n.相同,同族关系,异体同形n.同源, 相同, 同系, 异性同体
复数:homologies;名词复数: homologies |
Noun1. the quality of being similar or corresponding in position or value or structure or function
名词 homology:
the quality of being similar or corresponding in position or value or structure or functionhomology[ hɔ'mɔlədʒi ]n.the quality of being similar or corresponding in position or value or structure or function
Its homology with HSL from GenBank was up to 100 %.
序列同源性比较表明,该基因序列与genbank登录 的HSL基因 (AY686758)有高达100%的同源性.
Proteins 1:3 D Structural Genomics , Homology, Catalytic and Regulatory Dynamics, Function & Drug Design.
蛋白质1:三度空间结构基因体学 、 源相似性、化与调节的动力学 、 能 与 药物设计.
The homology between two books were discovered.
BOX - PCR and PBP fingerprint techniques were used to analyze the homology among strains.
Homology analysis indicated that the amplified gene had 88 % homology with IAG 52 A gene.
The three dimensional structure of VL was also modeled by computer homology modeling techniques.
Homology of love, homology of personality, likeness of experience, likeness of emotion experience.
相同的爱好 、 相同的性格 、 相似的经历 、 相似的情感体验.
Proteins 1 : 3 D Structural Genomics , Homology, Catalytic and Regulatory Dynamics, Function & Drug Design.
7蛋白质 1: 三度空间结构基因体学 、 同源相似性 、 催化与调节的动力学 、 功能 与 药物设计.
Results: The consistent homology rate of the prognosis within the group was 82.4 %.
结果: 预后分析判别式组内回代一致符合率82.4%.
Prime technology to improve red index of caramel is seleted from several technologies with homology material.
This characterization results in the asymptotic index maps from the K - homology to the K - theory of.
由此产生了从K - 同调群到指标代数的K - 理论群的渐近指标映射.
The structural feature and homology comparison of guinea pig GHR are also reported.
Howevet, there was significant difference compared with 96 % homology among B haPlotypes in white Leghorn.
Dominating methods in wheat gene cloning include homology - based cloning, map - based cloning, suppression subtractive hybridization , DDRT - PCR etc.
目前,小麦基因的克隆方法主要有同源克隆 、 图位克隆 、 差减杂交 、 差异显示等.
Myostatin ( MSTN ) gene was isolated from Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus ) by homology cloning strategy and genome walking.
采用同源克隆及基因组步移的方法,分离克隆了牙鲆肌肉生长抑制素 ( MSTN ) 基因.
SeMNPV; Chinese strain; isolation and identification; bioassay; restrict endonucleases analysis; polyhedrin; chitinase; alignment of homology.
The 10th generation had become cell -adapted strain, the homology of amino acid sequence with European reference IBDV attenuated strain Cu-1 was up to 97%.
Especially, Yamagata lineages viruses were more frequently, our Ningbo 2005 isolates differed by 7 amino acids from Shanghai/01/2000, the homology were 97.6%.
2005年分离到的Yamagata系乙型流感与Shanghai/01/2000株相已经有7个氨基酸被替代, 它们的同源性只有97.6%.
The homology of the obtained sequence from sample two and partial mitochrondrial DNA 12S rRNA gene of Ovis ammon was as high as 98%.
2号样的序列与盘羊的线粒体DNA的12S rRNA基因序列的部分片段的同源性高达98%。
The s271 homolog isolated was a partial cDNA sequence and also encoded a polypeptide homologous to an Arabidopsis protein.
Proteins 1: 3D Structural Genomics, Homology, Catalytic and Regulatory Dynamics, Function &Drug Design.
Comparison to other 19 isolates of PVA suggested that Hangzhou isolate was most similar to Alc isolate from the Netherlands, and their homology of amino acid sequence of CP was 99.6%.
BLAST分析表明该病毒为马铃薯A病毒 (PVA) ,它与已报道的 19个PVA分离物CP氨基酸进行比较 ,PVA浙江分离物与荷兰Alc分离物同源性最高 ,为 99.6%。
The Blast result revealed that theses EST sequences have at least 82% homology with sequences induced by other abiotic stress factors ( NaCl, Chill etc.) .
