marmoset是什么意思   marmoset怎么读

英式:['mɑːməzet]    美式:['mɑːməzet]


n. 狨

n. small soft-furred South American and Central American monkey with claws instead of nails





lion marmoset 狮毛猴

pygmy marmoset [网络] 侏儒狨猴;倭狨;这是是侏儒猴

true marmoset [网络] 真正的m子

Marmoset rat 马莫塞特鼠

marmoset toolbag 绒猴工具栏

pygmy marmoset monkey 侏儒绒猴

craunch marmoset 硬绒猴

marmoset monkeys exist 有狨猴


For the marmosets themselves, there's a stateoftheart slowmotion camera.

而拍摄狨猴则使用了 一架高端慢速摄影机

Young marmosets are more inquisitive than the s.


Life is not proving quite so easy for the marmoset.


To survive, the marmosets must work as a team.

为了生存 狨猴必须团结起来

The only way marmosets can keep in touch is by calling.


At last, dawn is near, bringing relative safety to the marmoset.

最终黎明将近 给狨猴带来了稍许安全

Once the studio is set up, it doesn't take long for the curious marmosets to take an interest.

当摄影棚设置完成 狨猴没过多久 便展示出浓厚的兴趣

First the marmosets' home needs to be transformed into a special effects studio.

首先 狨猴的家需要改装成 特效摄影棚

From this unique viewpoint, the acrobatic skills of the marmosets come sharply into focus.

从这一独特视角 狨猴的杂耍天赋一览无余

Gavin has found an area where a family of marmosets come together to socialise.

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