sonar是什么意思   sonar怎么读

英式:['səʊnɑ:(r)]    美式:['səʊnɑ:(r)]



n.声呐装置,声呐系统; 声呐兵
n.声纳, 声波定位器






1. a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return; sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging; asdic is an acronym for anti-submarine detection investig

名词 sonar:

a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return

同义词:echo sounder, asdic

sonarn.a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return

"sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging"

同义词:echo sounderasdic


sonar 声呐 一种利用声波探测水下物体的装置,缩写自 sound navigation ranging,拼写模仿 radar.


It works in a similar way to a sonar unit on a warship or submarine.


We picked up two submarines on sonar.



In this paper, a new map building method sonar data is presented.


Cavitation is noisy and easily detected by sonar.


The whales need sonar to find food.


Dolphins navigate by bouncing sonar waves off objects to determine location and distance.


A sonar array is a radar towed behind a ship that listens and locates underwater sounds.


In this dissertation, we study a supergain array to improve the detection performance of passive sonar.


Therefore , Passive SONAR SONARsubmarine . The traditional SONARs are consisted of middle or small scale Integrated circuit.


For radar and sonar systems, wideband condition has more applications and suitability than narrowband condition.

对于雷达、声纳系统而言, 宽带条件往往比窄带条件具有更广泛的适用性.

Other dolphins use their own sonar, too , but they also rely on vision.

它的耳部由一块厚厚的脂肪层保护着, 可免受外界噪音的干扰.

The towed array sonar is used extensively in modern antisubmarine, ocean geologic and resources surveying techniques.

在现代反潜 、 海洋水文和资源勘探测量中,拖曳线列阵声纳得到了越来越广泛的应用.

The scientists are inspired from the body of sea vein while improving sonar system.


Sonar, Kipper and Bottlenose were waiting for Seaweed.

声纳 、 吧嗒、槌等候海藻.

A device used to automatically follow a sonar signal to which it is assigned.


Passive sonar technology is applied in the fishery detector system for the first time as well.


Target motion analysis ( TMA ) is an important problem for sonar.


To build a good salt delve gas storage reservoir, sonar measuring technique is introduced.

为建好盐穴储气库, 引进并采用声纳测量技术.

Sonar to control. The bottom is rising. Range one thousand yards to the continental shelf.

声纳呼叫驾驶室. 海底坡度开始抬升, 距大陆架一千码.

Beamforming is an important technology in sonar signal processing.


As a detecting device working underwater, the synthesize aperture sonar is fixed in the underwater carrier.

作为水下探测器的一种, 该系统的水下探测部分载体内承装的是合成孔径声纳系统.

Active SONAR provides signal for enemy when ranging pulse and this is very dangerous for submarine.


Adaptive signal processing ( ASP ) is extensively applied in communication, radar, navigation sonar, and so on.

摘要自适应信号处理广泛应用于通信 、 雷达 、 导航 、 声纳等领域.

It is an oceanographic ship that gathers underwater acoustic data, using sonar.



T1 and T2 Sonar now have a minimum build distance from shore.


The T3 Sonar Platform is a mobile long-range sonar system. It comes with a stealth field generator that is capable of obscuring sonar signals in a modest radius.


Three multistatic sonar localization algorithm based on range information are proposed.


BBN has developed the ARTS array vehicle concept specifically to address the formidable problems of low-frequency active sonar sources.

BBN 已经明确地发展 ARTS 排列车辆观念提出低周波活跃的声纳来源的强大问题。

Coverage rate of imaging is important to a synthetic aperture sonar(SAS),while the multi-aperture technique works well in monostatic SAS.


The SP2 is a long-range equivalent to the light sonar system. This Tech 2 Sonar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1 version and into a mobile variant.


Sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging.

“sonar”(声纳)是“sound navigation and ranging”(声音导航和测距)的首字母缩写词。

A device used to automatically follow a sonar signal to which it is assigned.


Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as95 percent. The whales need sonar to find food.


Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent.


