名词复数: scrutinies |
Verb1. to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail;
"he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror"
2. of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify
动词 scrutinise:
to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
同义词:size up, take stock, scrutinize
examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
同义词:audit, scrutinize, inspect
scrutinise[ 'skru:tinaiz ]v.to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
同义词:size uptake stockscrutinize
examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification同义词:auditscrutinizeinspect
MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
They scrutinise unusual items and bring a proprietor's conscientious attitude to bear.
Here the audience can in the displays ; controlling and scrutinise the at their own leisure.
On January 25th America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it would scrutinise the study's results over the next eight months.
People aged 27 are the most image conscious - they scrutinise their looks an average 52 times a day.
"UK Financial Investments - which handles the shareholdings on behalf of the government - will scrutinise them very carefully indeed.We will take a very, very robust view.
During the 1998-99 session, the Legislative Council set up 53 bills committees to scrutinise bills introduced into the council.
The US Treasury should scrutinise banks receiving public capital more closely to ensure the money is being used to support the economy and not hoarded, a watchdog said yesterday.
To scrutinise all expenditure claims submitted thoroughly and compare them against the annual budget and reject any unreasonable expenses.
He has put the company's drugs pipeline on the internet for all to scrutinise and declared his intention to pursue outside collaborations and acquisitions keenly.
It decides whether bills committees or subcommittees should be formed to scrutinise bills and subsidiary legislation which have been introduced into the Legislative Council.
It says doctors should carefully scrutinise such agreements to ensure the interests of their patients are protected.
Some of their favourite techniques were outlined in a report last month by Saurabh Mukherjea, who returned to India from Britain in May to scrutinise stocks for Noble, an investment bank.
On the other side of the ledger, the summiteers declared that they would toughen their existing membership criteria and scrutinise applicants more carefully.
3. Similarly, it may seem obvious that flows of aid should be recorded, so recipients can know what they are getting, and scrutinise it.
As a result, senior Goldman staff appear able to scrutinise the operations of other business units with more freedom than at other banks.
Proposals were voted through at its congress in May approving the setting up of a committee to scrutinise every international transfer for players aged under 18 years old.
AS THE rich world's governments struggle to contain the costs of health care, they are starting to scrutinise the price of drugs.
Here, the audience can participate in the displays;controlling and scrutinise the information at their own leisure.
The City will scrutinise this even more closely than usual for clues about if and when rates will rise again.
The committee normally meets in public on Friday afternoons to scrutinise and approve public expenditure proposals put forward by the Government.
It normally meets in public on Friday afternoons to scrutinise and approve public expenditure proposals put forward by the Government.
The school authorities took no pains to scrutinise these letters, they knew it would be all the same whether we attended or not, so far as educational results were concerned.
PATENT examiners, who scrutinise applications for patents and determine whether they ought to be granted or not, are used to poring over diagrams of complicated contraptions.
Far from getting frustrated at the delay over Tevez's arrival, Sir Alex Ferguson was happy for the Premier League to scrutinise every aspect of the deal.
E-government is no magic bullet, but it gives citizens and lobby groups more power to scrutinise government and highlight waste and dishonesty.
Schwarzenegger said: "Every state agency and department will scrutinise how every penny is spent on contracts to make sure the state is getting the best deal for every taxpayer dollar.
The latest death has prompted police to raid prostitutes' haunts and scrutinise footage from Hong Kong's ubiquitous video cameras.
Sometimes I do this in informal ways over a beer, and sometimes I run actual meetings to scrutinise the details really thoroughly.
WWF questions why CLP is stating a clear preference for the Soko Islands before the public has had a chance to scrutinise the Environmental Impact Assessment report.
They are also forcing banks to become more cost-efficient: to scrutinise the profitability of their various services, and to rationalise cost structures.
It decides whether bills committees or subcommittees should be formed to scrutinise bills and subsidiary legislation that have been introduced into the Legislative Council.
I am sure you will carefully scrutinise the efforts that I have made to enhance the public image of the accountancy profession.
Even Microsoft admits that drawing on the expertise of internet users to scrutinise and improve software has its merits, at least in some cases.
The second European satellite, Herschel, will scrutinise the universe at infra-red wavelengths.
MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
This “deficit of representation” makes it difficult for voters to scrutinise their representatives and for presidents to build stable coalitions.
Given such flux, it is no surprise that they will also scrutinise their relationships, which can susequently become MBAcasualties .
Scrutinise the whole deal and find out how Equine/Abad Naluri was able to acquire 750 acres of prime land in Batu Kawan.Who exactly was the driving force behind the deal?