abbr.easy 容易的; eczema 湿疹; 伊泽瑞尔(Ezreal)又名探险家; eastern zone 东区abbr.easy 容易的;eczema 湿疹;伊泽瑞尔(Ezreal)又名探险家;eastern zone 东区
- Showtime also settled a sexual harassment case out of court between EZ and the outgoing music supervisor...
-表演时间也在在EZ和往外去的音乐监督人之间的法庭之外解决性骚扰案 ...
The company unveiled Heinz EZ Squirt "Stellar Blue" on Monday, just in time for spring and summer - hot seasons for condiments.
The company unveiled Heinz EZ Squirt "Stellar Blue" on Monday,just in time for spring and summer - hot seasons for condiments.
Ura baizik ez dago.
= 没有别的只有水。
Finite size effect in EZ model
HD electric single girder overhead crane is jointly designed and developed single girder overhead crane product with Singapore EZ Crane &Design PTE LTD.
The clinical report of Omnitets EZ and BIOSEN5030
Omnitets EZ及BIOSEN 5030临床验证报告
SKYMEN LTD. is a manufacture and exporter of various kinds of folding table and chair, plastic furniture, EZ folding step stool, .homeware, etc.
Blasco Ibáñez
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 布拉斯科·伊巴涅斯(1867-1928,西班牙小说家)
The Inversion Problem of First Class Maps from Sequences over Z (n) p/p eZ (n) p to That over F p n
“You are talking about professionals in big games,” Ben蛅ez, who implied that Bennett, the fourth official at White Hart Lane on Wednesday, may have been swayed by the Cole incident, said.
"Consumers love EZ Peel?Reseal packages because they're easy and convenient to use," says Warren Birch, Bemis Europe's General Sales Manager for the UK and Ireland.
” On the secondary packaging front, Pepsi recently introduced the EZ Open shrink wrap, perforated for easy opening, while still developing sustainable options for its shrink film.
” 在二次包装方面,百事公司最近推出的EZ开放的收缩包装,穿孔,便于开放,同时还制定可持续选择其收缩膜。
EZ (eastern zone)
laquo;ez Ramiro (II) Leacute;laquo;ez Jeseacute;middot;(II) Bar?Luis Fabila Oscar Rameacute;laquo;Poncho Marteacute;
主 演:卡洛斯.加拉多 Consuelo Hoyos Jaime de 彼特.马奎恩特 雷诺尔.马丁内兹 Geacute;
This article introduces the principle, the structure and the characteristics of Universial Serial Bus(Abbr: USB), and EZ USB development system produced by Cypress Corporation.
介绍了通用串行总线USB的结构、特性及原理 ,并对Cypress公司的EZ USB开发系统作了简要的介绍。
Deir ez Zor
But the town council is mistaken;we should continue using EZ.
But Finkelstein has found that that ignorance carries a price: on roads that use the EZ Pass system, the cost of tolls has crept up more than it has on roads that still make you dig for your dimes.
WTO and the Development of Shenzhen S EZ
New EZ Peel/Reseal films can be run on existing equipment, typically with minimal machine modifications.
Unique to Playhut products is the incorporation of a patented EZ Twist Technology.
Other features include vocal removal, automatic loudness balancing, One Click EZ Beat Matcher, integrated CD/DVD burning, CD ripping, tag editing and more.
其它功能包括噪音清除,自动音量平衡,单击 EZ 节奏匹配器,集成的 CD/DVD 刻录,CD 分割,标签编辑等功能。
Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas ez
EZ Print Preview - This contains a simple example of print preview, in which the printer object uses the same properties as a picture box in which the document is previewed.
The semi rigid package system features Bemis EZ Peel?Reseal film, an advanced peelable technology that exposes a pressure sensitive layer when the consumer opens the package.
CW Deluxe Edge Finder EZ
With the following features, EZ CNC ROUTER is especially appropriate to be used to machine the metal...
In order to make the recommendation more convincible, he should first indicate the exact information of the survey and then show the priority of the methods implemented by EZ.
EZ Personalized Sticker/ Label ......Print on it with your logo & company name for labeling.
Meet up with EZ 50 General manager and manager.Discussed and confirmed details.
Harrison EZ,Oakes SR,Hysell M.Organic chemicals in sewage sludges.Science of The Total Environment,2006(in press
In our previous functional genomic study, Xcc 8004 was randomly inserted with a transposon EZ::TN
K0.5(DIC) of M.aeruginosa did not change when AZ or EZ was added to the medium.
The EZ Peel?Reseal packaging system is available through Bemis Europe, based in Soignies, Belgium, as well as Bemis's Curwood Division, based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA.
The EZ Peel?Reseal system reduces materials 54% compared to tub and lid systems that require secondary barrier packaging and labeling to protect and market the contents.