Sonar is the next step. A lot depends on technological developments to make sonar smaller -- hand-held sonar is now about the size of a lunch box.


Meanwhile, the Navy must continue relevant researches on the influence that low-frequency sonar has on sea mammals.


Both submarines were equipped with state-of-the-art sonar technology, but Cobbold said it was possible that neither was aware of the close proximity of the other vessel.


Sub collides with US destroyer's sonar.


This thesis studies the target identified by analyzed scattering signal which is from active sonar impinged under water.


To extend the search, especially for the wreck of the missing boat, a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar, which gives three-dimensional readings.

为了扩大搜寻,特别是搜索失踪船只的残骸,一艘海军水道测量船采用了质子地磁仪,一种功率强大的金属探测器和侧扫描声纳。 侧扫描声纳可以给出三维读数。

To extend the search,especially for the wreck of the missing boat,a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar,which gives three-dimensional readings.


To build a good salt delve gas storage reservoir,sonar measuring technique is introduced.


Echolocation, the active use of sonar along with special morphological and physiological adaptations, allows bats to "see" the world with sound.


To discriminate seabed property has been limited by merely differentiating sonar strength of sidescan sonar.


Today's vessels can find their prey using satellites and sonar, which were not available 50 years ago.


Video and sonar data from the submarine are displayed as a volleyball-sized hologram.


He correctly predicted that the British had placed too much faith in ASDIC (sonar).


In the past,sling sonar s antisubmarine efficiency was simply managed,that was out of accord with fact.


However, we are developing alternative sonar that has the effect protecting our field from such equipment allowing us to continue to evolve and not be effected by such things.


Low-frequency active sonar has been proposed as a replacement for traditional high-frequency active sonar, and it can detect the target under water over long ranges using low-frequency active acoustics.


You can have your subs emit sonar pings to see other objects, but these pings will give away their location to any listening devices.


Charles Mazel.Side Scan Sonar Record Interpretation[M].Peninsula pub, June 1985.


A spot of light on a radar or sonar screen indicating the position of a detected object, such as an aircraft or a submarine.


The difficulty of space time adaptive processing(STAP)in active sonar reverberation suppression is analyzed,and a valid reduced-rank STAP method is given.


Weiqing Zhu, Xiaodong Liu, Changle Fang, et al. High Resolution Bathymetric sidescan sonar [ R ]. Hydro05'coference, San Diego, California.


Lawsuit Filed in California Claims Navy Sonar Disturbs and Sometimes Kills Whales and Dolphins.


The ocean surface reverberation caused by the scattering of the air-sea interface and the bubble clouds is an import factor to influence the performance of the bistatic sonar.


Sonar is the next step. A lot depends on technological developments to make sonar smaller hand-held sonar is now about the size of a lunch box.


Klopper said he was unaware of details, but past speculation has included sonar buoys able to identify sharks and transmit a warning signal.


Having been suggested by a bat, people invented sonar.


Stuart Anstee, “Removal of Range-dependant Artifacts from Sidescan Sonar Imagery,” DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, 2001.


Compared with a conventional fish-finding sonar it is a miracle, with a scanning rate that runs a million times faster.


Quando dunque fai limosina, non far sonar la tromba dinanzi a te, come fanno gl’ipocriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per essere onorati dagli uomini.


Therefore, how to use passive SONAR to check signal and estimate the parameters of aim become a active theme in the underwater acoustic domain.


Disregarding systematic errors, acoustic intensity of sidescan sonar image shall be compared relatively.


The U.S.Navy plans to deploy a new submarine detection system, known as Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFA), throughout 80% of the world's oceans.

在世界的 80% 的大海各处, 美国海军计划部署一个新的海中发现系统, 即是低的频率活跃的声纳 (LFA) 。

Because of veracity, complexity and security for equipments of Dipping Sonar, the maintenance and failure diagnoses of equipment depend on ATS greatly.


Finally, the application with instance based on real-time middleware TAO is explained in order to make progress in establishing open sonar system.


