vt.强调,着重指出; 重读; 给…加上重音符号v.重读, 强调, 突出
第三人称单数:accentuates;过去式:accentuated;过去分词:accentuated;现在分词:accentuating;名词:accentuation;名词: accentuation | 动词过去式: accentuated | 动词过去分词: accentuated | 动词现在分词: accentuating | 动词第三人称单数: accentuates |
Verb1. to stress, single out as important;
"Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"
2. put stress on; utter with an accent;
"In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"
动词 accentuate:
to stress, single out as important
同义词:stress, emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accent
put stress on; utter with an accent
同义词:stress, accent
accentuate[ æk'sentjueit ]v.to stress, single out as important同义词:stressemphasizeemphasisepunctuateaccent
put stress on; utter with an accent同义词:stressaccent
His shaven head accentuates his large round face...
The whole air of menace was accentuated by the fact that he was so cordial and soft-voiced.
Lighting and material details accentuate the ripple effect.
But global warming is bound to accentuate the scarcity , say experts.
In patients suffering from shock, the drug may accentuate the underlying disorder.
对休克患者, 该药可加重潜在性疾.
It helps accentuate my curls, and It'smells great.
它帮我的卷发看起来更自然卷曲, 而且很好闻.
She has beautiful eyes, so we should accentuate them in the makeup.
她眼睛很美丽, 我们在化妆时应该突出她的眼睛.
Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable.
在 “ accent ” 一词的第一个音节上加重音符号.
Is acupuncture cure sciatica good? Can you accentuate inflammation department of gynaecology?
针灸治疗坐骨神经痛好不好? 会不会加重妇科炎症?
There is no place for metaphor or analogy in this process, since these accentuate the superficial.
在此过程中没有隐喻和类推, 因为设计着重于表面.
Additionally, you can magnify a funny line by using the pause to accentuate your physical delivery.
另外, 你还可以使用肢体语言增强停顿的效果从而增强妙语的效果.
Gibberellic acid may also accentuate the trend toward maleness.
Lips Accentuate your new bluesy beat in simply sensational LipSlicks Hint of Mauve.
Fish sauce can accentuate the flavours of seafood, and it is the most important seasoning for this dish.
For 20 years Polish and Ukrainian leaders have worked hard to accentuate their countries' shared history and common tragedy, rather than stoke disagreements for political ends.
24 what the month sees crus is original is forward inside protruding turn and left sufficient evaginate accentuate gradually;
In patients with EH, 68.4% of hypertensive patients had postprandial abnormal serum triglyceride metabolism and a delayed fall of serum TG after fat loading. Abnormal postprandial TG metabolism can accentuate endothelial function damage.
6 8.4%的EH患者伴有脂餐后TG代谢障碍和消除延迟 ,餐后TG代谢异常会加重EH患者血管内皮功能障碍
Once he identifies an image in the smoke, Will edits parts of the vapours to accentuate the shape and adds some colour to it...
Awkwardly for those who like to accentuate the positive, some of the commonplaces of interfaith discussions are implicitly challenged by the vote.
Although both essence is different, but both and OK mutual influence, insomnia can be brought about and aggravating and forgetful, and forgetful also can accentuate secondhand insomnia.
To accentuate the wholeness of my mind and spirit, I now smile warmly, make eye contact, and speak in a confident manner.
Lips Accentuate your new bluesy beat in simply sensational LipSlicks Hint of Mauve.
To accentuate her long, graceful neck, the stylist chose a wide, beaded choker.
Moral codes and a society based on the rule of law are necessary to accentuate the positive and attenuate the negative sides of our evolved nature.
The memories of tonight's CCTV live concert seem to only accentuate the stillness of my bedroom now.
Like Confucius we should accentuate the papillary position of master and pay more attention to the student"s the self-awareness to develop reflective.
And plaque function undesirable or the patient of disease of sex of cruor sexual dysfunction may accentuate after take exercise, should avoid likewise so.
Gold leaf is also used to accentuate the FLASH of a synchronized turn of many separate creatures.
But also should not absorb overmuch protein food, lest accentuate,nitrogen pledges hematic disease.
But the person that has invigorative feeble, blue disease is unfavorable contact blue, can accentuate otherwise illness.
But the person that the patient has neurasthenic, blue disease is unfavorable contact blue, can accentuate otherwise illness.
Then accentuate them as you dress to go out.
For example, when wine tasters accentuate their appreciation of the visual appearance of a wine, they use such words as "straw-colored, cloudy, casting amber" etc.
Prune trees to encourage and direct growth and accentuate a tree's beauty, not to inhibit growth.
Clinical expression is congenital aplastic anemia intelligence of patient from a child is low, constitution growth is poorer, can accentuate occurrence growth stagnation.
We found that GFA had no effect on blood pressure and could not accentuate hypotension.
关附甲素对血压无影响 ,不使已有的低血压加重 (P >0 0 5 )。
The concrete exposed internally is sandblasted to accentuate the liquid nature of the material and to record the process of construction.
Further, if we can understand how our emotions work, we can accentuate the good emotions, and decrease the bad aspects.
At first glance, our Solar System's innermost planet appears simply black and white, but images that include infrared colors normally beyond human vision accentuate a world of detail.
Accentuate your best features and enhance your natural beauty with Kanebo's wide variety of cosmetics. Create your desired looks, be it glamorous, chic, or demure.
The right choice, on the other hand, can offer the illusion of height and slimness . It can also accentuate the figure's positive features and minimize the negative ones.
On the other hand, stimulus spending by deficit countries such as the U.S. and U.K. will only accentuate pressure on global fiscal deficits and imbalances.
Additionally, you can magnify a funny line by using the pause to accentuate your physical delivery.
Additional, inflectional, bow, cough, gravid, ascites, head is small lie on one's back wait to the pose all can be caused or accentuate heartburn.
Coinstantaneous waist, ham and coxal sarcous convulsion can accentuate illness.
How can we tolerate praising it to the masses, especially when such praise flaunts the revolutionary banner of "serving the people" and when the failure of revolutionary peasant struggles is used as a foil to accentuate the praise?
So if when long whelk, unripe sore, catch a cold catchs a cold or having acute inflammation, unsuited eat litchi, can accentuate otherwise disease.
Hence, one has a number of different MR imaging techniques ("weightings") to choose from, which accentuate some properties and not others.
is conservative and invalid, seasonable small achieve or when the operation treats.8 symptom to accentuate, ask diplomate make a diagnosis and give treatment in time when;
In nonenhanced CT of the head,detection of ischemic brain parenchyma is facilitated with variable window width and center level settings to accentuate the contrast between normal and edematous tissue.
Accentuate the word “accent”on the first syllable.
Spray Satinique Advanced Finishing Spray to the root area for added body. Also, spray a little on your fingers and twist on the hair ends to accentuate the texture.
In another country, I don't use abstract language in general while communicating with academics, and try not to accentuate every word.
1.When clinically significant, the depressor septi nasi muscle may accentuate drooping of the nasal tip and shortening of the upper lip on animation.
There is no place for metaphor or analogy in this process, since these accentuate the superficial.
Want to take step when climate change is seasonal and big, alternant, precautionCold, lest accentuate illness.
Materials are numerous and varied to accentuate the existing diversity.
accentuate circuit
it is conceivable that, in a diseased knee, this can create a tethering effect and accentuate patellar maltracking because this structure connects the lateral patella to the femur.
Mrs Obama's speeches rarely accentuate the positive.
She has beautiful eyes, so we should accentuate them in the makeup.
If rise to feel already at the beginning of acute forehead sinusitis,frontal ministry has a headache, accentuate gradually, turn afternoon light;
If have a headache to accentuate suddenly again, often be the signal that bleeds again, answer to take step instantly, undertake rescue is treated.
If the regulation gets widely promoted, it will only accentuate the out dated mentality where trust and honour are no longer evident and bias, inequality and distrust are common place.
Obstacle of seasonal temperament sense normally the growth as the age, the extension of course of diseases, depressed symptom has accentuate gradually trend.
With its form arched to accentuate buttocks and breasts, it has a highly sensual feel.
In patients suffering from shock, the drug may accentuate the underlying disorder.
Age had only served to accentuate this pitiless modesty.
Barack Obama has encountered opposition not just from business but from tax experts who say he will accentuate the divergence between America's tax code and those of most other countries.
Accentuate proper execution of drills - don't allow swimmers to "just go through the motions" - drills can build improper motor patterns as easily as proper technique.
accentuate the importance of the study of English
On balance, we feel it is more likely to accentuate the capital-allocation problem than to solve it.
I also added a dark line gradient from the bottom to the top, to extract more drama and accentuate the incoming storm.
We don't think that in any year the chance is very high that derivatives will lead to or greatly accentuate a financial trauma, but we think it's there.
I like the aspen grove very much and decided to include the mountain peak in the photo to accentuate the golden color of the leaves.
Or accentuate, you know, half of them.
And the bra has benefits beyond protecting simply the planet -- the chopsticks tucked in both sides of the bra will give lift to the breasts and "gently accentuate cleavage", Triumph Japan said.
The neoclassical setting and the vaulted glass roof accentuate the beauty of the arcade.
Finally, be sent a hospital to check ability to know its by the colleague after acute gastritis breaks out, because ate anodyne illness to accentuate in disorder!
Some of the larger drugs and irritating accentuate inflammation.
Our company specializes in fashions for women and Boasts a powerful designing force. Our dresses are in modern and good taste, which may accentuate your facile and graceful manner.
In addition, the patient of thyroid function hyperfunction should eat seafood less, because seafood contains iodic amount taller, exorbitant iodine also can accentuate illness.
Job-seekers are encouraged to accentuate their most valuable skills and experience, and to downplay any gaps in their work history.
The earthy colors and the floral patterns of the furniture accentuate the countryside atmosphere.
The sticky liquid on these berries give the surface strong highlights that accentuate the texture of the skin.
Nevertheless, in some situations, the presence of the tummy can be cumbersome and some traveling can in fact accentuate tiredness.
The heft of environmental protection continues to accentuate in bedroom adornment, and this in September, "Use board less " became a modern word.
The canvas top also seems to accentuate the Z's curvaceous styling.
The canvas top also seems to accentuate the Z's curvaceous styling. That being said, the proportions in the patent drawings don't exactly look spot on, so they could be exaggerated.
Whether it's tight cornrows, pigtails, thick plaits or just extensions, braids always accentuate the shape and beauty of the "dome.
A distinctive wing-shape embellishment on the front grille shows the Subaru brand identity, and the front bumper designs accentuate flat horizontal surfaces.
Golden lines occasionally sparked underneath it like archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.
Halos, the black or very dark brown skin surrounding the eyes, are necessary as they accentuate the eye and enhance expression.
用作动词(v.)Accentuate the word “accent”on the first syllable.
Mrs Obama's speeches rarely accentuate the positive.
The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.
She has beautiful eyes, so we should accentuate them in the makeup.