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英式:['njʊərəʊsaɪəntɪst]    美式:['njʊərəʊsaɪəntɪst]


n. 神经系统科学家


形容词: neuroscientific | 名词: neuroscientist |



1. a neurobiologist who specializes in the study of the brain

名词 neuroscientist:

a neurobiologist who specializes in the study of the brain

neuroscientist[ ,njuərəu'saiəntist ]n.a neurobiologist who specializes in the study of the brain



That's pretty much what Dartmouth neuroscientist William Kelley did.



Neuroscientist Avshalom Caspi , then at Kings College London, led the two thousand three study.



They based their work on research developed in the laboratory of neuroscientist John Donoghue.




In 1937 the great neuroscientist Sir Charles Scott Sherrington of the University of Oxford laid out what would become a classic description of the brain at work.


“I tell my students in the US, this is the time to come back,” says Xiongli Yang, a senior neuroscientist at Fudan University in Shanghai.


2 Kato N, Makino M, Mizuno K,et al. Serial changes of sensory nerve conduction velocity and minimal F wave latency in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats[J]. Neurosci Lett,1998,244(3):169 172.


Coan, a Uniersity of irginia neuroscientist has found that women under stress who hold their husbands' hands show signs of immediate relief, which can clearly be seen on their brain scans.


The better showing by the more costly pill shows that “how you set up people's expectation is crucial” to treatment effect, says Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University School of Medicine.


Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York, has recently found evidence that children and adults don't use the same parts of the brain when learning a second language.

Joy Hirsch是在纽约的一名脑神经科学家,最近找到一项证据,就是小孩与成人在学习第二种语言时所使用的大脑部位是不同的。

McNamara, a neuroscientist at Duke Uniersity."The theories are all oer the place.


Bao XM, Shu SY, Niu DB, et al.Distribution of substance P, leu enkephalin, neuropeptide Y, and NADPH-d reactivity in the marginaldivision of cat striatum[J].Chin J Neurosci, 1998, 14(4): 213-7.


"She may have suffered a small episode of decreased blood supply to the brain during the manipulation that provided an additional injury, which led to the FAS," neuroscientist Julius Fridriksson said.


" A whale may behave as if it's in love, but you can't prove what it's feeling, if anything," says neuroscientist LeDoux, author of The Emotional Brain.


" A whale may behave as if it's in love,but you can't prove what it's feeling,if anything," says neuroscientist LeDoux,author of The Emotional Brain.


An open mind is a prerequisite to an open heart. -Robert M. Sapolsky, neuroscientist and author (1957-


Donald Kennedy, a neuroscientist who is also editor of Science, says it is likely that “some extension of the domain of exculpatory conditions” will be made as a result of neuroscientific advances.


"These results tell us about the plasticity of the brain," says neuroscientist Franco Lepore of the University of Montreal, Canada.


A leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?


“This is a very important and exciting step forward for all systems neuroscience,” said a neuroscientist who preferred to remain anonymous due to recent attacks against primate researchers.


6 Biernaskie J,Chernenko G,Corbett D.Efficacy of rehabilitative experience declines with time after focal ischemic brain injury.J Neurosci,2004,24(5):1245-1254.


A lot of times people like to close their eyes while listening to music to feel more immersed in it, said neuroscientist and psychiatrist Talma Hendler.


But the Florida neuroscientist said this type of work is helping unrael the mysteries of human consciousness and behaior.


Tanaka H , Taira K , Arakawa M , et al.Short nap and exercise improve sleep quality and mental health in the elderly [ J ] .Psychiatry Clin Neurosci , 2002 , Jun;56(3) : 233.


Dirnagl U,Simon RP,Hallenbeck JM.Ischemic tolerance and endogenous neuroprotection.Trends Neurosci 2003,26(5):248-52


Richard M, McCarron , Lan Wang, et al. Endothelin induction of adhesion molecule expression on human brain microvascular endothelial cells[J]. Neurosci Letter, 1993,156: 31 - 34


"Sleep may be essential for life," says Jerry Siegel, a neuroscientist at UCLA's Center for Sleep Research."It's certainly essential for optimum brain function.


"Many neurotransmitters are built from the foods we eat," says neuroscientist Eric Chudler of the University of Washington.

华盛顿大学的神经科学家埃里克查德勒说: "许多神经递质是靠我们所吃的食物形成的。"

Coan, a University of Virginia neuroscientist has found that women under threat who hold their husbands' hands show signs of immediate relief, which can clearly be seen on their brain scans.


Kucukatay V, Balkan S, Yaras N, et al. The effect of pergolide on cognitive performance of young and middle-aged rats[J]. Int J Neurosci,2002,112(9): 1027.


"That's convincing, I think," says Marcel Zwiers, a neuroscientist at the University Medical Centre in Utrecht, the Netherlands, who has studied blind people's hearing abilities.


The human study was done by Yuzo Ninomiya, a neuroscientist at Kyushu University, in Japan.


For decades, admittedly, no neuroscientist has been known to repeat the love experiment.


" Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison, agrees that higher primates, including apes and chimps, are the only animals that have demonstrated self-consciousness so far.


Reed, J. M., and L. R. Squire. "Retrograde Amnesia for Facts and Events: Findings from Four New Cases." J. Neurosci 18 (1998): 3943-54.


