alleges是什么意思   alleges怎么读

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v.断言,宣称,辩解( allege的第三人称单数 )
vt.断言, 宣称
v.断言,宣称,辩解( allege的第三人称单数 );



动词 allege:

report or maintain

同义词:allege, aver, say

allege[ ə'ledʒ ] or maintain

"He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"





CE indicates safety of European the Common Market indicates, it is one kind alleges the product accords with the mark that dictates related the European Union.


CNNIC alleges pass network address bodyguard roll out will solve in the problem that combats secret information of fishing and safeguard user illicit.


The doing with the closest CNN violates the reportorial principle of the external equilibrium that he alleges completely, lost moral criterion even.


The agency also alleges that Mr.Bluestein failed to disclose that he received $2.4 million of commissions from May and E-M on top of the $1.4 million in disclosed compensation he got from Fast Frank.


Sun company alleges, this kind of technology allows big company and telephone company to dog all equipment that support Jini, include radiophone, agile page to attemper program, VCRs, printer.

Sun 公司宣称,这种技术答应大企业和电话公司跟踪所有支持 Jini 的设备,包括无线电话、灵活的页调度程序、VCRs、打印机等。

"None of us knew what to do about it back then," says Debra Geller Lieberman, 39, a mother of two, in New York City, who alleges that Copperman molested her in the 1970s.


The Jones Critique alleges that AK style models and R&D based models of endogenous growth theory are inconsistent with time series evidence and therefore should be rejected.


"Claimant" means a person who alleges that a maritime claim existsin his favour.


The Cox Report alleges that the main purpose of China's development and application of advanced computers is to apply them in the military field, and that China has used illegal means to "acquire" US computer technology.


A woman on Thursday said she had an affair with John F.Kennedy, an admission that comes after a new biography alleges a liaison between JFK and a White House intern.


" an official of Hangzhou municipal government alleges proudly.


She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca.


A report released today alleges that Zhirinovsky and his political party were allocated 76 million barrels of Iraqi crude between 1997 and 2002.

今天的一份报告认定扎里诺夫斯基及他的政党在 1997-2002 年间分配到七千六百万桶伊拉克原油。

He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?


He alleges that the judge has abused his office, for example by currying favours for his policeman son.


Moreover, he findsa corpse of a young female on the floor.He recollects she is his girlfriend.He regain most of this memory...He alleges that the woman is the kidnapper.


He alleges that his department took five months to provide him with the oil necessary to his research.


Anyone who alleges that he is not can im¬mediately be suspected of having exchanged a known form of belief for a variant which is less known both to himself and to others.


Iran says its uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes, to provide fuel for nuclear power. The United States alleges Iran is using the technology to create a weapons program.


Iran says its uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes to provide fuel for nuclear power. The United States alleges Iran is using the technology to create a weapons program.


Iran says that uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes to provide fuel for nuclear power. United States alleges Iran as using the technology to create a weapons program.


One who simulates,pretends,or alleges falsely;a hypocrite or dissembler.


One who simulates, pretends, or alleges falsely; a hypocrite or dissembler.


But FPD is special rapid development is obtained in 90 time, foreign media alleges, 21 centuries mankind will be stridden " hind CRT " times, predict world FPD sold a value to will exceed CRT 2005.


But another disgruntled unsuccessful 2010 applicant alleges the new teams were "hand-picked for political, rather than sport criteria".


"but where a bill or any signature thereon appears to have been cancelled, the burden of proof lies on the party who alleges that the cancellation was made unintentionally, or under a mistake, or without authority."


But now, another newspaper the Guardian, alleges that the phone hacking was a regular occurrence at the News of The World, and that many celebrities and politicians were targeted.


But Dr.Jeffrey Runge, who headed the agency at that time, decided not to publish the data because of larger political considerations, the Times article alleges.

但是,当时安全局的负责人,杰弗里龙. 朗格博士决定不发表这些数据,因为考虑到较大的政治因素,泰晤士报报道。

But often manufacturer alleges again and again oneself plank reachs E0 level, and actually classics authority detects afore-mentioned manufacturer products are very far still from E1 standard.


But this notarial cost is quite high, and a little notarial point alleges clearly the tort evidence of adversary machine website conserves notarization is not done at all.


But Adia alleges that the numbers Citi gave it were not correct.


Claggart seeks an interview with Vere and alleges that Billy is involved in a mutinous conspiracy


The indictment alleges that Ben C. Johnson, 40, acting as a loan officer with Forcht Bank in the London Banking Center , defrauded the bank in the amount of ...


He alleges that significance of life consists developing hominine intrinsic vitality ,overcoming the opposition and confliction among the people in their life, with the purpose of life harmony.


