demurely是什么意思   demurely怎么读

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adv. 装成端庄地, 认真地

r. in a demure manner




demurely sentences 庄重的句子

demurely antonym 端庄反义词

demurely define 端庄地定义

demurely dainty 端庄

demurely mean 端庄的意思


That drawnout look, so... pretty and demure.

那悠长的注视 是如此美好端庄

You give my hu and one year probation, no jail time, and I'll work up a demure ile for you.

你给我丈夫一年缓刑 不用坐牢 然后我会给你一个矜持的微笑

So the idea that you could choose to discard our arrangement, that I would demur in the face of your unassailable rhetoric, either you've overestimated yourself, sir, or you've underestimated me.

所以如果你以为你能轻易抛弃我们的协议 还能让我面对你完美说辞只能徒劳 的话 要么是你高估了你自己 先生 要么是你低估了我

If you prefer a demure flower or a virginal maid, you're free to sign a marriage contract to wed a noble's daughter whom you've never met.

如果你喜欢 端庄纯洁的 你可以随便找一个 素未谋面的贵族的女儿成婚

I know one particular lady of the night who seems a demure clerical worker but carries in her briefcase instruments of such delight it will tickle your bones.

我知道一位夜行女士 看上去像是体面的职员 但是公文箱里装的 确实取悦的工具 能让你酥到骨头里

Anne likes, and writes quite freely about the fact that she likes a demure, pretty little thing, that's not going to trouble her intellectually, that's going to have a little bit of cash in the pocket, and is going to be basically fairly compliant.

安妮在书中供认不讳地写道 自己就是喜欢端庄娴静 美丽精致之人 既不让她费神 又有一定的家世和财产 并在一定程度上 归顺于她