unsurprised是什么意思   unsurprised怎么读

英式:[ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzd]    美式:[ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzd]




a. not surprised or expressing surprise





But as it is, I didn't know, and therefore my surprise should be unsurprising.

可事实上是 我之前不知道 所以我"惊喜"的样子 你根本不该觉得惊喜

And unsurprisingly, no legislation's been written yet.


The girl at the counter said the ownbrand stuff is exactly the same, unsurprisingly.

卖药的女孩说自有品牌的东西 效果也一样 她当然会这么说

Could also be an unsurprising complication from a surgeon poking around in my pons.

也可能是给我的脑桥动手术后 意料之中的并发症

How unsurprising that you cast aside our arrangement the first moment it suited your whim.

一旦交易合了你的心意 你便背信弃义于我 实在是意料之中的事啊

And yet, unsurprisingly, those who've been bullied are more than likely going to become bullies themselves.

然而不出所料 那些被霸凌者 也很有可能成为霸凌者

Unsurprisingly, a reliable, fully tested and equipped ejector seat doesn't come cheap.

一个通过全部测试 并装备好的优质弹射座椅 无疑造价不菲

The multivitamin featured the trial on its packaging, and unsurprisingly, it sold like hot cakes.

这种复合维生素将此实验印在包装上 不出所料 产品销售火爆

But, actually, it's really unsurprising that we'll find it in bottled water, because there's microbes present in the source water where the bottled water actually comes from.

但其实在瓶装水中有这样的发现 并不奇怪 因为生产瓶装水的水源中 就存在这些微生物