n.圣者,圣者像adj.神圣的n. 圣者, 圣者像
SantoSanto commonly refers to two places in Vanuatu:以上来源于:Wikipedia
“Clavo,yo te sujeto para que me ayudes a desviar y a hacer mal a todas aquella personas que asi lo desee,en el nombre del padre ,y el hijo y del Espiritu Santo,Amen.
While the quakes were not felt in Port Vila, he said Santo, with its capital of Luganville, "most likely could have felt them.
(AFP, Santo Domingo) Balaguer, who wielded enormous sway in Dominican politics for decades and held the presidency for seven terms in the Dominican Republic, died of heart failure today. He was 95.
In 1920, Prohibition jolted the wine industry.The majority of Los Angeles wineries closed forever, but Santo requested permission from the Catholic Church to make sacramental wines.
Deep Offshore Technology International Conference And Exhibition. Annual. 17th 2005. Improving Cycle Time For Production In Deepwater (CD-ROM) Held 8-10 November 2005, Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
4 Magrin J,Kowalsri LP,Santo al. Infrahyoid myocutaneous flap in head and neck reconstruction.Head Neck,1993,15:522- 525.
campo santo
n. <意>坟地, 公墓
Santo Domingo
n. 圣多明哥(多米尼加共和国首都)
"Keep your eyes out," says the 40-year-old tour guide, sweat glistening from his brow as he scans the nearby clumps of silvery-gray, lichen-covered palo santo trees.
"We have no damage reports yet, but we have had no contact with Santo so far," Vanuatu police spokesman Take Rakau told The Associated Press.
"Fashion is in my blood and I'm very excited about showing my collection," said the 25-year-old, whose father, Santo, controls the business side of Versace and is the brother of Donatella.
E non contristate lo Spirito Santo di Dio col quale siete stati suggellati per il giorno della redenzione.
不可让 神的圣灵忧伤,因为你们受了他的印记,等候得赎的日子。
Non rigettarmi dalla tua presenza e non togliermi lo spirito tuo santo.
The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Santo Domingo.
Franco di Santo and Claudio Pizarro replaced them at the interval, with Andriy Shevchenko employed on the right of midfield.
Deco was taken off at half-time against Burnley and Franco Di Santo was lost to a hamstring tear in extra time, leaving the Blues with 10 men.
Toward that end, I have already been in touch with Andrew Card at the White House and with Mayor Guiliani and Governor Pataki in New York, as well as with officials in Santo Domingo.
Rallegratevi nell’Eterno, o giusti, e lodate il santo suo nome!
Vida de campo, vida de santo.
We can today announce this season's Chelsea squad numbers, with Franco Di Santo taking the number 9 shirt.
Food and war supplies from San Francisco to Noumea, New Caledonia; nitrate from Espiritu Santo, Guadalcanal, Suva, Antofagasto (Chile), Canal Zone, Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), arriving Savannah on April 3, 1943.
Since then, people have continued celebrating the fiesta. This tradition became the fiesta del Santo Patrono de Moxos, celebrated each year in front of the village church.
Mendoza and Swee Hee Tan, who helped collect and identify these specimens for the Santo 2006 biodiversity expedition in Vanuatu.
E tutti furon ripieni dello Spirito Santo, e cominciarono a parlare in altre lingue, secondo che lo Spirito dava loro d’esprimersi.
Egli dunque, essendo stato esaltato dalla destra di Dio, e avendo ricevuto dal Padre lo Spirito Santo promesso, ha sparso quello che ora vedete e udite.
他既然被高举到 神的右边,从父领受了所应许的圣灵,就把他浇灌下来,这就是你们所看见所听见的。
Gli porrai in capo la mitra, e metterai sulla mitra il santo diadema.
e dopo che Paolo ebbe loro imposto le mani, lo Spirito Santo scese su loro, e parlavano in altre lingue, e profetizzavano.
Chelsea have signed Argentinian striker Franco Di Santo on a four-and-a-half year contract.
Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo.
It is a vast undersea junkyard lying just a few metres off a pristine white beach on the island of Espiritu Santo in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.
Poi fece l’olio santo per l’unzione e il profumo fragrante, puro, secondo l’arte del profumiere.
Custodisci il buon deposito per mezzo dello Spirito Santo che abita in noi.
Just 15 minutes later a second quake with a magnitude 7.3 hit at the same depth but 21 miles (35 kilometers) farther north of Santo and Port Vila.