Laura alleges in enter into an election contest oneself will be become " the youth's model " , break people to be opposite thereby the bias of British youth.


Kraft now alleges P & G's plastic container infringes on Kraft's patent for its Maxwell House brand and wants P & G to stop selling Folger's Coffee in the container.


Ecuador alleges that the spraying has killed livestock and crops, forcing the abandonment of villages, while harming ecologically sensitive areas of high biodiversity.


A private prosecution alleges the judge knowingly twisted the law to push his case despite an amnesty passed after Franco's death.


Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based upon such information and belief alleges that all times mentioned herein TIJID,INC. doing business as DIJIT was. (" TIJID, INC" is a company


Keywords alleg food allergy provocative test;


A second man, from Luton, alleges that he was whipped, suspended by his wrists and beaten, and threatened with an electric drill, possibly at the same torture centre.


Daiwan's Semiconductor Industry Association alleges Micron and all other US DRAM manufacturers for dumping, causing the local DRAM price to plunge by10 fold in the past year.


Steven was tardy this morning and alleges that his bus was late.


The contractor or subcontractor alleges that the direction received form the owner or contractor respectively constitutes a constructive change to the contract.


Tang Eider Tiger alleges publicly" romantic dissolute gifted scholar of first in China river south".


The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime.


eg:Georgia alleges Russia has broken truce after Russia troops rolled into the strategic Geogian city of Gori.


In her report to DO dated January 20th, the woman alleges that she was told that she could not wear her niqab in class or in contact with the school's staff.


David was late to school this morning and alleges that his bus was late.


In in a government campain campaign against witchcraft. alleged Amnesty alleges that in some case that cases detainees were severely beaten to force them to confess.


The suit alleges LCD TVs manufactured and sold by Sharp in Japan infringed on two LCD-related Japanese patents owned by Samsung.


She alleges that her bag has been stolen.


She alleges that her watch has been stolen.


She alleges that Copperman touched touched her genitals, then proceeded to put his fingers inside her.


She also alleges that the actions were down to her daughter and a teenaged employee, Ashley Grills.


If the attack happened as Miss Brawley alleges, then some evil me are on the loose in Dutchess County. At least one of them may be wearing the uniform and badge of a law officer.


Crowson alleges in her complaint that QFC failed to alert her family that ground beef it had sold them had been recalled in December's mad-cow scare.


If a defendant alleges that a complete determination of a controversy cannot be made without other parties, that defendant may bring in new third parties as third-party defendants.


e.g. alleg, stdcx, iostr, etc).


The OSC court document alleges that the fund "had been using new funds raised from investors to pay redemptions requested by previous investors."


Acer filed the suit, which alleges violation of four patents, in U. S. District Court in Texas, it said in a filing with the Taiwan stock exchange.


Our propaganda fails to promptly reflect and publicize certain urgent tasks and refute what the enemy alleges.


Although Microsoft alleges already publicly, will be in buy Yahoo besides, seek drive make up the deficits and get surpluses of company Internet business.


Although he has no proof, this man alleges that Tom stole his watch.


Although he has no proof, this man alleges that Tom stole his watch.


City residential Bureau alleges that the rule will soon be discussed and adopted by the City Housing Authority, the final form of documents issued by the municipal government.


a pleading that alleges facts so separate that it is difficult to determine which facts the person intends to rely on


a pleading that alleges facts so separate that it is difficult to determine which facts the person intends to rely on.


Microsoft is launching a number of cases in the US against companies it alleges have registered trademarks that infringe on its intellectual property.


We do not have the strategy that competes with Gu Ge, also do not offer a search to serve or sell ad, and these are Microsoft alleges all the time the territory that the hope crosses.


Instead, a herd behavior allowed rampant speculation, which the report alleges, most likely contributed to last year's soaring food prices.


The newspaper article alleges that the mayor is corrupt .


The newspaper alleges that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.


It alleges that the men hired someone calling himself an analyst to smear Fairfax so they could profit from “shorting” its stock.


The complaint alleges that Buss was under the influence of an unspecified drug but refused to take a chemical test.


The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly.


The last characteristic alleges namely " do not receive a single cent or penny before make money, after making money, net is divided into " .


article alleges, fairy-tale style, that Marissa originally wanted to delete the job offer from 1999 with the subject “Work at Google?


Trudeau alleges that several financial aid officers at colleges and universities are on the payroll from student loan companies.


It alleges that the defendants dumped thousands of tons of paint sludge and other toxic material decades ago that is still contaminating the soil, air and groundwater of the community.



The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.

So they alleged, but have they any proof?

The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime .