名词复数: tinnituses |
Noun1. a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Meniere's disease
名词 tinnitus:
a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Meniere's diseasetinnitus[ ti'naitəs ]n.a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Meniere's disease
tinnitus 耳鸣 来自拉丁语 tinnire,丁当作响,拟声词。引申词义耳鸣。tinnitus用法和例句:
Conclusion TRT is effective in treatment of tinnitus.
The clinical typical symptom was objective tinnitus as closing eyelid or moving lips.
Clinically , all developed blurred vision, 12 had hearing loss, 11 had headache, and 5 had tinnitus.
在临床症状方面,视力模糊19例, 听力丧失12例 、 头痛11例 、 眩晕或头晕10例,而耳鸣5例.
Lose one's hair of fat excessive sex, tinnitus, fatigue, angular how to do?
脂溢性脱发 、 耳鸣 、 疲劳 、 消瘦怎么办?
These effects include reversible hearing loss and tinnitus ( ringing in the ears ).
The prime symptoms of disorders of the inner ear are deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus.
内耳疾病的主要症状是耳聋 、 眩晕和耳鸣.
Patients with hypertension, if there are dizziness , blinking , palpitation tinnitus, often Chili, reduce the symptoms.
高血压患者, 如果有头晕目眩 、 心悸耳鸣者, 经常吃梨, 可减轻症状.
Can chronic rhinitis cause giddy tinnitus? What method can be recuperated!
慢性鼻炎会引起头晕耳鸣 吗 ?有什么方法可以调理!
Objective To observe the effects of hearing aid on the treatment of tinnitus.
The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch.
After operation, the symptoms of tinnitus disappeared thoroughly.
He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.
他有轻度耳鸣, 并且听力稍减.
Result: The ratio of various complications in their proper order is: otorrhea , 10.1 % ; tympanosclerosis, 8 %; perforations, 3.4 %; tinnitus , 1.7 %; sensorineural hearing loss, 0.8 %.
结果: 术后并发症的发生率依次为耳漏( 10.1% ), 鼓室硬化症(8%), 鼓膜穿孔(3.4%)、 耳鸣 (1.7%), 感音神经性聋(0.8%).
Objective : To investigate the pathogenesis, clinical course and treatment of synkinetic tinnitus ( STs ) .
目的: 探讨联带运动性 耳鸣 的发生机制 、 床表现及治疗.
Objective To investigate the prognostic value of sudden deafness with or without vertigo and tinnitus.
The results of the tinnitus tests were significantly different between the groups.
Pulsatile tinnitus has various etiologies , including atherosclerotic carotid artery disease.
摘要引起脉动性耳鸣的病因很多, 其中包含颈动脉血管的粥状硬化.
Ringing ( tinnitus ) represents the stimulation of the nerve fibers responsible for interpreting sound.
Tinnitus, gives first aid treatment to the left ear, high marks!
左耳耳鸣, 急救, 高分!
OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of point injection of Lidocaine in the treatment of tinnitus.
What disease is tinnitus after all? How should treat?
耳鸣到底是什么病? 要怎样治疗?
Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint.
头晕目眩, 耳鸣, 腰膝酸软无力.
Conclusion: Tinnitus is shown by questionnaires be closely related to a patient � � s body and mind.
结论: 耳鸣与身心因素密切相关,耳鸣问卷能较好地分析患者的身心问题.
When you climb mountains, ears are always ( that is tinnitus ).
爬山时, 耳朵常常嗡嗡作响 ( 即耳鸣 ).
Objective To explore a better method for therapeutic evaluation of tinnitus.
Objective : To explore the physical and psychological factors of tinnitus patients and its prevention measurement.
目的: 探讨耳鸣患者身体和心理的健康状况及其耳鸣的防治措施.
A 39-yearold female presented left positional pulsatile tinnitus (PT) for over three years and hypertension for one year.
1, cardiovascular dysfunction: hot flashes, chest tightness, dizziness, tinnitus, high blood lipids, arrhythmia, etc.;
1、 心血管功能失调:潮热、胸闷、头昏眼花、耳鸣、高血脂、心律不齐等;
4.Ear trauma is bleeding, deafness, tinnitus, earache, occasional dizziness.
