abbr.ignition 点火; 点燃; immunoglobulin 免疫血球素; inertial guidance 惯性制导abbr.ignition 点火;点燃;immunoglobulin 免疫血球素;inertial guidance 惯性制导
Noun1. a class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates and that function as antibodies in the immune response
名词 ig:
a class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates and that function as antibodies in the immune response
同义词:immunoglobulin, immune serum globulin, immune gamma globulin, immune globulin
ig[ iɡ ]n.a class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates and that function as antibodies in the immune response同义词:immunoglobulinimmune serum globulinimmune gamma globulinimmune globulin
Methods: The kidney of SD rats were transfected with CTLA 4 - Ig gene - recombined adenovirus.
方法以CTLA4 -Ig 基因重组腺病毒为载体,将 CTLA4 -Ig 基因局部转染入SD大鼠肾脏.
IG - 541 automatic mixed gas extinguishing system is a kind of high efficient fire - fighting equipment.
IG -541 混合气体自动灭火系统是一种高效的灭火设备.
The Business Development Manager reports to the IG Group Leadership.
A clea kitche i the ig of a wasted life.
Ig and peptide strengthens dogs immune system and minimize threaten from diseases.
Ig , Ive my seat to an old woman.
Experimental results show that the method is prior to IG, CHI and MI method.
实验结果表明该方法的性能优于信息增益 、 统计量及互信息方法.
Methods: The tumor - bearing mice model was established, then given to Guizhi Fuling Bolus and cyclophosphamide, ig.
方法: 制备荷瘤小鼠动物模型, 桂枝茯苓丸和环磷酰胺分别灌胃,检测小鼠的体重、胸腺指数、脾指数 、 抑瘤率.
We have agreed o all term i the contract. hall we ig it ext week?
People really need help but may attack you ig you do help them. Help people anyway.
Identities of ig 1, rstR , ig 2 gene and RstR of class 、 ET and newET types were 77.0 % ~97.4 %, 10.4 % ~17.9 %, ( 9.6 % ) ~ ( 64.8 % ) , and 9.2 % ~24.1 % differentially.
class、 ET和newET类型ig1 、 rstR和ig2基因序列同源性分别为77.0%~97.4%, 10.4%~17.9%,9.6%~64.8%, RstR 同源性9.2%~24.1%.
F ig . 5 T he average step size as a function of extending vo ltae.
The Ig and TCR gene rearrangements during early lymphoid differentiation generally follow a hierarchical order.
We hook hand after I recognized that he i a ig movie tar.
IG 541 fire suppression laboratory and a equivalent length of pipe fittings measuring system were established.
CdAA increase Ig level clearly. Compared with T3, serum IgA and IgM levels of T2 increased 5.6% (P<0.05), 15.1% (P<0.05) respectively.
Eight cases were MB_2 amd Ig lighe/heavy chains positivein 11 cases of the lympocyte thymomas, and 2 cases were NSE S-100 protein positive, as well as 1 caseof Vimentin FN positive in 3 cases of the mixed thymomas.
11例淋巴细胞型胸腺瘤中,8例为MB_2和免疫球蛋白轻、重链阳性。 3例混合型胸腺瘤中,2例为NSE和S-100蛋白质阳性;
标题: 图2不同颜色浮岩岩性分类及部分主要元素质量分数的对比图 F ig.
1324.Sort a Two-Dimensional Array on Any Elem - This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional arrays.
AGP ip 125~250 mg/kg or ig 400~800 mg/kg could facilitate recoveries of all the above indices.
AGP ip125~250mg/kg或ig400~800mg/kg可促进上述指标的恢复。
LD_(50) of D-108 in mice were 43.7 mg/kg(ip),230.9 mg/kg(sc) and 415.1 mg/kg(ig) by Bliss method.
Bliss法计算,D-108腹腔注射、皮下注射及灌胃的LD50分别是43.7,230.9,415.1 mg/kg。
The 14thday survival rate was significantly higher in CIG than that in IG (85% vs 55%,P<0.05).
CIG组14d存活率85%显著高于IG组5 5% (P <0 .0 5 )。
DNA is an intelligent system: The hypothesis of Intelligentlydesigning life structure by IG.
Methods of HAR included revision of an astomosis (4 cases),placement of AHIG(6 cases)and placement of IG between donor and recipient artery(2 cases).
HAR方法有直接吻合(4例)、供体肝动脉-受体腹主动脉架桥术(aortohepaticinterpositiongraft,AHIG) (6例)、髂动脉架桥术(interpositiongraft,IG) (2例)。
The degradation of Idsatcan be ex- pressed as a function of the product of the gate current( Ig) and the num ber of charges injected into the gate oxide ( Qinj) in a simple power law.
