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n. (Cesare)人名;(意)切萨雷;(西)塞萨雷




Cesare Borgia [网络] 波吉亚;博尔吉亚;恺撒·博尔吉亚

imperatore cesare 凯撒皇帝


Cesar, glad to see they didn't croak you.

凯撒 很高兴你没有被他们做掉

Cesar, if you build it, they will come.

恺撒 只要努力 就会实现

Cesar would be the kind of person vulnerable to manipulation.

凯撒可能是那种 易受摆布的人

Cesar, we have a witness who says you killed these people.

凯撒 有目击证人 说你杀害了这几个人

Cesar put food on that table and you had no problem eating it.

凯撒给了你吃的 你不也吃得挺好

Cesar's a little off, but we let him go considering all the good he's done.

凯撒有点不正常 但是考虑到他做过的好事 我们就随他去了

Cesar will be back on the street in like a week, I'm telling you.

我跟你说 最多一周凯撒就能出去

Cesar had a brilliant idea, but neither the technical skills nor the hard cash to bring it to life.

西泽的主意非常出色 但技术和 资金都不到位

Cesar believed that the fishing boats adapted with skimmers, which were being used to clear up the spill, weren't up to the job.

西泽认为被用来清理漏油的 改装有撇油器的渔船 不能胜任这份工作

Cesar's plan was to create a fleet of unmanned remotecontrolled sailing drones that could cover the sea surface more effectively.

西泽的计划是创造一支 无人驾驶的遥控舰队 这支舰队可以更有效的覆盖海面