uprisen是什么意思   uprisen怎么读

英式:['ʌpraɪsn]    美式:['ʌpraɪsn]


v.起义( uprise的过去分词 ); 暴动; 上升; 起床

v.起义( uprise的过去分词 );暴动;上升;起床



动词 uprise:

come into existence; take on form or shape

同义词:originate, arise, rise, develop, uprise, spring up, grow

ascend as a sound


rise up as in fear

同义词:bristle, uprise, stand up

rise to one's feet

同义词:arise, rise, uprise, get up, stand up

come up, of celestial bodies

同义词:rise, come up, uprise, ascend

move upward

同义词:rise, lift, arise, move up, go up, come up, uprise

return from the dead

同义词:resurrect, rise, uprise

get up and out of bed

同义词:get up, turn out, arise, uprise, rise

uprisev.come into existence; take on form or shape

同义词:originateariserisedevelopspring upgrow

ascend as a soundrise up as in fear

"It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"

同义词:bristlestand up

rise to one's feet

同义词:ariseriseget upstand up

come up, of celestial bodies

同义词:risecome upascend

move upward

同义词:riseliftarisemove upgo upcome up

return from the dead

"The dead are to uprise"


get up and out of bed

同义词:get upturn outariserise




Urban disaster science is a new discipline having been uprisen with theindustrial development.