Idsat的退化可以用函数栅电流 ( Ig)乘以注入的栅氧化层电荷数 ( Qinj)的幂函数表达 .
THE IG FARBEN building in Frankfurt has a history.
IG FARBEN这个建筑物在法兰克福有着悠久的历史。
Acute VMC model was made in IG and CIG mice with CVB3 intraperitoneal inoculation. Mice in these two groups were killed in batch 7 days or 14 days after viral inoculation.
Ig gene, recombination signal sequence
IG Parental Control. Make the Internet a safe place.
IG was established in 1978 with New York office as headquarters and branch office in Beijing and Hongkong of China, Paris of France.
The IG Commissar Execute ability no longer stacks.
Ig, complementarity-determining region
VMC model was made in IG and CIG mice with CVB3 intraperitoneal inoculation. Mice in these two groups were killed in batch at the 7th day or 14th day postinfection.
The influence of Penyanqing Granules on the model rats after 20 days of therapeutic ig Penyanqing Granules were observed.
The results show that Ig molecular weight of Amur sturgeon,Chinese sturgeon and Huso sturgeon is 867 kD,896 kD and 924 kD respectively.
Losartan group(losartan 25mg/kg, ig, sid).
PNS干预组(45mg/kg,ig, sid);
sCD40 ligand Ig fusion protein
SDS PAGE showed that the heavy chain and light chain of the eel serum Ig were 68kD and 26kD respectively.
SDS -PAGE分析纯化的Ig ,显示欧洲鳗Ig重链约为 6 8kD、轻链约为 2 6kD。
标题: 图1重心计算联结法聚类分析图 F ig.
TFR 50,100,200 mg/kg ig significantly reduced the contents of PGE_2 in mice cerebrum and 200 mg/kg TFR ig remarkably reduced the PGE_2 contents in mice serum.
TFR50、100和200 mg/kg ig可明显降低小鼠脑组织PGE2含量,200 mg/kg组可降低血清中PGE2含量。
A oftware development tool that a ig hysical addre e to the elocatable rogram roduced y the linker.
Third, the main motive of being evolution is the movement of body structure designed independently by intelligent system (IG) at DNA's level.
To compare with the normal saline control group,Aleppo avens 12? 24? 48g/kg ig can prolong survival time,prolonged rates are 45%(P>0.01)199%(P<0.05)?
The Business Development Manager reports to the IG Group Leadership.
A rectification-type VSCF IG system topology and its voltage control strategy were developed to reduce the converter capacity.
Production ? Logistic: With an investment plan of RMB 20,000,000 over the next two years, IG Gasket Technology is going to cover a key role into the Asian technical rubber items market.
Human's designs would take the proof and choice by natural environment, Intelligent Gene (IG)’s design would take the proof and choice by natural environment either.
From engineering to final check, IG Gasket is able to provide the widest range of services, including an extremely fast delivery of first prototype samples.
Steve Nadis, a writer based in Cambridge, Mass., has recurrent nightmares about winning an Ig Nobel prize in literature.
The Ig & total protein (TP) in CSF of 37 cases of acute cerebrovascular disorders (ACVD) ere assayed.
To observe the anti caries effects of a small dose of the surface protein antigen P1. The SD rats were immunized with P1 CTB and P1 PCG through IN (intrnasal immunization) and IG (intragastric immunization).
作者通过不同的粘膜途径免疫大鼠 ,观察变形链球菌表面蛋白 P1的免疫防龋效果。 将偶联抗原 P1- CTB,P1- PCG经胃肠道 (IG)和鼻腔 (IN)免疫后 ,观察大鼠的患龋情况。
Using the ASTM indicators, measure the thickness of both lites of glass in the IG assembly.
This is the overall IG unit thickness for the assembly being tested.
Fixed issue with IG Priest bonuses stacking improperly.
immunoglobulin(immune globulin, Ig)
Experimental Study of Ig in evaluation of physical fitness to athletes
The application of Ig to health food with nutrition
Detection of the light strain of Ig and the related disease
The heavy (H-) and light (L-) chains of the immunoglobulin are encoded by multigenic loci on separate chromosomes.In different taxa of fish,the Ig genes are organized in different patterns.
Key Words: the theory of evolution; the theory of god create the world; the theory of Intelligentdesigning IG.
KEY WORDS: DNA, intelligent system, universal intelligence, intelligent gene( IG), theory of independent intelligent gene, philosophy, cognitive science.
