shunt是什么意思   shunt怎么读

英式:[ʃʌnt]    美式:[ʃʌnt]



v.使转轨; 使分流; 转向一边; 避开n.转轨; 分流器
v.使(火车头等)转轨,转移(方向等) n.分流器, 转轨


名词: shunter | 动词过去式: shunted | 动词过去分词: shunted | 动词现在分词: shunting | 动词第三人称单数: shunts |



1. a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another;

"an arteriovenus shunt"

2. a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current

3. implant consisting of a tube made of plastic or rubber; for draining fluids within the body

名词 shunt:

a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another

a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current

同义词:electrical shunt, bypass

implant consisting of a tube made of plastic or rubber; for draining fluids within the body

动词 shunt:

transfer to another track, of trains

provide with or divert by means of an electrical shuntshunt[ ʃʌnt ]n.a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another

"an arteriovenus shunt"

a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current

同义词:electrical shuntbypass

implant consisting of a tube made of plastic or rubber; for draining fluids within the bodyv.transfer to another track, of trainsprovide with or divert by means of an electrical shunt


shunt 转轨,分流,调往 可能来自 shot 或 shut 的鼻音形式,最终来自 PIE*skeud,投,扔,射,推,词源同 shoot,shot,shut.


John was shunted sideways to a job in sales.


He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families...


Independent thinkers are shunted into minor jobs or refused promotion.


The GM diesel engine shunted the coaches to Platform 4.

通用柴油动力火车头将车厢转轨到了 4 号月台。

But right the specific understanding of shunt period, endless and identical.

但对转轨期的具体理解, 不尽相同.

To understand the best opportunity 、 indication and merid of ETV compared with shunt.


For purchase online today will be the basic of Everbright Securities without shunt effect.


Objective To explore the curative effect of hepatocellular carcinoma with arteriovenous shunt treated with interventional.


In the economy of shunt period, market malfunction and governmental malfunction are almost concomitant phenomenon.

在转轨时期的经济中, 市场失灵与政府失灵几乎是一个伴生的现象.

Objective : To study the therapeutic effect of bidirectional shunt ( BCPS ) on isolated congenital right ventricular failure ( IRVF ).

目的: 探讨应用双向腔静脉肺动脉吻合术 ( BCPS ) 治疗孤立性右心功能不全的手术方法和效果.

She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams.


Political attrition affects the efficiency that new system arranges, because this and shunt cost positive close.

政治摩擦影响新制度安排的效率, 因此与转轨成本正相关.

The cost of shunt depends on not only economic consideration, more depend on political element.

转轨的成本不仅取决于经济考虑, 更取决于政治的因素.

A line contactor or shunt trip circuit breaker must be installed for safety reasons.


A miniature dual mode ring filter using shunt capacitances is described in detail in this dissertation.


External shunt resistances, such as leaky cables and dirty insulators, may also cause loading errors.

外部的分流电阻, 例如:漏电的电缆和肮脏的绝缘子也可能引起负载误差.

In economic shunt process, the efficiency that system innovation brings is bigger.

在经济转轨过程中, 制度创新带来的效率更大.

Shunt diversion flume is an effective method to clear silt by hydraulic energy.


The parameters of neutral reactor for HV shunt reactors and the line ground switch are selected.


You can't shunt the blame onto your mother.


MATLAB 6.5 is employed to make the simulation for the new shunt APF.


The shunt tripping device is used for a remote control of disconnection of the Breaker.


Shunt valve used to separate categories distribution or mixed media.


This is discussed in detail in the paragraphs on Shunt Capacitance Loading and Guarding.



Two patients with perimembranous extending outlet were repaired because of residual shunt(0.4cm,0.3cm) on the anterosuperior rim of defect.


In arteriovenous fistula the shunt flow from the artery to vein was detected during systole and diastole.


After 90 time metaphase, the inflationary rate of shunt country also begins to drop.


ASA appears to lower the risk of death and shunt thrombosis in the present obserational study.


DIPS has expanded the indication of interventional portacaval shunt, even in partial patients which TIPS can not be carried out.


The torque-speed curve of JZS2 motor approaches shunt excitation characeristic.When the speed is ad-justed to a certain value,it runs rather stably.


SR Brand BWF 10.5-30-1 Shunt Capacitor is granted as high quality product of.

上容牌BWF 10.5-30-1型并联电容器被评为浙江省优质产品。

Province. SR Brand BWF Series low voltage shunt Capacitor is granted as high quality product of.


Province. SR Brand RWF-S Series shunt Capacitor is granted as high quality product of.


Compared with CSF shunt, the advantages of EVT come as follows: lower infection rate, fewer complications, lower morbidity and mortality.


The main causes of death related to the Denver shunt directly were varice bleeding, infection and DIC.


Series reactance is an important part of shunt compensative capacitors, its effect is to restrain harmonic and restrict current flow.


And this paper introduces the flexible shunt structure of amperemeter in order to let students use amperemeters correctly.


To reduce errors due to shunt resistance, use cables, connectors, and test fixturing with the highest possible insulation resistance.


In humans there is a normal amount of relative hypoxemia due to shunt, diffusion block and ventilation/perfusion mismatch.


The Disk and Washer (DAW) accelerating structure not only has shunt impedance and high Q value,but also has a high coupling constant between the neighboring cells.

介绍了X波段DAW加速结构的优化过程 .

Therefore, it is demonstrated that the shunt or series APF should be used for compensating the current or the voltage harmonic source.


He also thinks it wrong to shunt off difficult decisions to undemocratic cabals.


You don't want to shunt the other racer, you'll either damage both cars or even worse you may propel him forward and increase his lead!


You can't shunt the blame onto your mother.


Electricity To provide or divert (current) by means of a shunt.


The effects of input capacitance on current measurements using a shunt type ammeter (Figure 2-49) are similar to those for voltage measurements.


Heterodyne of Russia economy performance has the quality that beforehand decides, "Have nothing to do with shunt means " .

俄罗斯经济绩效差具有事前决定的性质 ,“与转轨方式无关”。

Russia economy shunt is profundity change, include to arrive from economic system of regime reframe in the round and build.

俄罗斯经济转轨是一次深刻的变革 ,包括从经济制度到社会制度的全面重构和建设。

Keywords :shunt active power filter, harmonic current, iterative learning controller (ILC), nonlinear load.

关键词: 并联式有源滤波器;谐波电流;迭代学习控制;

Interventional therapy plus mesocaval C-graft shunt and portal azygous devascularization for budd-Chiari syndrome.


Among of them, the three-phase shunt active power filter (APF) is most representative.


Its busbar system is single busbar with shunt circuit loop, can derive double busbar structure.


Shunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal.


Technical parameter of shunt release,under-voltage release and power operating mechanism.


Technical parameter of shunt release and under-voltage release.


The shunt tripping device is used for a remote control of disconnection of the Breaker.


The shunt (a strip of conductive metal) is now on the outside, across from all the electrical contacts.


A shunt ammeter can be modeled as a voltmeter with a resistor across the input.


The mean portal pressure before shunt was 34.6 cmH_2O,and the average postshunt decrement was 6.7cmH_2O.


Shunt capacitance may increase the settling time.


Peng F Z, Akagi H, Nabae A.A new Approach to Harmonic Compensation in Power Systems-A Combined System of Shunt Passive and Series Active Filters [J].


Even a comfortable, fixed retirement income may dwindle through gradually rising prices and shunt you to the shanty town of “Just Getting By.


The obstruction to right ventricular outflow creates a right-to-left shunt that leads to cyanosis.


In this paper , the basic principle of shunt active power filter(APF)is introduced briefly and the control system of APF based on DSP is proposed.


Arteriovenous shunt was found between superior ophthalmic vein and infraorbital branch of internal maxillary artery.


This requires permanent placement of a ventriculovenous (or ventriculoperitoneal) shunt.


In this instance, the error due to shunt loading is approximately 9%.


In such an arrangement, CIN doesn't shunt RFB, and has only a fraction of the effect it would have with a shunt picoammeter.