The cadherinrepeated domains of Bt- R3 protein share high homology with the cadherin domains from African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) and E-cadherin (epithelial) from mouse (Mus musculus).
Bt-R3受体蛋白的钙粘蛋白结构域分别与非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)的钙粘蛋白胞外结构域和小鼠(Mus musculus)的上皮钙粘蛋白胞外结构域有很高的同源性。
CDK3 has the high homology with CDC2(CDK1) and CDK2, which has some similar function, but absolutely different.
The results of analysis of tandem repeat sequences showed CPV-010 and CPV-21 took the same tandem repeats not only in number but also in location, with a genome homology of 99.33%.
The whole nucleotide sequence of D2V-HN89 envelope gene was 1? 464bp. Nucleotide and amino acid homology were 95% and 98% respectively between D2V-HN89 and D2V-NGC.
D2V HN89株E基因核苷酸全长 146 4bp ,核苷酸和氨基酸序列与D2V NGC株的同源性分别为 95%和 98%,系统树分析显示其与登革 2型牙买加株及登革 2型巴西 90株的亲缘关系最近。
FCC1/HN isolate exhibited 98 8%, 92 2% and 98 7% homology in amino acids with isolates VN, IMTM22, and Itg2, respectively.
FCC1/HN 株HRPII与VN 株、IMTM22 株和Itg2 株间氨基酸同源性分别为98.8% 、92.2% 和98.7% ;
The ABRA genes of isolate FCC1/HN and other isolates share quite high homology.
Furthermore, The HA of GD3 had the homology of 99.2% with CDI, 98.6% with HK156, and 98.1% with HK258 at amino acid level.
But the comparison amino acid sequence shows that GPV DNA has high homology with the human adeno-associated virus AAV-2 in dependovirus and B19 in erythrovirus.
Sequence analysis of multiple loci of the isolates, including ITS1, ITS2 and D1/D2, showed that it was mostly similar to Madurella mycetomatis with a homology of 97%.
The ORF-1 gene only esisted among PrV and EHV-1 Ab4 strain, that the homolog of the two strain was 35%.
ORF-1基因只存在于PrV和EHV-1 Ab4株中,二者氨基酸同源性为35%。
A fragment of 1 011 bp was amplified,and sequence analysis showed it had a 98% homology with Leptospira kirschneri.
PCR扩增出1 011 bp大小的目的片段,序列分析显示它与Leptospira kirschneri的LipL41基因成熟肽序列同源性高达98%。
There was high degree of homology in nucleotide sequence between the PCR expandedATCC 10031 acrAB gene sections and the corresponding ones in Escherichia coli.
PCR扩增的 ATCC 10031的 acrAB基因片段同大肠埃希菌acrAB基因相应片段,在核苷 序列上具有很高的同源性。
Two PINCH proteins, PINCH1 and PINCH2, have been described in mammals and share high homology.
Rat sp56l show very high homology to mouse sp56 and guinea-pig sp56 both ofwhich have seven Sushi domains.
sp56l 编码的蛋白与小鼠sp56 与豚鼠AM67 高度同源,都含有7 个Shshi结构域,而sp56s 编码的蛋白前体则完全缺失了第三个Shshi 结构域。
The term deep homology was coined to describe the common origin of genetic regulatory apparatus used to build morphologically and phylogenetically disparate animal features.
Thus similar structures in different organisms may reflect homology (derivation from a common ancestor) or analogy (independent origin of structures used for similar purposes).
It shares 100% homology with the porcine IGF I gene reported by Muller M and Brem G.
与 Gen Bank中的序列比较 ,本研究所得序列与 Muller M和 Brem G所报道的猪 IGF- I基因编码区序列完全一致。
With aid of Genbank homology analysis program, the sequence of PFN1 had 99% homology with the homo sapiens ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 gene.
与GeneBank资料序列同源性比较分析提示PFN1与泛素活化酶E1同源性 99% ,即为人类泛素活化酶E1基因的一部分。
Because of the homology of creative and content industries, rivalry has entered an era where investment is based on eyeballs and attention.
The sequence homology of our hALR compared witti rat ALR and humanALR recently reported were 86.5% and 99.2%, respectively.