Their Ig class and subclass were determined as IgG1 and IgG2a respectively.
其抗体类别均为IgG ,亚类分别为IgG1和IgG2a .
It is overhanging curved reinforced concrete truss beam l ig ht scissor structure that a semi-arc decorative tower hat overhung from the su rrounding of the core wall of Beijing Zhongyu Mansion.
To assist the Director of Business Development &Marketing and the International Group (IG) in developing short and long term business plans and strategies in China market.
Just Wednesday, the IG Metall union, which had been seeking a raise of 7 percent to 8 percent, reached a scaled-down deal with German employers for an increase of 4.2 percent spread over 18 months.
A clea kitche i the ig of a wasted life.
This IG line is suitable to various kinds of Low-E, stepped and conventional IG units as well as over-longer size of IG units.
If nothing else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator.
If nothing.else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator.
The rat with chronic hepatic injury induced by CCl 4 were treated with Ganbonin ig in the doses of 2.31g/kg,0.77g/kg,0.26g/kg per day for 45 consecutive days respectively.
Expands network, management, and professional capabilities through membership and participation in professional organizations as identified and approved by the Director and IG leadership.
In step-down task, the step-down latency in cerebral ischemic mice was significantly prolonged by OGT extract (2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 g/kg, ig) and the step-down errors were markedly decreased by OGT extract (4.0 and 8.0 g/kg, ig).
在跳台实验中,黄连解毒汤提取物(ig)2.0g/kg、4.0g/kg、8.0g/kg均能显著延长脑缺血小鼠跳台潜伏期,4.0 g/kg、8.0 g/kg能显著减少脑缺血小鼠跳台错误次数;
Under this circumstance, t his a rticle has s tudied the direct p ower s upply f or t he b ig consumer.
The edge of urban area is usually ig nored.
intergenic region(IG region)
基因间隔区, 基因间区
Curative Effect of Large Dose of Intravenous Ig on Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Ich bin vor fast drei?ig Jahren in Hongkong und Taiwan gewesen.
Mum,buy a b(ig)birthday cake ,all my friends are coming.
We found IG, MI and CHI had poor performance in our test, though they behave well in English text categorization.
Serum Ig (S-Ig),complement factor 3(C_3)and circulatory immune complex (CIC) were determined in 115 cases of cerebrovascular disorder. In 62 acute cases of these, cerebrospinal fluid Ig (CSF-Ig),C_3 and IgG indexes were determined.
The levels of CIC,Ig,C3 were determined in 80 cases of periodontosis before and after treatment with niclosamide and levomizole.
Also,TAE (50and 150mg kg-1,ig)could increase the number of the survival EAC mice whose life span exceeded20 days at the survival rate of 54.5% and 69.7%.
You can ig nore them or remove them.
The mode value of its chromosome is 93. The Ig class of McAb 4F8 was IgG 1. The McAb was purified from ascites by a simple procedure of caprylic acid precipitation.
Chevallier's semi quantity system analysis showed significant decrease of both scores in the QGG group (P<0 05), only decrease of IG in the BSG group, and slight raise of IG and significant increase of FS (P<0 05) in the control group.
对照组 2 0 0% (2 / 10例 )炎症分级下降 ,30 0% (3/ 10例 )纤维化分期上升。 半定量积分表明 :清肝组上述两项指标积分均显著下降 (P <0 0 5 ) ;
For insulating units containing reflective glass, again it is recommended to take measurements from the reflective side of the IG unit.
And even though the Ig Nobel is not exactly a prestigious award, winners travel from all over the world to collect their trophies.
OBJECTIVETo set up a new model of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis(EAMG) in mice transgenic for human immunoglobulin(Ig) loci.
We hook hand after I recognized that he i a ig movie tar.
Keywords micro-porus starch;Ig;spray drying;
Keywords microencapsulation;micro-porus starch;Ig;
Germany's largest union, IG Metall, says it will talk with Opel “as soon as possible.
Durge led an army of IG lancers during the Battle of Muunilinst in the Clone Wars.
Successful acquisition of VEGFR 3 2 Ig antisense peptide would be useful in the studying the role of VEGFR 3 in cancer growth and metastasis.
成功获得VEGFR 3胞外第二免疫球蛋白样区 (2 Ig)反义多肽 ,为研究VEGFR 3在肿瘤生长和转移中的作用奠定基础。
Ilam Mail not amiliar withnglish. Can Ig open Black a new account?
We are alway willing to choose the ig ort a the loading orts.