archipelago是什么意思   archipelago怎么读

英式:[ˌɑ:kɪ'peləɡəʊ]    美式:[ˌɑ:kɪ'peləɡəʊ]



n.群岛,列岛; 多岛屿的海
n.群岛, 多岛海


形容词: archipelagic | 名词复数: archipelagoes |



1. a group of many islands in a large body of water

名词 archipelago:

a group of many islands in a large body of waterarchipelago[ ,ɑ:ki'peləɡəu ]n.a group of many islands in a large body of water



...the Azores, a rugged, volcanic archipelago of nine islands.


The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas Lynn Pan ( General Editor ) , Archipelago Press Landmark Books , Singapore.

《华人华侨百科全书》,周南京, 中国华侨出版社.

The rich life of Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, faces a creeping thaw.

生物资源丰富的斯瓦尔巴德群岛, 挪威的北极群岛, 面临逐渐解冻的危机.

Copperfield insists his archipelago also contains the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth.


A splIt'shot shows a coral reef beneath a pearl workstation in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.


Koh Larn ( Coral Island ) is the largest of Pattaya's archipelago.

琅岛 ( 珊瑚岛 ) 是芭缇雅群岛中最大的一个岛屿.

Seemingly fearless, butterfly fish in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia swim around a coral reef.

鱼的学校图片.看上去无所畏惧, 蝴蝶鱼在土阿莫土群岛法属波利尼西亚游泳围绕一个珊瑚礁.

A scorpion fish attempts to hide in the sand in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.


It is under investigation at Port Blair , the main administrative center of the archipelago.

该船现在破布莱尔港接受调查, 此港是整个离岛的中心.

It is produced archipelago is pulled in Portuguese Ma De, belong to rosaceous arbor.

它产在葡萄牙的马地拉群岛, 属蔷薇科的乔木.

Further problem is, why is is archipelago registered and Alibaba can choose register in home?

进一步的问题是, 阿里巴巴为什么会选择开曼群岛注册而不是在国内注册?

A numerical study on the floristics of the Zhoushan Archipelago.


It was only the fourth time Tokyo archipelago in opening the cherry blossom season.


You moor yourselves in the small archipelago, where you will begin to be developed.

你被困居在一个小岛国上, 这里是你扩张的起点.

Later, at Rangiroa Atoll , part of the Tuamotu Archipelago, the sharks knew we were coming.

之后, 到土阿莫图群岛中的朗伊罗环礁时, 鲨鱼知道我们会来.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.


Arrives islands successively and so on Bahamian archipelago, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad.

先后到达巴哈马群岛 、 古巴 、 海地 、 多米尼加 、 特立尼达等岛.

Saba Douglas Hamilton joins arctic expert Jason Roberts in the remote Svalbard Archipelago to find out.


The archipelago continues for another 500 miles.


The Quirimbas Archipelago is home to 32 pristine the Ocean along Mozambique's northern coast.


Neville: but there are about 24,000 islands in the Stockholm archipelago.

奈维尔: 但大约有二万四千个岛在斯德哥尔摩群岛.

It abuts the Tropic of Cancer, constituted the Polynesia archipelago north vanguard.

它紧靠北回归线, 构成了波利尼西亚群岛的北方前锋.

A Yemeni airliner with about 150 has crashed in the Indian Ocean near the Comoros archipelago.


That happened when Big Board combined with the electronic trading exchange Archipelago Holdings.


At the southernmost end of the Japanese archipelago, the en tire prefecture lies in the subtropics.

它位于日本群岛的最南端, 整个县处于亚热带气候区域.

We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay Archipelago.

我们不能成为中国 、 印度 、 西方国家或者马来群岛的伸延部分.

And he spent his senility on an archipelago, far away from here.

当他年老的时候他住在了一个群岛上, 远离这里.


Putuo Mountain lies to the east of Zhoushan Archipelago.



During July in 2005, we studied nest selection of Chinese egret in Wuzhishan Archipelago of Zhejiang Province.A total of 74 nests were recorded.

2005年7月, 我们在浙江五峙山列岛对黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择进行了研究, 共测量了74个巢。

Field survey on current status of waterbirds in Chanshan archipelago and eastern mudflat of Liaoning were conducted in summer 2003-2005.


