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abbr.beta-lactamase 内酰胺酶[基因]

abbr.beta-lactamase 内酰胺酶[基因];






Ammonia and BLA were lower after taking acetazolamide, vitamin tablets and Redbull drink for 10 days (P<0.05 or 0.01).

( 2 )给予乙酰唑胺、高原维康片和红牛饮料 10d即可使BLA ,Ammo降低 (P <0 .0 1或P <0 .0 5 )。

bla: bearn landing area


coli and Enterbacter cloacae were producing BLA, only 4 strains of E. coli were producing ESBLs , the rates of ESBLs is 17.39%(4/23).


BLA level continually increased;


Exercise at group B and C are high and the BLa level increases significantly comparing with control group. The abundance of cotransporter mRNA increases significantly at group B and C at control group ( P<0.01 ).

B组和 C组运动强度较大 ,血乳酸水平相对于对照组呈显著性升高 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,转运蛋白 m RNA表达量也呈现明显增加 (P<0 .0 5 )。

Exercise in Group B and C is high and the BLa level increases significantly compared with the control group. The abundance of cotransporter mRNA increases significantly in Group B and C than in the control group ( P <0.01).

B组和C组运动强度较大 ,血乳酸水平相对于对照组显著性升高 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,转运蛋白mRNA表达量也呈现明显增加 (P <0 .0 5 )。

These results suggest that the role of the DRN in the regulation of sleep and waking state is partly mediated by serotonergic projection from the DRN to the BLA.

DRN对睡眠 -觉醒的调节作用部分通过DRN到BLA的 5 HT能纤维投射介导的



Effect of L-arginine on the Mb, BLA and Ammo in Patientswith High Altitude Pulmonary Edema


PCR for amplifying bla IMP 4 and bla VIM 2 for the 12 MBL producing isolates failed.


The result shows that after the training,BLa and CK may increase significantly and RBC,HGB,MCHC,MCH,HCT,WBC,LY decrease distinctly.


The relationship between RPE10 and BLA is higher than that of RPE15,HR and exercise intensity with BLA.


The partial bla gene of ESBL producing isolates and their transcojugants were detected by PCR using universal primers for TEM, SHV, CTX-M-1group, Toho-1group, CTX-M-13group respectively.

TEM、SHV、CTX M 1组、CTX M 13组、Toho 1组通用引物检测产ESBL菌株及其转移接合子 ;

In the meantime, blood lactate (BLA), heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake (VO_2) relative maximaloxygen uptake (%VO_(2max)) were determined.

VO_2、%VO_(2max)的相关性; 运动性蛋白尿类型与运动强度的依赖性;

function bla() { document.

write("啦 啦 啦

It immediately puts pressure on Russia even assuming there has been a stand of f over BLA.


There were changes in VO 2max, BLA, T/C ratio and related indexes before and after altitude training.

上高原前和下高原后VO2 max、BLA和T/C值及VO2 max相关指标发生变化 ,但变化的时间和程度不同 ;

[6]rgyud ldan gyi bla ma ma brtaen pavi dbang bekur zhus pas ci la phan.


Irrevocable and Transferable Documentary Sight Letter of Credit (Concerning the Supplemental Loan Agreement to the General Loan Agreement No BLA 99012)


The Influence of Different Training Methods on Changes of BLA and HR of Adolescent Sanda Athletes


Significant difference in BLA decreasing speed were showed after swimming of three different distance, forming single peak and double peak BLA decreasing curve, suggesting load and sustaining time etc.


the distribution of silent mutation of bla TEM 19 was the same as that of bla TEM 1 . The distribution of silent mutation of bla SHV 2 observed here was different from that observed in other countries.

与国外其它地方检出的 bla SHV- 2 比较 ,沉默突变位点分布不同。 本研究检出的 bla TEM- 1 9与 bla TEM- 1 沉默突变位点分布相同。

Keywords dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN);basolateral amygadaloid (BLA);serotonin (5 HT);polysomnography(PSG);sleep;rat;


Swimmers from provincial team of Guangdong Province were selected to perform high BLA load distance as 100m, 200m, 400m, their BLA, HR change were studied.


Form the view of anti-oxidation exercise,the intensity of physical activity for health should be controlled with BLA 4mM; HR 130b/min; RPE15 11;


And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociability and blab la bla.