Compared the tiger PRNP with those of Felis catus,mink,sheep,mouse and dog,the Amur tiger PRNP had the highest homology with Felis catus AF003087(97.3 %) and sheep(97.3 %).
The homology of amino acid sequence with European reference vvIBDV strain was up to 100%.
The DLA EIAV gag shared the homology of 80% in nucleotide and 84.47% in amino acid with the EIAV Wyoming 1369 strain.
与美国EIAVWyoming 136 9株比较 ,核苷酸同源性为 80% ,氨基酸同源性为 84 47%。
Interestingly, these two genes isolated from Bermuda grass under either low-temperature stress or high-salt stress share 97.8% homology.
The nucleotide homology of SZ T1and SZT2 reached respectively 98.9% (3/272) and 96.7% (9/272) as against TTV-N22 of Japan,and the homology of SZT3 and SZT4 reached 67.3% (89/272) and 86.0% (38/272).
两者有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。 与日本首例TTV-N22株相比,SZT1和SZT2株基因序列同源性为98.9%(3/272)和96.7%(9/272),SZT3和SZT4株为67.3%(89/272)和86.0%(38/272)。
The people often impute to this some questions in the globalization and thought it makes the architecture tend to homology;the multiplicity vanishes in its form.
We have isolated a novel cDNA from the human fetal brain cDNA library with homology to the Mg2+-dependent serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) family.
CHS-A gene was cloned from Petunia hybrida, which has 99% sequence homology with that has been cloned abroad.
从矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)花瓣的cDNA中克隆到了CHS-A基因,进行了全序列分析,并与国外已报道的CHS-A序列进行了同源性比较。
He said that there have long been suspicions of a shared evolutionary basis for laughter, in a concept researchers call homology.
These two evidences both contributed to the homology of some proteins in Paramecium to the intermediate filament proteins in higher organisms.
But because there is chicken growth hormone in chicken body,which has 70% homology with hGH, ground error will happen sometimes.
Your aring certain doesn't want to commit with California surprise of this guy homology of mistake, what he rob was a collapse for a long time of bank.
Expression of the immunosuppressive protein B7 homolog 1 (B7-H1), also known as programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1), is increased in many pathological conditions, including cancer.
One of the fragments(X-1) was completely homology with the section series of the eight chromosome long arm. There was a zine finger protein in the upper stream and the down stream.
其中有 1个片段 (X 1)与第 8号染色体的长臂的一段序列完全同源 ,其上游与下游存在锌指蛋白基因。
The homology of Giardia canis virus to sequence of L13218(GenBank) was 94.62% in the nucleotide,and 93.50% in the amino acid levels.
It is a new member of human ASB protein family, with a 96% homology to mouse ASB-8 protein.
其编码蛋白属于人ASB蛋白家族中的一个成员 ,与小鼠中的ASB 8蛋白同源性达 96% .
The simplicial homology technique is a valuable and acceptable method to compute the polyhedron closed by spatial joint faces through engineering application.
Some acquaintance with manifolds, simplicial complexes, singular homology and cohomology, and homotopy groups is helpful, but not really necessary.
It is a promising approach to biologically control bacterial diseases in plant and animal by manipulating bacterial AHL quorum sensing with AHLs degrading enzyme and AHL homology.
利用AHLs降解酶和AHLs类似物的特性 ,干扰和破坏病原菌的AHLs 群体感应机制 ,将为利用现代生物技术防治此类细菌病害开辟了一条全新的途径
The three dimensional structure of homoserine transsuccinylase from Escherichia coli(EcHTS) was modeled by using homology and molecular dynamics methods.
The three dimensional structure of VL was also modeled by computer homology modeling techniques.
This paper defines homology monomorphism,homology epimorphism,homology regular morphism in the category of topological spaces with point by using homology functor.
Mapping based cloning identified ABO1 gene which encodes a homolog of animal IKAP (IkB Kinase-Associated Protein) protein.
利用图位克隆鉴定出ABO1基因编码一个动物IKAP(IkB Kinas-Associated Protein)的同系物蛋白。
Comparative analysis of the weighting function proves the homology and unitarity between the common frequency three-point method and the proposed method.