The economy is expected to get a boost with the launch of oil production in the archipelago in 2010.


ArchipelaGo describes places of interest in Irian Jaya.

ArchipelaGo记述了Irian Jaya上的名胜古迹。

Oriental Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.


Shayk Yusuf was born in the small Muslim kingdom of Gowa in the South Celebes of the Indonesian Archipelago about 1626.


"I believe, mother, it is merely a title. The count purchased an island in the Tuscan archipelago, and, as he told you to-day, has founded a commandery .


A school of fish swims over a coral formation in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia.


In 1969, a report by the UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) indicated the possibility of large reserves of oil in the vicinity of the Diaoyutai Archipelago.


On October 25,1945,the Chinese government recovered Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago,resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.


Moken fisherman works on his boat in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago.


Moken fishing boat moves past one of the Sister Islands at sunset in Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago.


A Yemeni airliner with about 150 people on board has crashed in the Indian Ocean near the Comoros archipelago.


The husband is Dong Peilun, who used to be a navy soldier in an archipelago far from Hangzhou.


South East Asia is a region where the mountains stumble into the warm, Celebes Sea, forming a tropical archipelago of some of the most lovely and picturesque islands on earth.


Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.


The southernmost island of the Penghu Archipelago is Chimei island, where characterized by residences built in stone and spectacular basalt columns.


Later, at Rangiroa Atoll, part of the Tuamotu Archipelago, the sharks knew we were coming.


Asian firms are also muscling in on the sprawling archipelago's oil and gas industry.


From Alibaba the group registers the ground to look is a graceful archipelago, in jural belong to enterprise of pure foreign capital.


They switched to the A310 in Sana'a, the Yemeni capital, before resuming their flight to Comoros capital, Moroni, on the main island of the archipelago.


By this time, Mr.Solzhenitsyn had completed his own massive attempt at truthfulness, “The Gulag Archipelago.


He said the discovery "confirms that the plane went down in that area," hundreds of miles from the Brazilian archipelago of Fernando de Noronha.


Spearheaded by a switch from oil to renewable-power production, the strategy aims to all but eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the Maldivian archipelago by 2020.


By windmill marking's Mi Qi Long Shidao is the Aegean Sea archipelago pronoun.


But as developers make their way around the archipelago, shark habitat will continue to be whittled away.


But from the populated parts of the Indian Ocean archipelago the news is more worrying.


But an even more fundamental problemseems to be that resources are unevenly distributed across the archipelago, andare poorly and sometimes corruptly administered.


Socotra Archipelago is 250 kilometres, northwest of Indian ocean, near Aden bay;including 4 islands and 2 rock islands located on the expanding line of Afria angle.


Malta is a small and densely populated island nation comprising an archipelago(群岛)of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea.


Manama, on Bahrain Island, the largest in the archipelago, is the capital.Population, 350,798.


It is actually a small island of the zhoushan Archipelago, located in the lotus Sea about 100 nautical miles east of the Hangzhou Bay.

位于杭州湾以东 约100海里的莲花洋中,是浙江省舟山群岛的一个小岛。

Part of Denmark, this self-governing North Atlantic archipelago is home to a population one expert called "unified and resolutely Faroese, not Danish.


You moor yourselves in the small archipelago, where you will begin to be developed.


Make your way through the ancient archipelago to satisfy the gods in a test of logic and strategy that’s easy-to-learn but satisfyingly hard to master.


Arrives islands successively and so on Bahamian archipelago, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad.


The archipelago nation of Palau, or Belau, is no different.


To the U.S. By Agreement on Trusteeship of the Archipelago Entrusted by Japan.


For thousands of years fishermen of Zhoushan Archipelago have lived on fishery and created a rich ocean culture of which the proverbs related to fishery are a representative part.


But by a small miracle, a few pairs of breeding cahows hung for generations on some remote sea cliffs in the Bermuda archipelago.


The successive variation in ecosystem service value of farmland in Miaodao archipelago from 1950 to 2000 is analyzed by using ecological and economics methods.


So far, Indonesia's generals have behaved pretty impeccably, despite the many problems of that vast archipelago.


Laurel forest covers some 70% of this park, situated in the middle of the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands archipelago.


