v.互相连接,互相联系( interconnect的现在分词)v.互相连接,互相联系( interconnect的现在分词);
动词 interconnect:
be interwoven or interconnected
同义词:complect, interconnect, interlink
cause to be interconnected or interwoven
同义词:interconnect, interlink interwoven or interconnected
"The bones are interconnected via the muscle"
cause to be interconnected or interwoven同义词:interlink
The application of PCI Express(interconnect technology for next generation) in embedded system.
Ceramic Interconnect Technology: The Next Generation. International Conference And Exhibition. 2nd 2004. (CD-ROM) Held 26-28 April 2004, Denver, Colorado.
HPC devices'unique construction reduces parasitics by shortening interconnecting traces on PCBs and improves circuit performance by decreasing the distance between components.
The Internet is essentially interconnecting different machines by using TCP/IP (Transmission and Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
PCI bus can interconnect peripheral components with CPU.
BX-SCC2 is the machine specially designed for Photovoltaic industry, which is used to automatically cut the solar-cell interconnect ribbon.
SLD: It’s hard to synthesize software now.Is it possible to synthesize the interconnect?
SLD: 目前很难进行软件的综合设计,将互联产品进行综合设计是否可能?
One issue in SOA is on independent services involving pieces of code and data, and message interconnecting services.
USB OTG is a supplemental standard to USB 2.0, which can make peripherals interconnect and communicate with each other direct in case of no host participates in.
USB OTG是USB 2.0规范的补充,它可使外设在无主机参与的情况下直接互连以进行通信。
The USB physical interconnect is a tiered star topology, with up to seven tiers.
WANs interconnect LANs, which then provide access to computers or file servers in other locations.
Playhut's home grown "Playhut" brand offers a wide product mix, product interconnect ability and price value.
A SAN can be local or remote,shared or dedicated,and uniquely includes externalized,central storage and SAN interconnect components.
A charge-transfer device that stores charge in discrete regions in a semi conductor and transfers this charge as a packet through a series of switching devices that interconnect these regions.
A common bus system that is used to interconnect microcomputer circuit boards manufactured by Intel. Multibus is a registered trademark of Intel.
The three aspects combine into one to make "teaching" and "learning" as an organic whole that interconnect, interact, and cooperate with each other so as to achieve the basic purpose of enhancing the teaching and learning effect.
The addition of ultra-low-K interconnect provides a 15 per cent reduction in wiring-related delay as compared to conventional low-K dielectrics.
In order to decrease the interconnect delay, it′ s a common and effective way to insert buffers in it.
The accuracy of global interconnect delay predictions in integrated circuits can be improved by RLC(resistance inductance capacitance) model presented in this paper.
In order to cooperate with the popular bytecode, we propose a bridge mechanism to interconnect the interpretations of both bytecode and the syntax tree.
The major performance challenge of SOFCs is the hermetic seal between the yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte and the stainless steel interconnect [1].
主要的固体氧化物燃料电池性能的挑战是密封的钇稳定二氧化锆( YSZ )电解质与不锈钢互联[ 1 ] 。
Interconnecting flow passages travel through the manifold from the valve cavities.
It's strange how people's lives interconnect.
The interconnect line is modeled as the transmission line model in the time domain, from which the model for sensitivity analysis derives.
All organizations face integration problems of some sort; perhaps because of a corporate merger, a new business alliance, or just the need to interconnect existing systems.
In a world where many networks interconnect on the fly and information is widely shared, that will not work.
Signaling routes are predetermined paths specifying SS7 nodes and interconnecting signaling links.
信令路由是指定 SS7 节点和互连信令链路而预先确定的路径。
Utilization of flip chip as cost-effective interconnect technology requires innovative handling, test methods and processes for KGD.
倒装芯片是一种性能价格比良好的互连技术 ,要求采用富有创新的操作 ,以满足KGD的测试方法和操作工艺的需要。
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-35: Examinations and measurements; Fibre optic cylindrical connector endface visual inspection.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-24 : tests - Screen testing of ceramic alignment split sleeve by stress application.
PCB companies to multilayer, HDI (High Density Interconnect) board-based, technology reached the international advanced level, with strong competitiveness.
The surface of most horny cells had an irregular maze-like pattern of interconnecting micoplicaes which surrounded microvalleys.
With over 100 years of manufacturing experience, Kester is a leading global supplier of higher performance interconnecting materials and related services for the electronic and micro-component assembly markets.
Kester has announced that it will open a facility in Nogales, Mexico to meet unprecedented industry demand for its interconnect solder materials.
One possible way of doing this is to interconnect Michel Foucault's theory of self-cultivation and Adorno's aesthetic theory, Foucault's concept of self-creation and Adorno's concept of the artwork.
By 1800, there are 800 new meridians that crisscross through major chakra centers beginning at the feet and ending at the crown interconnecting the right and left sides of the etheric body.
Includes joiners, couplers, links, branch connectors, and tree connectors for joining, linking, and interconnecting objects and shapes in networks, flowcharts, databases, and diagrams.
