curve suruey and design is laying geometer out the angle bisector according to cosine the ormern.
On A Group of Identical Equation of Cosine Function
On a group of identity of sine and cosine function
On some identities of sine and cosine functions
The pressure hydrophone array manifold can be divided into two subarray manifolds, which constitute a rotation pair, and the rotational invariant factors comprise the source's direction cosine.
English astronomer and mathematician who invented a surveying chain, quadrant, and scale and introduced the trigonometric terms cosine and cotangent.
The acosh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
The cos() function returns the cosine of a number.
Solving and Measuring Parameters by Cosine Law
By the analysing method of direction cosine matrix ,we set up motion analysing model of spherical gear and fluted disc of this gear, thus provide the theoretical basis for control system design of actuating mechanism.
With the use of the properties of the second Chebyshev polynomial,a group of interesting identity of sine and cosine function is obtained.
Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the actie power( kW) and apparent power( kA) in a circuit.
Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the active power( kW) and apparent power( kVA) in a circuit.
The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number.
The inverse hyperbolic cosine is the value whose hyperbolic cosine is number, so ACOSH(COSH(number)) equals number.
IMDCT Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
Meanwhile, many video compression standards such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 employ DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) and IDCT(Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform) in coding and decoding.
同时,许多视频压缩标准如MPEG-1和MPEG-2等均采用离散余弦变换(DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform)及离散余弦反变换(IDCT: Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform)进行编解码。
The voltage induced in series with the loop is proportional to the area and the cosine of its angle to the field.
Since each pixel is positioned exactly where each cosine wave has a peak where the cosine value is "one," multiplying by one is unnecessary.
因为各个映像点确切地被安置各个余弦波浪有余弦价 值是" 一个的一个峰顶的地方, "乘以一个是多余的。
As is well known, the EM field of TE11 mode at the wall of the circular waveguide changes as sine (or cosine) function azimuthally.
Data correlation coefficients were calculated and switch regions were analyzed by using two dimension discrete cosine transform (DCT) in ray-space data compression.
In this paper,a Modified Discrete Cosine Transformation algorithm is provided,based on the analysis of the principle of AAC encoder in accord with the DRM standard,and this algorithm is implemented based on PC.
The delivering of picture information will code with the long-lost cosine(DCT).
Based on the steepest descent method,we present an efficient numerical method for computing the sine and cosine transform in resistivity measure,and present theoretical analysis of the error bound.
In this paper, we use a class of cosine modulated filterbank (CMFB) with approximately reconstruction property for subband adaptive filtering.
The authors suggested that the cosine model could be instead of cir-cular distribution method in the analysis of disease peak period.
Then compressing image and comparing the reconstruction image"s MSE value used the discrete cosine transform, wavelet transform, walsh-hadamard transform and cellular automata transform.
In part 2, the cosine series windows with good detectability are introduced.
The cosine rather than the sine is customarily used in this case.
Finite point matrix method based on cosine spline
Theblock-based discrete cosine transform (DCT) is a fundamental component of manyinternational image and video compression standards.
Discrete Cosine Transform-Based ECG Data Compession by Template.
The Fourier series of an odd function contains no cosine terms.
The IMCOS(string) returns the cosine of a complex number.
The quality of Anshen bunao syrup was evaluated by the correlation,cosine of the angle and extent similarity of ten batches,combined with the numerical similarity.
The principle of V.29 modem is researched carefully, and the algorithms of the scrambler, the 16QAM codec, the raise cosine roll-off filter, the descrambler and other modules are realized in C language.
For the SAR raw data, the dissertation mainly discusses data compression algorithms in the transform domain, such as, algorithms based on the lifting wavelet transform or discrete cosine transform(DCT).
For sinusoidal waveforms, it is equal to the cosine of the angle of phase difference between voltage and current.
HPLC curves was treated as vector of hyperspace, the similarity between them was calculated by using the cosine value of the angle between them.
Comparing to the DCT(discrete cosine transform), the realizing of DWT(discrete wavelet transform) is more complex, so solving the fast calculating of DWT is vej-y significative to use widely DWT.
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) is introduced to solve discrete Poisson equation which has Neumann boundary condition.Phase unwrapping results are obtained under least-squares method meaning.
Quality Weight Based Discrete Cosine Transform Phase Unwrapping Algorithm in Optical Interferogram Processing[J].
引用该论文 朱勇建,栾竹,孙建锋,阳庆国,刘立人.
Modulation Instability of Fiber Bragg Gratings with Raised Cosine Apodization[J].
引用该论文 贾维国,史培明,杨性愉,张俊萍,樊国梁.
When the input power is smaller than the critical power, the beam width takes quasi-periodical diffraction with the Jacobian elliptic sine and elliptic cosine functions.
At zero input reactance of ultrasonic horn,the resonance frequency equation is evaluated,and the magnification coefficient of loaded cosine longitudinal ultras-onic horn calculated.
Direct Calculation: The impulse responses of certain types of FIR filters (e.g. Raised Cosine and Windowed Sinc) can be calculated directly from formulas.
Must compensate for the cosine effect.
We use transform functions to reform symbols distribution and to reduce their correlation.Discrete Sine Transform (DST) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are used in this approach.
Our Cosine Correctors couple to optical fibers and spectrometers for relative and absolute spectral intensity measurements, for emissive color applications, and for evaluation of light sources such as LEDs and lasers.
Because the edge orientation of each block can be estimated in DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) without decompressing, computation complexity declined greatly.
用作名词(n.)The cos() function returns the cosine of a number.