Canada considers all five routes through its Arctic archipelago to be internal, not international, waters; the United States and others disagree.


It comprises the island of New Caledonia and various outlying islands (mainly the Loyalty Islands, the Island of Pines and the Belep Archipelago).


The Arctic thaw has already created "minor tensions" between Russia and Nato member Norway over fishing rights around the Spitsbergen archipelago.


Saba Douglas Hamilton joins arctic expert Jason Roberts in the remote Svalbard Archipelago to find out.


In similar fashion the Inuit of Canada won some powers of home rule over much of the country's Arctic Archipelago when the new territory of Nunavut was set up a decade ago.


On October 25, 1945, the Chinese government recovered Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.


A city in the Wawaatt Archipelago dominated by freshwater lagoons, Kachirho was not as obscured by enshrouding jungle canopy as the more inland Wookiee settlements.


Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.


Cascading across the gulf between Asia and Australia, the Indonesian archipelago comes at you like a becak (bicycle rickshaw) without brakes.


Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: east and west coast of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, the Indo-Australian archipelago but not in the Philippines or Australia.


Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Pakistan and India to the Malay Archipelago and the Philippines.


A country of southeast Asia in the Malay Archipelago comprising Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, the Moluccas, parts of Borneo, New Guinea, and Timor, and many smaller islands.


Indo-Australian Archipelago The combined region formed by the Malay Peninsula, northern Australia, and the numerous islands of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Melanesia.


An island of the northwest Philippines. It is the largest, most populous, and most important island in the archipelago.


Wow I cannot believe we are going to Indonesia, the largest archipelago! And we are going for three months!


Helli: Wow! I cannot believe we are going to Indonesia, the largest archipelago! And we are going for three months!


"The Tuamotu Archipelago is strewn across the empty sea like a string of bright pearls.They are atolls, coral crowns on the rims of ancient volcanoes outlined in breaking surf.


The priority action program for the 2006-2008 period sets investments in infrastructures, health and education as priorities for the West African archipelago.


Along the XVII century, the presence of English colonists became more frequent in the Archipelago, normally traders that resided either temporarily or permanently in the Canaries.


Conservation suggestions have been put forward for management birds in Chanshan archipelago and mudflats of Liaoning.


Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks Island, Borden Island, Prince Patrick Island, and parts of Victoria Island and Melville Island.


In the fertile waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago, a school of blue-striped grunts beats a fast retreat as a pair of blacktip reef sharks lurk in the distance.


Waters boil with jellyfish in one of Palau's marine lakes. Surprises hide in each of some 80 such lakes in this Pacific archipelago.


Polar Bear on Brown Soil, Svalbard, Norway In Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, a camera trap catches a polar bear looking out of place on bare brown soil.


CAPRICIOUS, mythical catfish lies beneath the Japanese archipelago.


In brief a week time, elated tourists will enjoy sunshine, beach and naked outdoor bathing place in archipelago of bank elder brother.


A Moken fisherman works on his boat in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Myanmar’s Mergui Archipelago.


A bearded seal relaxes near the edge of an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean near Norway's Svalbard Archipelago.


Hopscotching around this brightly colored archipelago by plane, a visitor gets a vivid sense of Hawaii’s essentially rural nature and the scope of the challenge.


There are a few dive shops in Massawa with rentable gear and boats to take you to the Dahlak Archipelago, which includes more than 200 islands and dozens of wrecks.


Tanzania and the Seychelles look like falling out over an area near Aldabra, and Mauritius has claimed an area round Rodrigues island that includes the Chagos archipelago.


This isolated archipelago of eight paradise islands situated in the Pacific Ocean is fiftieth state of the USA.


The archipelago is a hazardous traffic median in the great circle route, the shortest path between ports on either side of the North Pacific.


Gazetteer Pacific Ocean: Japanese Archipelago to the South China Sea, and off Australasia and Peru.


Neville: Yes.There are about 24,000 islands in the Stockholm archipelago.


Austfonna is Norway's largest ice-cap.It sits on the island of Nordaustlandet in the Svalbard archipelago.


The prime minister seems to favor oil exploration around the pristine Lofoten archipelago in the Arctic, but this is opposed by the Socialist Left.



Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.

The archipelago continues for another 500 miles.