At four o'clock the English vessel entered the bay of Espiritu Santo.
Allora imposero loro le mani, ed essi ricevettero lo Spirito Santo.
Espirito Santo
Santo Domingo de los Colorados
Declaration of Santo Domingo
Air Santo Domingo
Revolt in Santo Domingo
Revolution in Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo, founded in 1496, is the oldest European settlement in the Western Hemisphere.
Santo Tomas de Castilla
Badate a voi stessi e a tutto il gregge, in mezzo al quale lo Spirito Santo vi ha costituiti vescovi, per pascere la chiesa di Dio, la quale egli ha acquistata col proprio sangue.
圣灵既然立你们为全群的监督,牧养 神用自己的血所赎来的教会,你们就应当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎。
Each of us got the gift from the santo claus on chritmas eve.
As for the latter case, the new method possesses the santo degree of accuracy as those previousely used, but it has a wider field of applications snd reduces the labor of calculation drastically.
Eppur tu sei il Santo, che siedi circondato dalle lodi d’Israele.
On the 15th there is a parody of the run made by some die-hards who refuse to face the fact that the Fiesta is all over and who run in front of the early-morning bus which comes up Santo Domingo street.
It was American Airlines Flight 587, an Airbus A300 aircraft en route from New York Kennedy to Santo Domingo.The airplane was lost today shortly after take off from Kennedy Airport.
Departing Espiritu Santo May 1, she arrived in Pearl Harbor May 8.
Castro R, Prieto ES, Santo I, et al. Evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay technique for detection for
Despite the two and a half hour drive from Santo Domingo to Bombita in Barahona province, volunteers greet Tropical Storm Noel victims with the brightest smiles as soon as they get off the bus, hoping to cheer them up.
dressed santo hair
Its many well-preserved 16th-century religious buildings, such as San Lazaro, San Francisco and Santo Domingo, illustrate the blending of local architectural traditions with styles imported from Europe.
Allora Pietro, ripieno dello Spirito Santo, disse loro: Rettori del popolo ed anziani,
Or l’Iddio della speranza vi riempia d’ogni allegrezza e d’ogni pace nel vostro credere, onde abbondiate nella speranza, mediante la potenza dello Spirito Santo.
愿那赐盼望的 神,因着你们的信,把一切喜乐平安充满你们,使你们靠着圣灵的大能满有盼望。
Component: Essence of seaweed and Palo Santo, ect.
E come avevo cominciato a parlare, lo Spirito Santo scese su loro, com’era sceso su noi da principio.
Non ho imparato la sapienza, e non ho la conoscenza del Santo.
Tutti i fratelli vi salutano. Salutatevi gli uni gli altri con un santo bacio.
Desvestir a un santo para vestir a otro.
The market took careful note on Friday that Portugal’s biggest banks, Millenium, BPI, and Banco Espirito Santo are preparing to take up the state’s emergency credit guarantees.
The content of this page is from the SANTO port or SANTO customs import and export company directory;
Stefano and Maddalena, sons Santo and Steven, daughter Catherine, and grandson Anthony honor this tradition with their award-winning Riboli Family of Wines.
Flight 587, carrying 260 people including five infants and nine crew, was headed for Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, American Airlines said.
While Messi is one of the stars of world football, Di Santo is still struggling to break into Chelsea's first team.
Queste non sono le parole di un uomo santo.
Haitian Reconquest of Santo Domingo
A diver holds a machine gun found in a U.S.World War II shipwreck near the Pacific island of Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu.
Non si crede al santo finche non fa il miracolo.
Colonial City of Santo Domingo
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Banco Espirito Santo S.A.
Salutate tutti i fratelli con un santo bacio.
The runners should place themselves in the stretch between the Plaza Consistorial and the Military Hospital on the Santo Domingo rise.
The run soon became much shorter also, because as from 1899, it was decided to bring the bulls up to a small corral in Santo Domingo street the night before they fight in the ring.
E noi stessi udimmo quella voce che veniva dal cielo, quand’eravamo con lui sul monte santo.
The 20-year-old is 6ft 3in tall, and is highly rated in his homeland. He grew up in the Santo youth team, making his senior debut back in 2006.
Dean is about 175 miles south of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, moving to the west-northwest at about 17 miles an hour.
Di Santo also revealed he is especially close with team-mate Didier Drogba, while John Terry often helps him out of pickles.