The Change of VO_2max, BLA and T/C Ratio during Altitude Training in Elite Swimmers


Analysis on the Sportswomen BLa in The Taekwondo Championship


About hire people to clean this old apartment before leave, i used one simple "English",then he misunderstood and say bla bla a lot.


the increase extent of CK, LDH, BLa, BUN in the blood of mice after consecutive intensive exercise was reduced;

减少连续大强度运动后大鼠血中CK、LDH、BLa、BUN的升高 ;

those who are deemed contemporary and fit in the modern perceptions of “beauty” and those who wld still make it if they are born a few centuries ago, etc etc bla bla bla.


Oxygen consumption (VO 2), pulmonary (VE), blood lactate (BLa), heart rate (HR), T(testosterone),Cor (cortisol) and Hb (hemoglobin) were obtained during an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on a treadmill for 20 subjects.

同时测定气体代谢最大吸氧量 (VO2max)、通气量 (VE)、血乳酸(BLa)、心率 (HR)、血睾酮 (T)、皮质醇 (Cor)及血红蛋白 (Hb)。

Effects of Inhaling Liquid-Oxygen on Level of BLA and Ammo after Exhaustive Exercise at Altitude of 3 700m


Therefore, it is reasonable to assess the training effectthrough a stage test of BLA after athletic training, and to determine the followingtraining load according to this test result.


There were no any double labeled neurons found in BLA a+nd BLP either.


However, microinjection of L Glu into the DRN plus bilateral microinjection of methysergide (MS) into the BLA reversed the effects of L Glu.

在双侧BLA微量注射非选择性 5 HT受体阻断剂麦角新碱 (MS)可以逆转DRN内微量注射L Glu的效应 ,SWS增加 ,W减少 ,但PS没有变化 ;

All analytical procedures should be fully developed and validation completed when the NDA, ANDA, BLA, or PLA is submitted.


The purpose of BLA is to improve executive's personal abilities by expanding and enriching their knowledge and understanding of business strategy personal leadership and globalization.


Rats intraperitoneally infused with saline served as controls and only received saline injections into the BLA.


Brenda started her FDA career as a CMC reviewer in CDER focusing on sterility assurance and the microbiological aspect of NDA, ANDA and BLA submissions.


Dad keep asking me to go NZ.bla bla bla burnside high school,BLAH!


after a quantitative load exercise test, BP, RQ, BLA and HR decreased (p<0.05);

定量负荷后呼吸频率、呼吸商、运动后血乳酸和心率均显著下降 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;

Results showed that maximal BLA and HR value were affected by load after three different distance swimming.


After entering the oxygen-enriched room Mb were significantly increased than that of before entering (P<0.05 ). BLA and Ammo also increased, have significantly difference (P<0.01 ).


bla? TEM- ,bla? SHV gene,bla? IMP- ,bla? VIM- ,bla? OXA- genes for resistantisolates were amplified and sequenced.


me:bla...bla....I want you to give me a chace to show my proof that i will come bak.


PCR were using to detect bla(TEM),bla(SHV) and bla(CTX-M) genes.


Localization of the German cockroach major allergen Bla g 2 as demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis

德国小蠊主要变应原Bla g 2抗原定位的研究

Study of Fluorescence Spectra of Blattela Germanica Allergen,Derenatured and Renatured Bla g 2

德国小蠊变应原Bla g 2蛋白变复性的荧光光谱研究

You must also know how to texture and skin all types of models, weapons, scene props, trees, bla bla bla, and add them efficiently in mount&blade through .brf format.


Things we want to have shouldbe those that motivate, invigorate,stimulateenlighten us;and ot those that make us bla me ,despair ,disconnectregret.


bla bla.


Objective To explore the effects of add-oxygen breath instrument on free radical metabolism and blood lactic acid (BLA) after exercise at high altitude.


Methods Sixteen swimmers (7 males and 9 females) took part in altitude training for nine weeks. The values of VO 2max, BLA, T/C ratio were determined 1 week before altitude training, and 1st week, 2nd week, 3rd week after altitude training.

方法 :16名游泳运动员 (男 7名 ,女 9名 )进行为期 9周的高原训练 ,分别在上高原前 1周、下高原后第 1周、第 2周和第 3周测定VO2 max、BLA和T/C值及VO2 max相关指标。

[WT5HZ]Methods:[WT5BZ]The serum Mb and BLA levels were examined among 40 healthy youths who arrived the elevations of 3 700 m and 5 380 m from plain after 7 days and 6 months,and 20 healthy youths inhabited in plain were used as controls.

方法 :对从平原进驻海拔 3 70 0m和 5 380m高原第 7天及 6个月的 40名官兵进行血清Mb、BLA检测 ,并与 2 0名平原健康青年作对照。

Method The FCC and clavulanic were regarded as the inhibitors of AmpC BLA and ESBLs respectively.