In underwater acoustic field, triple arrays for ranging, target motion analysis (TMA), match field processing (MFP) are three main methods for passive sonar ranging.


The towed array sonar is used extensively in modern antisubmarine,ocean geologic and resources surveying.

在现代反潜、海洋水文和资源勘探测量中 ,拖曳线列阵声纳得到了越来越广泛的应用。

The towed array sonar is used extensively in modern antisubmarine,ocean geologic and resources surveying techniques.


In his work to develop radar, sonar and ultrasound he performed all the necessary tests and provided all the proofs required.


During these sprints the tags also picked up sonar buzzes and clicks from the whales which are known to be associated with the capture of prey.


Seismic imaging uses a process similiar to the sonar systems which submarines use to navigate.


This paper focuses on the research of the de-noising of the passive sonar based on the wavelet.


Sonar , Kipper and Bottlenose were waiting for Seaweed .


Sonar, radar, cameras, and other observation platforms acquire the data.


On the sonar repeater the visual display of the storm's turbulence appeared as sharp peaks and valleys representing movements of the shifting ice canopy.


The sonar reveals acres of cobblestone fields surrounding our craft.


A sonar array is a device towed behind a ship that listens and locates underwater sounds.


A sonar array is a radar towed behind a ship that listens and locates underwater sounds.


She has constructed a bridge within the Language of Light beginning in all dual tones and extending through tri-tones and quad-tones of ever-increasing powerful sonar vibrations.


If there were no sonar and other electronic devices, scientists would find it impossible to explore the deep sea bottoms.


Thus research has been going on for some time in the area of low frequency active (LFA) towed array sonar.

如此研究一直在低频率活跃的 (LFA) 被拖的排列声纳的区域中继续有一些时间之久。

Other dolphins use their own sonar, too, but they also rely on vision.


It also offers an enhanced Norton Safe Web, a very effective new antispam engine, and our new SONAR 2 technology to stop new and unknown threats.


Precision of bearing estimation is important in sonar systems, and appropriate configuration of the array can improve directional performance.


For radar and sonar systems,wideband condition has more applications and suitability than narrowband condition.


The restrictions on the US Navy are to prevent the Navy to use low-frequency sonar when there are sea mammals nearby and when it is close to the coastal lines or in designated protection zones.


The circular sampling FRIT is first used in the sonar image denoising technique, and makes high improvement to heighten the Signal Noise Ratio.


They will continue using an autonomous unmanned submarine to search the sea floor for wreckage using sonar until mid-August, after which the search will end, Mr.Bouillard said.


The author proposed a tentative idea about forming the model of submarine terrain by the model of DGPS combining with Sonar system.


In order to achieve higher accuracy in probing seabed property, forming the image of lineation with higher sonar strength becomes a basic rule for judgment.


Our main detection device is sonar.


We sat listening to the chat-chat-chatof the sonar.


We will utilize sonar to assist in transmuting the remaining electrical and radioactive distortion that pervades your field.


We picked up two submarines on sonar.


Mila has experimented with the sonar.Indeed, she can run roughly 90% of the tones that we utilize and are sonar in nature with ease in her fully conscious human form.


I'm getting a strong response on the sonar.


CHINESE submarine has smashed into an underwater sonar array towed behind a US destroyer, according to a report.


Abstract The sonar devices are assembled in the domes of the naval ship to detect the object under water, which are the important detection windows for antisubmarine systems.

摘 要 水面舰艇的球鼻艏导流罩内装有探测水下目标的声呐装置,它是反潜作战系统的探测窗口。

The sonar image has the complex background, bad contras and deteriorate edges.

摘要 声纳图像背景复杂,对比度差,边缘恶化,不易判读图像边缘。

Impact conditions for the factors affecting multi-beam sonar sounding are different in the vicinity of nearshore area (shallower than 10 meters) and the deep water area (deeper than 100 meters).


To improve sonar performance in shallow water, a novel method for target localization based on a statistical learning theory's recognizer was proposed.



Cavitation is noisy and easily detected by sonar.

We picked up two submarines on sonar.