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n.<动>几维( kiwi的名词复数 ); 鹬鸵; 新西兰人; 猕猴桃
n.几维鸟(新西兰国岛), 猕猴桃 Kiwin.<口> 新西兰人
n.几维( kiwi的名词复数 );鹬鸵;新西兰人;猕猴桃



名词 kiwi:

climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat

同义词:Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vine, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa

a native or inhabitant of New Zealand

同义词:New Zealander, Kiwi

fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh

同义词:kiwi, kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry

nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes

同义词:kiwi, apteryx

kiwin.climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat

同义词:Chinese gooseberrykiwi vineActinidia chinensisActinidia deliciosa

a native or inhabitant of New Zealand

同义词:New Zealander

fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh

同义词:kiwi fruitChinese gooseberry

nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes





"Great Bazhen" means the fern, black fungus, mushrooms, yellow, Cimicifuga, Hippophae rhamnoides, kiwi, hazelnut.


Instead of flying, the kiwi waddles along the ground like a chicken.


Another hot pan with butter, add in kiwi fruits? cook till it turn sticky.

( 4 )另外一个热锅加入牛油,放入奇异果煎到微焦.

Between 12 and 14 knots of wind and a bit of chop, strong sunshine and a beautiful blue sea, the Kiwis played the game "comfortably".


Coutts has switched sides to the Swiss along with a large part of the Kiwi crew.


The Kiwis beat Luna Rossa today and achieved their goal of second place.


Mainly specilize in processing Chinese kiwi fruit.Umanist management value idea ,striving for perfection quality pursue making Surpassing A Peak enjoy a good market in China.


A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealandto Britainemits five times its own weight in greenhouse gases.


a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis.


Shanghai Kiwi Food Industrial Co., Ltd.


If they're not fully ripened, you can toss them in the brown bag along with your unripened kiwi fruit, peaches, and pears.


Why shouldn't Kiwis own their own bank?


Lisa went to the national zoo last weekend. She saw lots of animals there, such as tigers, pandas, elephants and kiwis.


Uribe tried to help Garza by sending him kiwis, grapefruit, pears and a protein supplement.


Then they ran a third trial, this time with volunteers who ate normal kiwi fruit.


Eight kinds of fresh fruit are packed a basket surrounded artificiality leaves included grapes, dragon fruits, peaches, golden pears, star fruits, kiwis, Apple, Orange.


The menu is miso soup with deep-fried tofu and seaweed, grilled chicken with a six-vegetable stir-fry accompanied by a bowl of rice, a carton of milk and fresh kiwi fruit.


Results indicate the majority of kiwis stand on their feet for long periods, seek help from a podiatrist when their feet get sore, and actually like their feet.


To introduce the way to produce kiwi pudding fruits by using jelling agent compounded of konjac glucomannan,carrageenan and xanthan gum.


They eat tea eggs just like how Kiwis eat chips.


He said Chinese students studying here should be made aware a good sense of humour is part of Kiwi culture.


Its industries include tobacco and wine, mining products, agricultural products,and biological medicine.Its horticulture mainly includes mandarin oranges and kiwi fruit.


KiWi was chosen as the raw material to prepare KiWi juice,and some stabilizer was added into it,followed by homog enization etc.


Technique of Good-quality Kiwi Fruit Production


But young Kiwis leave in droves in search of excitement 12,000 miles away. Now the New Zealand government is fighting back with an ad campaign to lure its ex-pats home.


A feasible way to transform from KIWI data format to MIF data format is introduced and the effect is discussed.


I like eating ice-cream best. I love to drink kiwi fruit juice.


Direction : Use on the clean face, apply the Acne Smooth Kiwi Fruit Mask, after 20-30 minutes remove with clean water, use twice a week or as often as needed.


An effective solution to a common problem.This one relies on No7's next-generation whitening complex, a unique fusion of Agarum Cribosum, Sorphora and Kiwi Extracts.


Research on Process of Drv Kiwi Wine


One is, you see, its shape, another is I've placed so many fresh fruits on the cake, they're kiwi fruits, strawberries and peaches.


A range of other foods studied, including vegetables, fruit juice, citrus and kiwi fruit,whole grains, dairy fat and margarine, did not produce the same protective effects.


Other good sources of Vitamin C include papayas, strawberries, kiwis, cantaloupe, and the cabbage family, including broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.


The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand.


Kiwis are found in New Zealand and are also often used as the symbol of the country.


The Kiwi is New Zealand's national symbol and New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.


The kiwi is a national symbol adn New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.


And instead of building a nest up in a tree, the kiwi burrows under the ground.


The kiwi is the national symbol of New Zealand, and it is one strange bird.


Fresh fruit of pineapple, kiwi, honeydew, papaya and watermelon assorted, with spicy yogurt seasoning.