A deadbeat current control algorithm based on shunt single-phase active power filter is presented.


Recurrent stroke and massive right-to-left shunt: results from the prospective Spanish multicenter (CODICIA) study.


External shunt resistances, such as leaky cables and dirty insulators, may also cause loading errors.


She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams.


CM and C CM cause the same type of leakage and shunt errors in low current and high impedance circuits as seen earlier.


If it is necessary to measure larger currents than the coil can safely carry, a bypass circuit, or shunt, is included.


Where the current to be measured is greater than that which the moving coil can pass safely, a device called a shunt is used.


For patients complicated with cirrhosis and hemorrhage of the upper digestive tract intrahepatic portosystemic shunt was established after MT.


It is necessary for patients with right ventricular hypoplasia to perform systemic-pulmonery shunt or keep PDA open when stenosis is completely relieved.


Remaining shunt capacitance can be effectively neutralized by a slight modification of the feedback loop, as shown in Figure 1-12.


The burn-out accident occurred several times in operation of dry type hollow shunt reactor.


These characters will not effect by system consist and will not magnify harmony wave. Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) is getting more application in APF.

并联型电力有源滤波器(Shunt Active Power Filter,简称SAPF)更是得到了广泛的应用。

The basic purpose of a shunt capacitor bank is to increase the local circuit voltage and or reprove the load power factor carried by the circuit.


A shunt reactor is an inductor that is connected line to ground.


Transient over voltage problems are quickly solved using shunt regulators that clamp regeneration voltage to safe levels.


Shunt trip disconnecter - provides maximum protection by interrupting all power to the system in the event of a control sensed malfunction or overcurrent. (Separate mounting).


To devise a new and simple procedure for limited portacaval side-to-side shunt with Krazy glue treating portal hypertension.


The switching element consists of a thin metallic membrane, which has the metal-isolator-metal contact with a capacitive shunt switch as SPST.


Development of beam-based alignment system using a switchable shunt resistor for HLS[J].

引用该论文 孙葆根,何多慧,卢平,王筠华,李京韦,李为民,刘建宏,董晓莉,李凯红.

Emergency surgery is associated with high perioperatie mortality and postsurgical shunt in up to 20% of patients.


Postoperative echocardiograph recheck didn't find any residual shunt of the ASD and the repair was certain and reliable.


We report two cases of broncho-pleural fistula resulting from trans-diaphragmatic migration of the distal catheter of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.


Can we shunt the talks onto a new topic?


Here the defect is not closed by the septum secundum, so a shunt exists across from left to right.


One-year postoperatie eents rates were high: 38% for the composite end point, 26% for death, and 12% for shunt thrombosis.


Shunt your suitcases,let me go through.


A digital hardware control scheme of shunt active power filter(SAPF)based on field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)is introduced.


A novel space vector control strategy is proposed for four-leg three-level shunt active power filter(APF).


A simple control method of voltage source shunt active power filters is proposed in the synchronous rotating reference orthogonal coordinate system.


Abstract : Influence of shunt capacitor bank on electrified wire netting harmonic voltage and current are discussed.

摘 要 :本文讨论了并联电容器组对电网谐波电压和电流的影响。

Abstract: Most of the breakdowns in shunt capacitor banks during the substation operation is due to the construction quality.

摘 要: 并联电容器组在变电站的运行中有相当一部分故障是因为施工质量差而引起。

Abstract: Shunt banks over-voltage protection is an inverse-time protection based on the r.m.s voltage.

摘 要: 并联电容器过电压保护是基于电压有效值基础上的反时限保护。

The feasibility and principle of ACSD test of EHV shunt reactor with series compensation method are analyzed. The examples are presented.


Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of three-junction placement for distal obstruction of ventriculoperitoneal shunt.


When vacuum switches switch off shunt capacitors, restriking overvoltage may be brought about which will threaten insulation of equipments severely.


Migration of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt into the transverse colon (T-colon) is a rare complication.



Can we shunt the talks onto a new topic?

She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams.


The range can be increased by use of a shunt.

The shunt many be contained within the meter housing or connected externally.