Foreword:The research result proof that is recently, have no complete same alike of two things, a homology for can in the aspects of aly expressing.
Functional genomics uses as its starting point the isolated gene whose function is to be determined, and then selects a model organism in which a homolog of that gene exists.
China and Japan"s culture including music has homology.
Even if, the state adopt homology frame of reference, differ states adoptive different standard.
A new sequence type that did not show homology to any published emm type in GenBank was characterized and submitted to GenBank(AY347259).
发现 1株新的emm型菌株 ,序列已递交GenBank ,注册号为AY3472 5 9。
We found that, on the amino acids level, the mutation rate is 80% in HVR1, the homology with Chinese consistent sequence) CCS is 42%-60%, moreover, the nonsynonymous substitutions is high than synonymous substitutions.
Homotopy localization and homology localization,Chinese Science Bull.,37(1992),1584.
Simultaneously, we conducted examinations on the homolog) of serum, the results showed that the tested 12 strains have the same O-antigen and the same K-antigen.
Results from Blast analysis revealed 14,20,23 and 19 homolog genes in 4-w forward,4-w reverse,8-w forward and 8-w reverse subtractive libraries,respectively.
The sequence homology regions were in accordance with the antigenic determinants of histones predicted by Pollard (1990,Autoimmunity).
This is consistent with the derivation process of DLA?EIAV.There is high difference in nucleotide sequence between EIAV L and other alien EIAV strains, and the homology is only about 79%.
同源性如此接近反映了它们之间的亲缘关系,另外EIAV L株与DA-EIAV的同源性高于其与DLA-EIAV的同源性,这符合DLA-EIAV的衍生过程。
Homology search showed that this gene existed in eukaryotes and highly conserved throughout eukaryotes, suggesting an essential role of this gene.
Compared the obtained gene sequence of all isolates by DNASIS software, their homology of the nucleotide sequence were 99.8%, except comparing to those of isolates gxp35 and gxc48 by 76.4% homology.
Homology analysis indicated that the amplified gene had 88% homology with IAG52A gene.
Homology among cyclins is often limited to a relatively conserved domain of about 100 amino acids, the cyclin box, which is responsible for CDK binding and activation.
There are two kinds of molecular containing histone deacetylase activity: One is homology with yeast RPD3,and another is not homology with yeast RPD3.
Therefore, poem, music, calligraphy, draw homology are shunted, bring out the best in each other, form a series of peculiar artistic categories in China.
In China these viruses share high homology with Takahaski’s strains which might be good standards for primer designation.
We blast high homology sequences in NCBI, and construct enolase by the crystallograms in PDB.
Moreover, species with near homology relationship on evolution share the near codon usage frequency and preference index or the similar index.
On the basis of homology and phylognetic analysis about 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA), it could be speculated that the strain AB1 is a novel member of the genus Natronococcus.
基于16S rDNA序列的同源性比较及系统发育学研究表明,AB1是Natronococcus属中新成员。
Gene silencing can be divided into two types: position effect and homology dependent gene silencing (HdGS).
Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is the endogenous ligand of the opioid receptor-like 1 receptor (NOP), the G-protein coupled receptor which shows overall 60% homology with the classical opioid receptors.
孤啡肽(Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ,N/OFQ)是阿片受体样受体(Nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor,NOP receptor)的内源性配基。
The GhEno gene was registered in GenBank with the access number of EU169604.Sequence analysis alignment indicated that GhEno gene had high homology with those of other plants.
The CHASE domain family of rice containing five genes, named as OsCRLla, OsCRLlb, OsCRL2, OsCRLB, and OsCRL4 based on the homology with histidine kinase of Zea mays.
The blast analysis of the 3.0kb segment indicate that it is similar to translational activator and has more than 80% homology to two genes in Arabidopsis and Oryza saliva respectively.
The rodent gene researchers investigated is the human homolog of ALAD gene, named DBA and C57, but it cannot precisely replicate the polymorphism of ALAD in humans.
In this paper, the homology of transport proteins of Streptomyces lydicus and other Actionmycetales bacteria is analysed and their evolutional relation is discussed.
用作名词(n.)The homology between two books were discovered.
The game clicks a homology with the mouse key.
China and Japan"s culture including music has homology.