Noun1. the capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river
tiflis[ 'tiflis; tif'li:s ]n.the capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river同义词:Tbilisicapital of Georgia
Photo taken on Feb. 21, 2008 shows a snow removal truck on the way from the Sevan Lake of Armenia to Tbilisi of Gerogia.
TBILISI, April 7 (Reuters) - Former Soviet international Givi Nodiya has died from a heart attack aged 57, Georgian television reported on Thursday.
"Coming back to the table, negotiations, peace talks, a political solution. That's it. Easy to say, very difficult to do," Kouchner told journalists in Tbilisi.
With the Turkish prime minister visiting Moscow and Tbilisi, Ankara is now working hard to secure peace.
Nevertheless, during her Sunday visit to Tbilisi, Merkel repeated her claim that eventually Georgia would become a member of NATO.
That view was echoed by world leaders as Russian tanks and troops entered Georgia's breakaway region after Tbilisi launched a military offensive to reclaim South Ossetia.
The relationship between Moscow and Tbilisi has been near breaking-point for months.
The two leaders also discussed conflict in Georgia's breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Those areas declared independence from the central government in Tbilisi in the early 1990s.
Ukraine's current President, Viktor Yushchenko flew to Tbilisi to join his Georgian friend and fellow head of state, Mikheil Saakashvili, in the school's re-dedication ceremony.
Georgian soldiers sit on a tank moving near the town of Tskhinvali, some 100km (62 miles) from Tbilisi, August 10, 2008. [Agencies
Driving west from Georgia's capital Tbilisi the road drops into a beautiful, green valley.
Gori is on the main highway that runs across the country from Tbilisi to the Black Sea Coast.
Following Mr Bush's statement, Ms Rice, who will hold talks in France before heading to Tbilisi, also had tough words, saying Russia had "seriously overreached" itself.
以下议员,布什的声明,赖斯女士,谁举行会谈,在法国,然后前往第比利斯,也有强硬的话,说俄罗斯有“严重overreached ”本身。
But Soso Tsiskarishvili points to this week's visit to Tbilisi by presidents of five countries that border Russia as a sign that they do not trust the Kremlin.
Located in the capital Tbilisi, Georgia to the Georgia State Library 23, reception to celebrate the Georgia first business card printing and membership card factory 300 anniversary of the birth.
Do you work in Tbilisi?
When Mr Sarkozy rushed to Moscow and Tbilisi in August, for example, the Americans stayed at home.
The Russian government has criticized the move, saying it will not benefit bilateral relations, and Tbilisi will have to bear all of the consequences.
Ru ia has su ended all tra ort and postal links with neighboring Georgia in retaliation for Tbilisi's detention last week of four Ru ian military officers accused of ying.
Russia says the accusations of the spying are false and is demanding their release.Matthew Collin reports from the Georgian capital Tbilisi.
Russian railway troops into Abkhazia, Tbilisi has aroused intense negative reaction.
The Kremlin has no more right to dictate terms to Tbilisi than Washington has to impinge upon the sovereignty of the Latin American states embraced by the Monroe Doctrine.
Before arriving at Georgia to enter in Tbilisi and the elder brother interviews, I once attempted by North Ossetia to enter Nanaosaidi.
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NATO's rejection of Kiev and Tbilisi's bids, which was largely a result of objections from France and Germany, was seen partly as a Russia's diplomatic victory.
Judging by buzz alone, it would seem as if every retail developer with an interest in Europe is concentrating on deals in Kiev or Sofia or Tbilisi.
Instead, ministers encouraged Tbilisi and Kiev to pursue reforms needed to join the alliance, without any timetable for entry.
Anti-government protesters and police have clashed in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, amid rising national tensions.
That same day, hundreds of thousands of Georgians flooded Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi’s main street.
Writing on Wednesday in the journal Nature, the scientists described remains of three adults and one adolescent dating from about 1.77 million years ago, excavated at Dmanisi, about 55 miles southwest of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.
The Azzurri are back training this morning in preparation for the match on Wednesday against Georgia. They depart tomorrow for Tbilisi.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the striker played for Dinamo Tbilisi and Lokomotiv Moscow, scoring 93 goals in 314 matches in the Soviet championship.
Before heading behind closed doors for meetings with Kremlin leader Dmitri Medvedev, the presidents of Ukraine and Georgia hinted publicly at Moscow's strained relations with Kyiv and Tbilisi.
The Kremlin then froze air, sea and postal links last month after Georgia briefly detained four Russian officers on spying charges and accused Tbilisi of plotting to use force to restore control over two separatist regions.
In another development, a Georgian train struck what authorities say was a mine Sunday near the town of Gori, 55 kilometers northwest of the capital, Tbilisi.
Washington strongly criticized Moscow's massive military incursion into Georgia in response to Tbilisi's abortive attempt to take over the capital of the breakaway region of South Ossetia.
5 And in Tbilisi Georgia residents celebrate City Day by drinking freshly prized wine, listening to music and watching folk dancing.
At the airport in Tbilisi and at Georgia's Black Sea port of Batumi, U.S. planes and ships are continuing to unload humanitarian cargo.
A young man and woman fall in love in the city of Tbilisi and move into a small empty apartment.
Approximately fifty fans greeted the Azzurri upon their departure to Tbilisi.
GEORGI DVALI grew up in the former Soviet republic of Georgia and received his Ph.D. from the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics in Tbilisi.
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili declared on Wednesday a state of emergency in the capital Tbilisi and signed the relevant decree, Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli said.
Thick black plumes of smoke rose from Gori as panicked residents -- including the doctors and patients of the local hospital -- fled to Tbilisi in packed cars and minivans.
Reports say that Russian troops now control many key bridges and roads across Georgia, leaving Tbilisi isolated.
I interviewed one in Tbilisi from elder brother's in female refugee, her occupation is a teacher.
Reports say that Russia(n) troops now control many key bridges and roads across Geger (Georgia) leaving to Blicy (Tbilisi) isolated.
Addressing the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi, Mr.Biden said the improved ties with Russia sought by the Obama administration would not be at Georgia's expense.
According to ITAR-TASS, Eduard Shevardnadze made the denial in a press conference held in tbilisi
Once a Government-convoyed truck was bombed in the Tiflis main square, and 341,000 rubles ($170,000) in cash was taken from it.
Georgia Tbilisi Instituteof Asia and Africa
The company's strong launch of multiple airlines business class from Beijing to Tbilisi great undertaking special sales, year round for visitors to apply for tight airline seats.
France kick off their qualifying campaign for Euro 2008 with a match against Georgia in Tbilisi on Saturday before they host world champions Italy next week.
Georgia in Tbilisi's president new official mansion convention press conference, I participated.
The Georgian authorities say they've ended a brief mutiny by a tank battalion at a military base outside the capital Tbilisi.
Voters in Georgia's breakaway region of South O etia have overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Tbilisi.
He denied Georgia's allegations that Russia bombed a key railway bridge west of the capital Tbilisi hours before Moscow signed the cease-fire agreement.
Russia says Georgia is still firing at targets in South Ossetia, Georgia says Russia has again bombed Gori, and dropped bombs near the international airport of Tbilisi.
Georgia Tbilisi TV Broadcasting Tower
By evening,Georgian officials said Russian infantry had taken the town, about 60kilometers from the capital of Tbilisi.
Georgian commandos dispersed an opposition rally in Tbilisi on Wednesday.
Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi, Georgia,
Georgian police pulled back toward Tbilisi and Georgian tanks took defensive positions in wooded areas lining the main entrance to the country's capital.
Georgian police watched Friday as Russian tanks and military vehicles drove down from strategic hilltops about 40 kilometers outside Tbilisi toward the Russian-controlled region of South Ossetia.
PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May 5th is unclear.
Estonia flew 50 military officers to Tbilisi on Thursday.
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Basic Principles for the Distribution of Competences between Tbilisi and Sukhumi;
Tbilisi phage
Tbilisi International Centre for Dialogue between Cultures for Peace and Tolerance;
The streets of Tbilisi, it is true, have seen fearful moments since November when Mr Saakashvili made his over-hasty crackdown.
Liberty Institute Centre in Tbilisi;
A second plane with antibiotics requested by the Georgian Ministry of Health is scheduled to land in Tbilisi tomorrow, a State Department official said.
State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack declined to directly characterize the Russian action but stressed U.S. backing for the Tbilisi government.
South Ossetia and Abkhazia, both of which border Russia and have large ethnic-Russia populations, have resisted control from Tbilisi since Georgia - a former Soviet republic - became independent.
The presence of US airmen and sailors is meant to send a powerful signal to Tbilisi that Washington will stand by its allies, in this case the crumbling Government of President Saakashvili.
The BBC's Natalia Antelava, in Tbilisi, says Mr Bush's speech was the first piece of good news the Georgian government had received for days.
英国广播公司的位于莫斯科antelava ,在第比利斯先生说,布什的讲话是第一个喜讯,格鲁吉亚政府曾接获数天。
Sarkissian, 30, arrived in Tbilisi, Georgia began a two-day official visit.
President Mikhail Saakashvili issued the emergency decree last week, after six days of mass protests in Tbilisi that culminated in clashes with police.
Western diplomats and politicians rushed to Moscow and to Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, trying to broker a ceasefire.
In Tbilisi,Mr.Cheney will discuss possible additional U.S. and Western aid tohelp Georgia rebuild and strengthen its military.Mr.