adj.后退的; 逆行的; 退化的; 回归的adj.退步的, 退化的, 递减的(税率),回归的
副词: regressively | 名词: regres-siveness |
Adjective1. (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount increases
2. opposing progress
形容词 regressive:
(of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount of income increases
opposing progress; returning to a former less advanced stateregressive[ ri'ɡresiv ]adj.(of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount of income increasesopposing progress; returning to a former less advanced state
The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.
Finally, the result was demonstrated by the regressive model of health care investment and economic growth.
最后通过建立卫生保健投资与经济增长的回归模型, 对这一结论从实证的角度进行了验证.
Trade charge: 1 Of % protect gold and subscribe subscription convection character, finishing and regressive time.
交易费用: 1%的质保金与认购订金对流, 完工后退回.
Based on careful reading, this paper focuses on the regressive intent of Dishan s writing.
本文立足于作品细读, 对许地山创作的回归意向进行了较为集中的、多层次的探讨.
While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive.
尽管这样做表面上看是一种积极的措施, 可实际上却是消极的.
While this appear to be a positive step it is actually regressive.
Using multiple regressive analysis, main affecting factors of hospital stay , hospital charges were sifted.
并进行多元回归分析, 筛选出影响住院日和住院费用的主要因素.
The regressive result implies that log return and log dividend of fund can control the redemption.
Objective: Alzheimer's disease ( AD ) is a kind of regressive disease of central nervous system ( CNS ).
目的: 阿尔茨海默病 ( Alzheimerdisease, AD ) 是一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病.
This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence.
The Regressive Cycle is used to describle a decline in performance ( regression ).
倒退循环用来描述部属工作表现的下跌 ( 倒退 ).
Seasonal wheel is flying and regressive, returned a winter again draught from spring.
季节的车轮飞速后退, 从春天一下子又回到了冬天.
Results A sum of useful data and regressive equation were obtained.
This is regressive type of autism.
By dint of Ordinarily Least Squares regressive is a pivotal step.
Press mouse right key to nod Zun Jian, current page will be regressive one pace.
按住鼠标右键点左键, 当前页面将后退一步.
Correlation program was programmed with MATLAB to realize its linear regressive analysis.
Inflation is the most regressive form of taxation and it hits the poor most.
Evaluate the extent to which the UK system is progressive, regressive or proportional.
评估英国的系统的进步的, 后退的或相均衡的程度.
Objective : To study the regressive effect on left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) by antihypertensive drugs losartan and captopril.
目的: 研究科素亚逆转高血压患者左室肥厚的作用.
Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.
税种能进一步被划分为比例税 、 累进税和累退税.
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
像人头税一样, 递减税占穷人收入的比例更大.
This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.
The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
The distribution of out-of-pockets was more regressive than that of premium, whereas the regressivity also decreased annually.
With income model this paper collects the related data and carries on OLS regress analysis to three commercial banks one by one.
Crs were negatively correlated with oxygenated index(OI)(r=-0 948)and a linear regressive relation was found(OI=64 73-82 70Crs).
Crs与氧合指数(OI)呈负相关关系 (r =- 0 948) ,有直线回归关系 :OI=6 4 73- 82 70Crs。
The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm trains a model by using an Auto Regressive decision tree.
Treatment with Pro or Bep was evidenced with an improvement in IP, which was related to the regressive effect on hypertrophy.
The DBH, height and the wood volume of these three pine species are closely correlated to the stand age which can be expressed using the regressive equations, y = a + b, y=a + bx + cx2, and y = a + bx respectively.
The naturalism in phenomenology supporting "regress to the fields and gardens" is the end result and acme of the historical phenomenology of Marx.
"Regress socially? Look at him!" her husband responded, motioning to their son, crying uncontrollably on the kitchen floor.
Some parliamentarians are saying that the dissolution of parliament will create a vacuum which could encourage the regressive elements.
All who practice as prescribed will not regress but will definitely attain the highest perfect Enlightenment and be born in the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss of Amitayus.
If we always mix with people who are lower in level, naturally we will regress!
No matter how old you are, losing a parent is a regressive experience that makes people feel young, childlike and vulnerable.
Compared with linear teaching, nonlinear teaching is characterized by perception of life, construction of sense, circular regress, correlation and individualized response.
Two ordinary mirrors facing each other will create a fun-house hall that ricochets an image back and forth until it vanishes into an infinite regress.
Chinese education, for all its faults, has merits, while Western education, however progressive in ideology, is often regressive in practice.
Partial Least-Squares Regressive Analysis and Modeling for the Yield of Acrynolitrile Reactor P.
This article is the empirical thesis, so the countermeasure is just the own opinions which based on the result of regress equation, is only a few aspects.
The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana.
Regress to dream and harmony.
The paper states a method of handling mining pressure data,which consists oftwo steps, variance analysis and regressive analysis,it can reduce a lot of work to analyze the da-ta.
The structure and solubility of 658 organic compounds cited from literatures were related and their models were established by Multiple Linear Regress(MLR).
Local economists complain that the subsidy tips the trade balance the wrong way, want only increases state spending, encourages people to waste fuel or smuggle it abroad and is regressive because the poor do not own cars.
But sadly, year after year, all we get is the same old blame game, some sanctimonious advice, a few regressive laws and no promises, not even empty ones.