Gritti A,Parati EA,Cova L,et al.Multipotential stem cells from the adult mouse brain proliferate and self-renew in response to basic fibroblast growth factor.J Neurosci,1996,16 (3):1091.


PORRO CA.FRANCESCATO MP,CETTOLO>V Primary motor and sensory cortex activation during motor performance and motor imaging :a functional magnetic resonance imaging study[J] Neurosci 1996.16:7688


Neuroscientist Avshalom Caspi, then at Kings College London, led the 2003 study.


Woodbury D, Reynolds K, Black IB.Adult bone marrow stromal stem cells express germline, ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal genes prior to neurogenesis.J Neurosci Res 2002;69(6):908-17


For all the volunteers know, the trim, soft-spoken neuroscientist is hard at work concocting analgesic skin creams and methods for enhancing athletic performance.


Brushart TM.Preferential reinnervation of motor nerves by regenerating motor axons.J Neurosci 1988;8(3):1026-31


“The study results have given us a completely novel way of treating depression and a new avenue of understanding depression,” said Deakin, a neuroscientist at the University of Manchester.


Fan LH,Wang KZ,Cheng B,et al.Anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective effects of Tetramethylpyrazine following spinal cord ischemia in rabbits[J].BMC Neurosci,2006 ;7 (1):48.


Schwartz JP and Costa E,Hybridization approaches to the study of neuropeptides. Ann Rev Neurosci, 1986;9:277


Shu SY, Bao XM, Li SX, et al. Anew subdivision of mammalian neostriatum with functional implications learning and memory. J Neurosci Res 1999; 58(2): 242 - 53


Fox K, Daw N, Sato H, et al. The effect of visualexperience on development of NMDA receptor synaptic transmission in kitten visual cortex. J Neurosci, 1992, 10 (7): 2672.


Bjorklund A, Lindvall O. Cell replacement therapies for central nervous system disorders[J]. Nat Neurosci, 2000, 3(6):537-544.


Neuroscientist Finds Possible Explanation of Near-Death Experiences


[9]Tian QT.A case report of dermoid cyst in scalp[J].Chin J Clin Neurosci, 2002,7(2): 109.


The researchers, led by Henrik Ehrsson, a neuroscientist at University College London, scanned volunteers' brains while carrying out an illusion that made them think their waists were shrinking.


"One of the really unique aspects of this approach is that we can isolate these stem cells from the same individual being treated," Donald Sakaguchi, the neuroscientist in the study said.


Lead researcher Dr Charles Wysocki, a behavioural neuroscientist, said: "Taken together, our studies indicate that human sweat conveys information that is of particular importance to females.


"There are many different possible explanations," says NIMH neuroscientist Daniel Pine, who suggests a much more ordinary reason for the girls' more emotional response.


Neuroscientist Vilayanur S.Ramachandran worked with patients who had so-called phantom limbs, including Tom, a man who had lost one of his arms.


Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Solomon Snyder's team compared normal mice to mice that were missing a gene for an enzyme known as CSE, long suspected as being responsible for making hydrogen sulfide.


Chen Q.-C., M. Wu and P.H.-S. Jen: Pulse repetition rate influences the minimum threshold and latency of auditory neurons. Soc Neurosci Abst 20: 320, 1994


Problems with brain wiring are thought to be the main cause of amblyopia, explains Ben Webb, a visual neuroscientist at the University of Nottingham, UK.


The findings challenge the traditional textbook iew that the main job of the hippocampus is to encode new memories, says Lynn Nadel, a cognitie neuroscientist at the Uniersity of Arizona in Tucson.


A lot of people dislike math, but neuroscientist Brian Butterworth remembers one young man who went to an unusual extreme to avoid it.


This was the claim made by Rebecca Saxe, a cognitive neuroscientist from MIT and now leader of the Saxelab.


The study is the first to convincingly demonstrate that the lateral intraparietal area is involved with calculating evidence, says neuroscientist Anna Ipata of Columbia University.


Dr.Kerry Spackman, a neuroscientist and consultant for the McLaren Formula One racing team, is an expert on human brain function.


Chow S Y, Moul J, Liu Y et al.Survival and differentiation of rat spinal cord stem cells grafted into normal and injured adult spinal cord.Soc Neurosci Abstr, 1998 ;


Toner CC,Stamforl JA."Realtime"measurement of dopamine release in an vitro model ofneostriatalischemia.J Neurosci Method 1996;67:133


Dimagl U,Iadecola C,Moskonitz M A.Pathobiology of ischaemic stroke:an intergrated view[J].Trends Neurosci,1999,22 (9):391.


Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, disdains the morning repast. He hasn't eaten breakfast in20 years, ever since he started running early in the mornings.


Malberg JE, Eisch A J, Nestle EJ. et al. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases neurogenesis in adult rat hippocampus[J]. J Neurosci, 2000,20 (24) :9104.


“It paves the way for new therapies that could target a number of psychiatric disorders,” said MIT neuroscientist Ed Boyden, who led the research with postdoctoral fellow Xue Han.


Vannucci RC,Connor JR,Mauger DT,et al.Rat model of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic braindamage[J].J Neurosci Res,1999 Jan 15,55(2):158-63.


Optional) If you were a neuroscientist trying to study this diseases in mice what pharmacologic, genetic and lesion studies would you perform to resolve the debate.