The varactor’s model and design are introduced too.Some other aspect, such as active devices, interconnect, substrate, will be studied concisely.
另外还简单介绍变容管的实 现和模型等方面的问题,并对其他工艺因素,如有源器件的性能,衬底和互联 的影响等做了一些探讨。
"A key idea in the ARPA research was a new approach to interconnecting LANs and WANs that became known as an internetwork.The term is usually abbreviated internet ...
IEEE Std. 1547-2003, IEEE Standard For Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Electric Power Systems, 2003.
Proper interfaces should be reserved for future expansion of interconnecting each district headquarters and their chain stores to the country headquarter.
The organizations also agreed to interconnect the services where applicable with other interagency initiatives.
Moreover, Block SAPOR outperforms the well-known MOR technique PRIMA for RLC interconnect circuits with higher accuracy and lower time complexity.
和主流的一阶系统降阶技术PRIMA算法相比,Block SAPOR具有更高的降阶精度和更低的时间复杂度。
As the line width of the metal interconnect reduces, the performance of an IC chip can be degraded by interconnect RC delay and power consumption.
In his famous letter to the U.S.Government, AT&T agrees to divest its holdings of Western Union, stop acquisition of other telcos, and permit other telcos to interconnect.
On the base of developing condition about the engine test-bed experiment, a new type of computer measurement system is developed based on PCI( Peripheral Component Interconnect).
In the functional domain, you have to have the software, but in many cases you can abstract away the interconnect and the memory system.
With her accession to WTO and interconnecting with global economy, China has emerged as an inseparable part of the world.
In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect various networks and to provide ubiquitous Internet access to homes and busunesses.
How to solve the problems of interconnecting, intercommunicating and coordination with the heterogeneous satellite communication network, system and equipment under emergencies?
In this lab, students identify the serial interfaces on the router and identify and locate the proper cables to interconnect the routers.
Included in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers, and slightly bigger workers who did the interconnecting chambers of the hive.
Reduce power consuming according to reduce the length of interconnect wire and consider the effect of binding and layout in the process of synthesis.
In computing and communications, data processing combined wit h telecommunications, e. g., the use of a telephone network to connect a remote terminal to a computer or to interconnect two computers.
In communications, a manually operated system for interconnecting subscribers.
PCI is the short form of Peripheral Component Interconnect,and as a generic bus interface standards,it got very extensive application in the current computer system.
外围设备互连(Peripheral Component Interconnect,PCI)作为一种通用的总线接口标准在目前的计算机系统中得到了非常广泛的应用。
Bricks and wood are good technology because they interconnect neatly and can be assembled into custom configurations.
They are poor climbers and tend to live in interconnecting burrows, which they sometimes share with mongooses.
It can interconnect 4 Ethernets with DDN through V. 35 interface, and support TCP/IP, SPX/IPX, RIP and many other protocols.
Amphenol Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world.
Amphenol is the second ranked supplier of interconnect solutions in the world, established in US in 1932.
Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.
Encapsulated with ODBC and OCI,the UDB CLI can not only interconnect the heterogeneous database but also improve the performance of the system.
Two schemes of implementing the multimedia master station are proposed, one is interconnecting the EMS with the remote viewing system and the other is an integrated master station system by wide area network.
OPC technology is presented to interconnect DCS and MIS.
A new generation of interconnect schemes is required for high performance ULSI.
As the technology proceeds to DSM, the delay of interconnect has been the domin portion in all delays.
Copper wiring has become the main stream in IC interconnect especially as the integrated circuit processing goes beyond the 0.18 um technology node.
You form these applications by choosing components from a catalog, placing those components on some design surface, and interconnecting the components to create the desired behavior.
Mind affects body in a zillion interconnecting ways, and those guilty feelings you're nurturing are generating chemicals that are headed straight for your vital organs.
情绪对健康影响是无法估计的, 那些你一直抓着不放的负疚感会在你的身体里的各个器官发生化学反应。
We are also involved in an interconnecting web of energy flow that links continent to continent associated with our species and all small reptilian land species.
We had two deluxe interconnecting rooms. No sound from nearby planes. The room was big - big for any hotel and especially for a airport hotel.
The thickness analysis required to determine how interconnect thickness is varied in order to meet a desired design criteria may be automated and provided as a CAD tool.
Interconnecting the physical elements may require a variety of networks, from intrinsically reliable LANs to corporate intranets to the Internet itself.
Would it be expensive to purchase long and good quality balanced interconnect &power cables?
The reverse side of a control panel, display panel, or the like; the side with the interconnecting wiring .
The reverse side of a control panel,display panel,or the like; the side with the interconnecting wiring.
A new method on selection of typical day based on the analysis of minimum distance cluster and interconnect degree was proposed.
Then the circuit network is generated using resistance interconnect model and standard cell equivalent current model.
Abstract A new architecture for interconnecting legacy LANs and ATM WANs is proposed in this paper, namely the DQDB-ATM MAN approach, which borrows the flow control scheme from DQDB MAN.
摘 要 本文提出了一种新的局域网-ATM广域网互连方案,它借助DQDB的排队策略对网络进行流量控制。