However, if only disparate sections of the application are changing, or the changes are minor, you should be able to successfully utilise automated tests to regress these areas.
But green lies mediacy, not be advance look, also not be regressive color.
Regressive Tax A tax that takes a larger percentage from the income of low-income people than the income of high-income people.
For example green, blue, violet wait for cool color, have a kind of systole and removed feeling, call " regressive color " .
The Regressive Cycle is used to describle a decline in performance (regression).
Economics of regress The economics of negative growth. The opposite of economics of progress.
If mandible bone growth is very big, can go to after cut regressive, also can become a bit normaller, look a bit more beautiful.
To stand still is to regress.
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
The pediatrician suggested that these are usually asymptomatic and regress without treatment.
There are alluvial systems tract, transgressive systems tract, regressive systems tract, and fluvial systems tract in every tectonic sequence.
The coal production variable and fixed costs of a large coal group company are distinguished by using expert division and regressive analysis method.
The paper established a regress equation model for multi-analysis of relativities between weather factors and air contaminations.
Advance look and regressive color: Colorific lightness and purity heal tall, hue heals bright.
前进色和后退色: 色彩的明度和纯度愈高,色相便愈鲜明。
The development of medicine calls the regress of the humanistic spirit.
Senator Mitchell said that the suggested delay was regressive and unfair, and that he couldn't support it.
The deregulation movement passed agriculture by, leaving in place a series of government programs that lack any economic justification and at the same time are regressive.
Another difficulty is the infinite regress generated by the view of Locke and many other philosophers.
On the other hand, the supposed inconceivability and absurdity of an infinite series of regressive causes will be admitted by no one who has competent familiarity with the modern mathematical analysis of infinity.
The second order regressive polynomial was determined by the curve and the value of CTOD was estimated furthermore.
Regress to "natural person "state.
The regressive analysis is that the data of engineering and scientific experiment are fitted into linear function to correspond to the mutual relationship among the variable.
The regressive equations had remarkable precision available for using biomass to predict biomass of main tree species in this area.
Because Regress Argument is thought to indicate where we might look for this initial source of justification.
To better understand the complex relationship between transgressive regressive events and biological diversity-events, many sequence-stratigraphic problems need to be clarified.
Although some protectionist measures were enacted, U.S. leaders were to a large extent successful in deflecting the most regressive proposals.
The regressive calculations of three dimensional FEM for the initial geostress in engineering area are achieved through ANSYS software.
An integrated model combining linear regress(LR) and supervised distributed neural networks(SDNN) based on the features of coke oven flue temperature is proposed.
In the “Counteraction” to enlightenment, their thought had more “regressive” differences.
Technological developments such as online television and the proliferation of channels are making it harder to defend the regressive licence fee.
At the moment of victory, we regress.
Experiments involving categorical factors will be met in many real problems and the method to deal with them by orthogonal regressive design has not been seen.
In such cases, processes may regress to their previous levels of performance, making the whole project a waste of time and money.
To regress after partial recovery from illness.
The multivariable regress analysis shows that the factors of teachers and students have greater explaining effect to the collaborative learning based on Wiki.
Through multilane regress, factors of affecting IQ include hobby, mother's and father's education level, father's job, school and age.
The blueness in be being moved like cool color, blue, violet wait for colour, have regressive, abate effect, also say " cold color, fade " .
Global environment conservation would lag behind if the regressive ecological functions of agroecosystem can not be restored or protected, especially in fragile agroecosystem.
If the incoherence of an infinite regress is to be avoided here, something must be considered important not because of its consequences, but because of its nature.
Do cancers always regress before killing us if they can't maintain their telomeres?
Surgical removal may be necessary if the tumor does not regress or if it is growing rapidly to a large size.
If these same consumers are poorer on average, it would also be regressive.
The results by CART regressive tree analysis on confounding factors indicated that the benzol blends exposure was a main effect on infants body length.
Andino has also caused melanoma tumors in mice to regress with a YF17D vaccine carrying a tumor-specific antigen.
Henceforth, countermeasure of aesthetic education is that developing beauty on the base of independent actions of regress life.
For the notional rotor system, the damper steady displacement will decrease when kinematic couplings are introduced, and hence the regressive lag modal damping can be increased.
Persecution of Josephine Ho is a regressive step in Taiwan's democratization. The suppression of her sex positive activism is a continuation of the state repression of old.
A new biased contract estimation for the parameter of the Linear Regressive Model is given,also BC Estimation and its many good properties are proved.
The partial least square regressive method (PLS) is applied to build the model estimating the annual load of NSP, whose results are compared with the ones of least square method.
The sequences may be divided into lowstand systems tract,transgressive systems tract,highstand systems tract and regressive systems tract.
This paper presents a regressive modeling by combining the maximum like lihood estimation with the AIC criterion.
The stepwise regress technology was applied to analyze the factors after virtualization of status variables.
Regress our first independent variable x1 on our second independent variable x2 , and then obtain the residual .
While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive.
Work tips: The playfulness associated with Leo can regress to childish demands for attention, as opposed to healthy recognition.
Reform of the payroll tax, a regressive levy that hits the less affluent hardest, would be a good way to shift resources to needier Americans.
The biggest single reason for the difference in income distribution between Brazil and America is more regressive public spending in Brazil.
用作形容词(adj.)This is both regressive and likely to aggravate the deficit.
The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
A sum of useful data and regressive equation were obtained.