n.古希腊歌队唱的歌,诗节n. 古希腊歌队唱的歌, 诗节, 歌咏队向左的舞动, 歌咏队向左的舞动时唱的歌
复数:strophes;形容词:strophic;形容词: strophic |
Noun1. one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama
名词 strophe:
one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama
strophe[ 'strəufi ] section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama
strophe 诗节 来自希腊语 strophe,诗节,字面意思为转折或起承转合,来自 strephein,转,PIE*streb,转,词 源同 catastrophe,tropic,turn.strophe用法和例句:
Far Away From Home Strophe I: I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.... I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
Brigde: And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,韩版女装, and what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars,男装品牌, I dry my ...
Strophe: Sie war erst 14 Jahre alt und sie wusste nicht...
Ultraschall超声波----德语歌曲视频 德语MV视频1.
The form of English poetry is imitated closely by Chinese modern poetry,such as the stanza ,the strophe and the versification.
The last strophe of the poem expresses author's desire of evading this secular world, and self-centered and absorbed as the way to deal with life.
The choral movement in classical Greek drama following and in the same meter as the strophe, sung while the chorus moves in the opposite direction from that of the strophe.
The choral movement in classical Greek drama following and in the same meter as the strophe,sung while the chorus moves in the opposite direction from that of the strophe.
A section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe, antistrophe, and epode.
a section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe,antistrophe,and epode
Strophe I:Im loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
The third division of the triad of a Pindaric ode, having a different or contrasting form from that of the strophe and antistrophe.
The third division of the triad of a Pindaric ode,having a different or contrasting from that of the strophe and antistrophe.
The second division of the triad of a Pindaric ode, having the same stanza form as the strophe.
Strophe I:I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three - part structure consisting of a strophe,an antistrophe,and an epode.
A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe,an antistrophe,and an epode.
3.The second division of the triad of a Pindaric ode, having the same stanza form as the strophe.