The EZ Peel?Reseal system also helps marketers differentiate their brands on shelf.
EZ [size=2][color=#000000]In this game the story mode evolves around Future Trunks fighting Majin Buu.
A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Ju?ez, Mexico. The surrounding area was first settled by Spanish missionaries, soldiers, and traders in the17th century. Population,515, 342.
Implementation of Website based on eZ publish
基于eZ publish的网站实现方法
A Design About USB Interface in Data Collect System Using EZ - USB
The data collecting system design based on EZ USB FX
基于EZ_USB FX单片机的数据采集系统的设计
Sharmoon EZ Co. Ltd is a joint-venture of Zegna Group which is a world wide famous company for it's men's garment and China Sharmoon Garment Co. Ltd.
if rockets guards stop stealing rebounds from Yao, he can avverage 12 per game ez!
Simply right-click on a file and select the 'EZ Wipe' option from the menu.
I am looking for good quality Sensor EZ Faucets,if you can supply,please contact me as soon as possible.thank you.
EZ twist relief valve cover-quarter turn locking joint captures the spring load during repair to facilitate disassembly.
Ez minden amit tudsz?
K0.5(DIC) of C. reinhardtii also decreased with the rising of the medium pH and under the treatment of AZ or EZ.
Quick and EZ Guide to USB
We are also a web design company, just like our name "EZ Shop &Design".We help small business, organization, community, institution for building your own web site.
Be eZ!(www.ezlf.net/forum) Hip-hop nAzn,we da nex generAzn!!! Hollaa!
The judge in Lago Agrio, Juan Nuñez, is expected to rule on the case later this year.
In sum, such argument that we should continue using EZ is unconvincing unless the information mentioned above is provided in details.
EZ Peel?Reseal films can be run on existing equipment, typically without any machine modifications.
Reall Ez Templates - Pre-made custom templates for wahmshoppes, web sites, ebay and blogs. Affordable professional designs for everyone!
Latest sample designs for EZ Stamp and Monocolor Name Sticker. Just pick one that you like most and make them into a stamp chop or sticker!
The paper studied the ways of raising heat-resistance of casting polyurethane.(1)MOCA and TMP were used as compound chain extender,(2)TETD and EZ were used as vulcanizing agent;
In this thesis, the finite-difference scheme and equations are derived for 2-dimensional(TM mode) components Ez, Hx and Hy and 3-dimensional components Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy and Hz based on the Maxwell's Equations.
本文根据麦克斯韦方程组,导出了二维模拟横磁模式(TM)的Ez,Hx 和Hy 分量,和三维模拟的Ex、Ey、Ez 和Hx、Hy 和Hz 分量的有限差分方案,得到相关的差分方程组。
Threaded bar with two star or spring collars, threaded rubberized bar with two star or spring collars, EZ curl regular bar with two star collar, etc;
The EZ USB AN2131Q chip was engaged to dominate control and data acquisition of the analyzer.
本系统利用 Cypress公司的 EZ- USB AN2 131Q芯片实现了单片数据采集和控制。
The USB2.0 chip in this system is EZ -USB FX2 from Cypress Ltd.
本系统选用Cypress 公司的EZ -USB FX2 芯片作为USB2.0 接口芯片。
Chinese Chatroom on Thur. EZ Talk in Chinese @ LinKou campus!
The influence of diameters of root canal foramen on the accuracy of Root ZX and Neosono Ultima EZ
根尖孔直径对Root ZX和Neosono Ultima EZ测量准确性的影响
He needs to know the reason that EZ raised its monthly fee, the service they may provide in future, the needs of citizens and the city government office's financial circumstance.
EZ has ordered additional trucs, which currently has a fleet of 20 trucks, like ABC.
Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d. C. Capacitors - Assessment level EZ
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18-2: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Electric-double layer capacitors for power application - Assessment level EZ
Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment -- Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Electric-double layer capacitors for power application - Assessment level EZ
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 20-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene sulfide film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 20-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed metallized polyphenylene sulfide film dielectric chip d.c. capacitors. Assessment level EZ
Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification - Current limiting application - Assessment level EZ
Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-2: Blank detail specification - Heating element application - Assessment level EZ
Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-4: Blank detail specification - Sensing application - Assessment level EZ
Really good news for eZ System and for all the community and ez publish users!
EZ File Transplanter also comes with two advanced tools: a Drive Switcher and a Mapper.
The law-dose of Yiqizhixuening can increase FSH> LH> EZ> P in serum of immature rat, but the high-dose of Yiqizhixuening has down-regulating trend.
Shanda announced that they have signed a memorandum of understanding with Intel Cooperation to jointly promote the Shanda EZ Interactive Home Entertainment Solution, or the EZ solution.
The finite size effect in the Eguiluz-Zimmermann (EZ) model is studied.
研究EZ模型中的有限尺寸效应 .