In this experiment,we made use of kiwi fruit dregs,corn powder and wheat bran to study the technology of kiwi fruit vinegar which is made by fermentation.


North Island brown kiwis are listed as endangered by the International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.


Peking Town, rich walnut, with an annual output of about 450 tons, wild fungus, mushrooms, Hericium,di can , Kiwi is quite expensive.


Lobster Medallion with Kiwi Layer


The program makers did the story after Kiwi women last year topped the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey as the world’s most promiscuous.


Queen's also another kind of fruit that the United States as a study of the statements in the Kiwi fruit is also known as the King of kiwifruit, strawberry fruit has become a well-deserved Queen's.


PQQ is found in fermented soybeans and also in parsley, green tea, green peppers and kiwi fruit.


Tasting Notes: Fresh aromas of green fig, kiwi fruit and green pepper with a crisp, fruity palate.


Palate: Zesty flavors aromas of tropical fruit such as kiwi, gooseberry, pineapples and mangos with a hint of grassiness are complemented by creamy citrus notes.


And lots of the really sweet and tart stuff, too, including citrus fruit, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and other melons.


The National Zoo is one of just four zoos in the world to breed kiwis outside of New Zealand.


One to two fruits a day. A variety of fruits including orange, kiwi and tangerine supply vitamin C, vitamin A, fibre and potassium.


She saw lots of animals there, such as tigers, pandas, elephants and kiwis.


In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade.


On most days, the newcomers generally keep to themselves, and the frictions stay beneath the surface.Occasionally, however, hostility breaks out and ordinary Kiwis get caught in the middle.


KIWI Chris Killen is aiming to bring Fernando Torres season to a premature end by pulling off a shock result on the opening day of the Confederations Cup in South Africa tomorrow.


The citrus and mineral bouquet includes delicate aromas of crisp green apple, kiwi, honey and lightly toasted oak.


In the last decade kiwis have turned to it in droves with an estimated four-fold increase in the number of practising Chinese Herbalists in the country.


Here, visitors can enjoy the magnificent KIWI "Shiibayashi Pinnacle" the natural landscape.


Within the warm stomach of the rainforests, kiwi, weka, and the other birds foraged for huhu and similar succulent insects.


Mapfruit [Saluzzo, CN] Mappatura cartografica delle aziende frutticole del saluzzese. Tutte le informazioni sulle caratteristiche dei frutti: mele, pere, pesche, susine e kiwi.


Hello everyone, I am kiwi prince. I wore a dark green sweater, so my clothes, the color is dark blue.


Most of them go to New Zealand. A special arrangement means that islanders are automatically entitled to Kiwi citizenship.


Kiwi and palmagranite fruit is also loaded with ester C along with a new super food known as mangosteen.


What is kiwi fruit called in southeast Asia?


Kiwi fruit naturally contains enzymes which further help the proteins to break down so that you can get to the DNA.


Kiwi Fruit Bath Salt can assist to peel off dead cells, soothe and relax tired spirit, bring good mood.


The enzyme in kiwi will produce off-flavor with milk if left standing. Drink within about 15 minutes of making.


Steve: OK. These kiwis over here look, smell, and feel ripe. Let's buy a dozen!


If the National Party has their way, the insurance companies will inevitably cream off entitlements ordinary Kiwis would otherwise have received.


Immortals such as vegetables, green day, small shoots, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms Jiguan, Kiwi, Wujiapi, gastrodin such.


With Coconut, Olive, Kiwi and Papaya fruit to gloss, condition and protect. Smoothes split ends and static.


In New Zealand's case, the carry trade has given the kiwi dollar an extra upward push.


The result indicated that the Kiwi fruit pulp was a pseudoplastic fluid and coefficient decreased wiht the temperature rise.


Little kiwi bird Jacket is wearing his red boxing glove.


Little kiwi bird Jacke, golden fish Lily, doggie Joshua and cat Kittyt are meeting the elephant Leon.


Fontana Exotic Juice (8 fruits) contains apple, pineapple, orange, kiwi, peach, banana, mango and guava juice, rich in Vitamin A, C, E. No preservatives and No artificial colours., excellent taste.


When you pour the alcohol on top of the kiwi fluid, the alcohol stays on top because it's less dense.


Certainly.First, we want to do 400 milliliter milk shakes.Prepare small mango 1, the kiwi is 2, the low fat milk is 200 milliliters, the fresh lemon juice is 2.


Of course, my favorite fruit is, in my mind as an example of the fruits, the top five are: kiwi, grapefruit, cherries, grapes, and the dragon fruit!



The Kiwi is New Zealand's national symbol and New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.

Saya mempunyai sebuah Kiwi dan sebuah Melon.

In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade.