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英式:[hɪˈdʒɑ:b]    美式:[hɪˈdʒɑ:b]







1. a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the face

2. the custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home;

"she observes the hijab and does not wear tight clothing"

名词 hijab:

a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the face

the custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home

hijab[ 'haidʒæb ]n.a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the facethe custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home

"she observes the hijab and does not wear tight clothing"




"If she was in her room, in her home, in her Hijab [headscarf], no problem would have occurred," he added.


Nashala Hearn, a Muslim girl from Muskogee, Okla., also was praised for successfully challenging her school district for her right to wear a hijab, a head covering.


"The film also tackles many stereotypes relating to hijab and highlights the duty of Muslim men to observe modesty," said Jafry.


"Hijab is one of the most misunderstood symbols of Islam," he Jafry.


His documentary "Hijab: An Act of Faith," is tackling the concept of hijab and modesty in Islam.


A group called the Canadian Muslim Women Committee organized a conference for Saturday in Montreal to mark International Hijab Day.


This hijab, This mark of piety, Is an act of faith, a symbol, For all the world to see.


Why we are wearing hijab?


In fact, there is wisdom behind this heavenly command of hijab and behind Muslim women's challenge to wear it.


Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress.


But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!


Schoolgirls in the north, who would previously just have worn a small cotton headscarf with their uniform, now go to school in waist-length hijab, in somewhat Indonesian style.


In May, Kanostate began requiring all private-school students to obey a Muslim dress code,including the hijab for women, that already applies in public schools.


hijab scarves


She dashes out but forgets her hijab.


She was dressed in full hijab, a bright blue cloth framing her face.


more beautiful girls wearing fashionable, general wear the green cashmere yarn hijab.


In Christianity for example, nuns cannot show up without their hijab.


Since the man who told me off for my less than perfect hijab was carrying a gun I didn't argue back.


I have never written anything personal on the subject of hijab because it seems like an overdone issue.


Women with scarves or in hijab were chatting, and the children were having fun playing ball in the playground in front of the mosque.


Off your hijab, the Let me look at your brow, Your eyebrows thin and long, ah, Trees bent as if it were the moon, Your eyebrows thin and long, ah, It seems that the tree bent the moon.


Off your hijab, the Let me see your eyes, Your eyes out, bright ah As if it were Akinami an appearance.


The term hijab means more than just covering the hair and refers to the general code of modesty outlined in the verses quoted above.


hijab from turkey !


Notice Clara that this ruling of hijab, is highly esteemed among Muslim women, despite the big pressure of most regimes in the Muslim majority world to forbid it.


Muslim women picket the French Embassy in London to protest about a ban against wearing the hijab.


"A number of articulate and committed Muslim women with varied backgrounds share their experiences and insights about their choice to wear hijab.


Remember the suffering they endured at the hands of the polytheists of Makkah and compare that to the stares or insults you might get when you wear hijab.


Lately I find I am being asked many questions, even by other Muslim women who choose not to wear hijab, and by non-Muslims who know other Muslim women who choose not to wear hijab.


" Ziada, the human-rights activist, says the hijab--her headscarves are in pinks, pastels, floral prints and plaids, not drab black--provides protective cover and legitimacy for her campaigns.


This Hijab This mark of piety Is an act of faith, a symbol, For all the world to see.


And this Hijab This mark of piety Is an act of faith, a symbol, For all the world to see.A simple cloth, to preserve her dignity.


S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.


That's why the United States government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab and to punish those who would deny it. (Applause.


Yasmeen al Kassir, a Muslim Californian student at Pierce College who doesn’t wear hijab, still feels that her life has changed since 9/11.


The niqab is part of a hijab headress and covers the entire face except for the eyes.


”Wearing the hijab or Islamic veil that most French employers prohibit is permitted here.