5 Jastreboff PJ , Hazell JWP. A neural physiological approach to tinnitus : Clinical implications[J ] . Brit JAudiol ,1993 ,27 :7.
80 years old, antrum straightens on the right side of, senile encephalatrophy. How should fierce `` treat tinnitus recently specific how should do?
This model assesses the perception of a sound (tinnitus) disregarding its origin and allows for testing of drugs that attenuate tinnitus.
:本耳鸣行为模型能证实水杨酸钠造成的动物耳鸣的存在 ,可用于筛选药物是否具有改善耳鸣的作用 ,但无法提供药物致 /治鸣机制的依据。
or grade III (seere) tinnitus is louder than all external sounds.
With parenteral use of furosemide in high doses reversible deafness and tinnitus have been reported when the infusion is faster than 4 mg per minute.
Clinical observation on the therapeutic effects of an integrative medicine therapy on the accompanied tinnitus and vertigo with sudden deafness
The clinical typical symptom was objective tinnitus as closing eyelid or moving lips.
10.Its clinical manifestations are headache (mostly occur on the afterbrain), dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, irritancy, forgetfulness, limb numbness, palpitations, etc.
The clinical test indicates the output signal is precise and can cure the tinnitus effectively.
The clinical test indicates the frequency equalizer embedded in the tinnitus treating instrument extends the applying ranges and improves the treatment effe.
The clinical test indicates the frequency equalizer embedded in die tinnitus treating instrument extends the applying ranges and improves the treatment effectively.
For the weakness of the heart and kidney marked by feeling of dizziness and tinnitus amnesia and insomnia,poor eyesight and disinclined to speak,pain in the waist and the knee.
subjective idiopathic tinnitus
ABR in Patients With Subjective Tinnitus
You can lessen the risks of hearing difficulties and tinnitus by protecting your ears with earplugs or other hearing protection devices at all times.
The effect of tinnitus volume on the ascending speed of auditory threshold
On Tinnitus'Treatment with Syndrome Differentiation from a Succeed Case
They mailed sureys to 20,000 members of the German Tinnitus League. The 4995 indiiduals who participated were also ealuated for audiologic, medical, and psychological factors.
He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.
Impacting the head and neck with waterfall to promote blood circulation, remove tinnitus and migraine and keep slim.
Nevertheless, the tinnitus may not disappear even the labyrinthine is totally removed because the spontaneous spark of the neurons in the central auditory system after the operation.
Hearing problems like 1)tinnitus, once 2)encountered mostly in old age, are now affecting people in their teens and twenties, and 3)audiologists have identified the 4)culprit: earphones.
Hearing problems like1) tinnitus, once2) encountered mostly in old age, are now affecting people in their teens and twenties, and3) audiologists have identified the4) culprit: earphones.
Systemic symptom has complexion dark An or the cheek carbonadoes hot, cheekbone is red, giddy tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp, 5 be perturbed are hot, defecate is dry.
After operation, the symptoms of tinnitus disappeared thoroughly.
Other symptoms may include ringing, roaring, hissing, or buzzing in the ear (tinnitus).Or you may have ear pain, itching, or irritation, or fluid leaking from the ear.
Characterized by paroxysmal vertigo, the volatility of deafness and tinnitus.
The prime symptoms of disorders of the inner ear are deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus.
Clinical research of objective differentiation of symptoms and signs of tinnitus using audiological index
Study of neurological mechanism of lidocaine's suppression to tinnitus via microdialysis
acupoint. indications: tinnitus
Prodrome period count a second continuously only, the patient has dizziness, have a headache, tinnitus, entered foreboding period;
Effect: kidney in Vigo-rating, loins-strengthening, suitable for lumbago, asthenia of kidney, drizzle ness and tinnitus, especially for the impotence and other deficiency of sexuality.
Comparative Study of the Effects of Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Maskers on the Treatment of Tinnitus
The Effect of Hearing Aid on the Treatment of Tinnitus
Subjects were also asked questions regarding tinnitus history, tinnitus-related otologic conditions, tinnitus etiology, and psychological complaints.
The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch.
Keywords Audiological index;Tinnitus;Differentiation of symptoms and signs;
Tinnitus with normal hearing and evoked otoacoustic emissions
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in tinnitus cases with normal hearing level
Treating nervous tinnitus by acupuncture Lidocaine to T’ingkung
Peripheral facial palsy, deafness, tinnitus, and trigeminal sensory deficit are common presentations.Vertigo as the only clinical feature of AICA infarct is rare.
Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation.
10. Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation.
Among women in noisy jobs, the prevalence of tinnitus is 2.8 times higher than normal after just 1-5 years of working in a noisy workplace.
Degree of annoyance, measured with the mini-ersion of the Tinnitus Questionnaire, was categorized as mildly distressed (39%), moderately (24%), seerely (24%), and most seerely distressed (13%).
Clinically, all developed blurred vision, 12 had hearing loss, 11 had headache, and 5 had tinnitus.
Design on an Intelligent Instrument of Tinnitus Treating Based on the Therapeutics of Concealing
Sound therapy and masking method: innovative application of traditional technology in treating tinnitus
The SSHL is characterized by sensorineural hearing loss,which broke out suddenly and was accompanied with tinnitus and vertigo,.
Acoustic measurement of tinnitus model in rats
Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint.
tinnitus and retching;tongue fur whitish but not thirsty;pulse floating and moderate or floating and weak.
Have a headache place sees with pillow, Ebuduo, can accompany faintness of ache of the back after the neck is reached by force, eyesight, tinnitus and vomiting to wait.
HEENT:blurred vision(-);ocular pain (-);hearing loss (-);tinnitus(-);vertigo(-);nasal stuffiness(-);nasal discharge(-);nasal bleeding(-);gum bleeding(-);sore throat(-);headache(-);oral ulcer(-) .
It is mainly indicated for cerebral disorders, such as hemiplegia, numbness, aphasia, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, chorea, etc.
How to treat the tinnitus that the cold causes?
If have a headache, swimmy, neck strong, tinnitus, vision coma of disorder, limb, strut, then may produce the functional obstacle of the organ such as heart, head, kidney.
Tinnitus Masker Pro is extremely easy to use and get to grips with, yet versatile enough to cover a wide range of tinnitus conditions.
Not only can wearing hearing aid improve the hearing, but also have positive effects on the treatment for tinnitus with decreased hearing, especially wearing a long time everyday.
It has effects of soothing the depressed liver and alleviating mental depression, inducing sedation of the mind and mind easing to depressed temper in climacteric age and dizziness and tinnitus.
The Use of Botulinum Toxin A in the Treatment of Palatal Myoclonus Tinnitus
Got rhinitis cancer to still have besides dizziness often shed nosebleed. What symptom does tinnitus still have that?
Influence of contralateral white noise stimulation on distortion product otoacoustic emissions in patients with acute unilateral tinnitus
Summing up the experience of curing tinnitus in recent years,we find that it is connected closely with heartdisease besides the former symptoms.
How many years also which type was the tinnitus, is been really annoyed the human, the peaceful place felt that had a cicada to call in inside to be the same, ask that what good means treatment had?
您的位置:我也知道 >医疗健康 >五官科 >耳鼻喉科 >耳鸣是都几年了还哪个样,真叫人心烦啊,安静的地方就感觉有个蝉在里面叫一样,请问有什么好的办法治疗?
Treatment of sensorineural tinnitus with foot reflexogenic therapy
Can chronic rhinitis cause giddy tinnitus? What method can be recuperated!
It has been found that NaSal significantly suppresses the functional activity of GABA neurons, suggesting that NalSal raises excitability in the central auditory system to induce tinnitus.
We present a woman who had been bothered by pulsatile tinnitus of the right ear which resulted from carotid artery stenosis.
Relationship between high frequency hearing threshold and tinnitus
Keywords extended high frequency audiometry;tinnitus;noises;hearing loss;
Elimination criteria: The case which belong to tinnitus and deafness due to the diseases of external ear or middle ear or center lesion.
Objective tinnitus is rate.Unlike subjective tinnitus, it may be perceived not only by the patient bu also by the examiner on auscultation of the auditory canal or the neighboring structures.
Most of tinnitus is of unknown etiology.If it has pulsation the same as heartbeat, a neoplasm or vascular lesion should be impressed.
Unilateral progressive sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo or imbalance, and tinnitus are common symptoms of meningiomas of cerebellopontine angle.
2.Pulsatile tinnitus has various etiologies, including atherosclerotic carotid artery disease.
用作名词(n.)He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.