方法 氟氯西林和克拉维酸分别作为AmpC BLA和ESBLs的抑制剂。

Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats received bilateral injection of bicuculline methiodide (10, 50, or 100 pmol/0.5 l) or saline (0.5 l) into the BLA.


Eventually this bla bla should go away and keep just the list, but I felt better to explain it for now.


The relationship between BLV and the visceralfunctional activities was especially discussed in the present paper. The findings suggestedthat BLV might be different from BLA and BLP and took part in the" visceral circuit".


Results In this study, the subtypes of ESBLs were SHV 2 and TEM 19, the distribution of silent mutation in ten bla SHV 2 was identical, and that of two bla TEM 19 was the same;

本研究检出的 1 0个 bla SHV- 2 沉默突变位点分布彼此相同 ,2个 bla TEM - 1 9沉默突变位点分布也彼此相同。

It seems possible that the bla TEM 19 identified by this study might originate directly from the transferable bla TEM 1 identified in this study.

本研究检出的 bla TEM- 1 9可能直接由本研究检出的可转座 bla TEM- 1 单点突变而来。

This study indicated that 14 cases had a characteristic of lines B, and tumor cell origin from Bla cells.


The thesis aims to set guidelines for the coaches making training plans, by comparing the effects of the three methods on adolescent Sanda athletes after high-load drill with BLA and HR as the testing criterion.


AIM: To investigate the roles of basolateral amygdala (BLA) and central amygdala (CeA) in feeding behavior and body weight control of rats.


Standards strains that are not producing BLA and ESBLs and strains producing BLA could producing BLA and ESBLs after inducing by sub-MIC cefalosporins.


The permeability of BLA in liposomes and in saturated aqueous solution through rat skin was compared.


The BLA Information Centre is responsible for compiling the laws and regulations, and managing the laws and regulations in electronic form.


There is a greatly difference(P<0.01) between higher altitude and 3 700m altitude on decreased SOD and increased BLA.

海拔 5 0 70m、5 380m较 3 70 0m的U -SOD活性和BLA降低与增加非常显著 (P <0 .0 1)。

Vo: have you got your MS?LG:bla bla Vo: I have no question with you.Visa.


A hematite rough concent rate with a grade 56.00%and recovery83.36%was obtained by adding 30%bla ck liquor,which was treated with H 2 SO 4 ,into the pulp.


METHODS: Electrolytic lesions were made bilaterally at BLA or CeA respectively in the mature female rats, while sham lesions were made in the rats of the control group.


The Relationship Between Muscle Oxygen Content Which Measured By Near-Infrared Spectroscopy And Blood Lactate Acid Concentration (Bla)


The distance of treatment in front and back contrasts the blood lactic acid (BLA), hemoglobin (HB) etc. a few index signs shows the difference of outstanding (P<0.01).


Diary of a Mad Bla


Objective:[WT5BZ]To investigate the changes of serum Mb(myoglobin)and BLA(blood lactic acid)metabolism in healthy youths inhabited in various altitude for different time.

目的 :探讨进驻高原不同海拔高度不同居住时间健康青年血清肌红蛋白 (Mb)及乳酸 (BLA)水平的变化。

Objective To study the influence of altitude training on VO 2max, BLA, testosterone/ cortisol (T/C) and related indexes of VO 2max in elite swimmers.

目的 :探讨高原训练对优秀游泳运动员的VO2 max、BLA和T/C值及VO2 max相关指标的影响。

Objective: To observe the effects of inhaling liquid-oxygen on level of BLA and Ammo in human after exhaustive exercise in plateau.

目的 :观察吸入液氧对高原人体力竭运动血乳酸及血氨的影响。

Objective To investigate the expression of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-induce ligand (TRAIL) receptors in bla dder transitional cell cancer.

目的 了解肿瘤坏死因子相关诱导凋亡配体 (TRAIL)受体在膀胱癌组织中的表达及意义。

Objective To determine the efect of oxygen-enriched room on BLA, Mb and Ammo when human exercise at high altitude.

目的 探讨在高原建立富氧室对机体运动后血乳酸(BLA)、肌红蛋白(Mb)、血氨(Ammo)的影响。

Objective To study the effect of the L arginine (L Arg) on the Mb, BLA and Ammo in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).

目的 探讨左旋精氨酸 (L Arg)对高原肺水肿病人肌红蛋白 (MB)、血乳酸 (BLA)、血氨 (Ammo)的影响。