v.偷窃(小东西),小偷( pilfer的现在分词 ); 偷窃(一般指小偷小摸)v. 盗, 偷, 窃
v.偷窃(小东西),小偷( pilfer的现在分词 );偷窃(一般指小偷小摸);
动词 pilfer:
make off with belongings of others
同义词:pilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, hook, sneak, filch, nobble, lift
pilfer[ 'pilfəriŋ ]v.make off with belongings of others同义词:cabbagepurloinpinchabstractsnarfswipehooksneakfilchnobblelift
To abecedarian, the simplest method nothing is more... than checks the manual with accessary game. (If connect a manual to be done not have, that authorised edition or pilfer edition need not say) .
Not pilfering, but showing all good faithfulness that they may adorn the teaching of our Savior God in all things.
By 2007, association of international record trade (IFPI) tries to persuade European assemblyman, adopt extreme measure to hit pilfer edition Internet to serve a provider (ISP) .
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"Before one party be current of edition of a few years of pilfer, collect fees on the other hand the commercial pattern of download is current not Anacreontic also.
"Pilfer edition circumstance of China follows Russia very similar, rate of software pilfer edition is very high also before Russia, had had a few to improve now.
"By pilfer date, it is to be returned overnight before liberating " , xiaowang mouth sighed.
"Only from edition of pilfer of fountainhead slam the door, ability avoids search pilfer edition music truly.
"Because this involves the issue that hits pilfer edition, consider at present pressure of circumstance cost He is met very big.
"Because the pilfer edition of Internet runs amuck,everybody knows, musical industry is in China basically is unprofitable.
"If say normal website,the money that earn is 1, the pilfer edition of its then downstream amount slue person, accumulate rise to have 10 possibly, more even.
"The potential loss that gives start Chinese net every year to bring because of pilfer edition behavior is imponderable.
"Pilfer date, hang a horse, invade other computer, this kind is mixed in law moral level the behavior of have not a leg to stand on, why to turn over aureola of the star on bedding bag?
"Disk drive " be in the earliest pilfer date person when circle advertises, offer free edition for trojan fabricant, if buy the home to feel pretty good, draw out money to buy VIP edition.
Add close solution outstandingly, exempted architect intellectual property not only by pilfer care, still can elevate the additional value of the product, market that improves a product the status.
By pilfer Zhang date be by the person purloin of Fujian spring city 210 thousand yuan.
It is pilfer edition runs rampant, this greatly, squashed the vivosphere of original music resource;
Last time, he clicked a link that people hair comes to, result Zhang date by pilfer, successor home sells contraband with his Zhang date, kill so that his shop was sealed half month.
and as for the rest of it, I publicly charge you with pilfering my note from Mr. Burgess and substituting a copy of it signed with your own name
Not only such, these pilfer date person or after the gang is completing pilfer bugle call, sell, or sell in game trade play money, sell the player washs fictitious money into the RMB thereby.
Not pilfering, but showing all good faithfulness that they may adorn the teachings of our Savior God in all things.
not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.
Sell coast to answer the menace of pilfer edition music and CD, record company begins to trying to permit music new Internet to serve.
Buy the home to be in after getting goods, with game CD it is pilfer edition ask to return money for reason.
In fact, to the blow of pilfer edition website, royal literature has established the operation technological process that a program changes.
Since January, more than 80 copyright that is a delegate with excited net just holds water " the edition that turn over pilfer is allied " , the accused career that pulled open potato is prelusive.
Begin from 2006, national copyright bureau is successive two years deploy launchs edition of pilfer of blow network tort in countrywide limits special operation.
They caught him pilfering stock from work so they gave him the chop.
They think, fast thunder serves trader as P2P, help netizen downloads pilfer edition film, to its film copyright caused enroach on.
He pilfer from a cash register
1. He was caught pilfering .
He was caught pilfering.
" he says, it is to embezzle essentially the network access of others, and by pilfer person network access is bought, have exclusive sex.
But he admits at the same time: "(outside establishing independent company to turn over, hang, the date that turn over pilfer) this is infrequent inside course of study.
But the mainest is, our collaboration purpose is to show the player of some demon animal worlds to bring better game to enjoy to China, have pilfer number no longer, outside hang, card machine.
But somebody also expresses doubt to the view of Kennedy, they think pirate bay is engine of a search nevertheless, say to make hand pilfer edition blame still puts doubt.
But the product line with net substantial dragon also brings serious pilfer edition problem.
someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses
someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses.
Why to say, in double Xi Hang drifting a county harbor is close community in one dweller building, somebody hire many 20 coolie, on the net pilfer game gold coin gains profit.
As having nearly hundred years history, the IFPI with pilfer seasoned edition is hit inside global limits, often arrive than fountainhead apparently.
Hou Xiaojiang expresses: "The potential loss that the website of Chinese network literature that is a delegate with start Chinese net brings every year because of pilfer edition is imponderable.
The keeper is in custodial process, responsibility heart is not strong, the job is careless, appear easily also pilfer and quality accident.
If company dimensions is done not have really not quite necessary the software that goes buying an authorised edition, can go to ZhongGuanCun spending what 10 yuan of money buy edition of a piece of pilfer to use, the result is right.
If because you do not retreat pilfer edition,be,goods may be bothered bigger.
To steal or pilfer.
steal; pilfer
Secondly, purloin of individual business website has the work originality of copyright to undertake add is written, also be maintained to be pilfer edition behavior by legal expert.
Actually pilfer edition smooth dish is pleasant to the eye just about really lumpish thing.
Realism sends answer how to have: Amphibian, orangutan edition of simian pilfer of his elder brother, person, atavism.
The officers are venal, violent and incompetent, systematically pilfering the soldiers' rations.
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Beijing is pilfering the technology of US and other foreign firms that set up shop on Chinese soil.
Must not envy them, because they have such behavior and idea,do not do not have a reason: The first they have " Sitanfo " , the 2nd they do not have pilfer edition.
Which have Nanchang Zhongshan way does NIKE of pilfer edition A Di sell? ? Say the location to understand, be followed I say old woman of what! ! ! !
It has cracked down on corruption and had RPF officials imprisoned for pilfering public funds.
preventing from energy - pilfering
Talking about products of guard against pilfering electricity and pilfering electricity on the contrary
The victim is in imperceptible in, information of bank Zhang number already by pilfer.
Additional at the same time, the Hong Kong branch that business of some pilfer edition analyses a company from data of some United States is bought relevantly data, again resale low sells piece.
In the meantime, virus still can be shown after pilfer date " the file is missing, download installation afresh please " user of false information becloud.
Record industry Zhou San also confirms the turn overing with new ground pilfer edition law prosecutes pilfer edition user.
Record company nature also is met very glad, not only got money, still can have the effect that MP3 of disintegrate pilfer edition is searched and downloads gradually.
Frustrated by high heating costs,Ray began to pilfer chunks of coal from neighborhood snowman.
She's lost several jobs for pilfering food, and has even resorted to shoplifting.
Wait for type website because of picture, film, music, if the server is done, I also was not pilfer catenary, without too big meaning.
Pilfering is therefore impossible.
So we do not to pilfer or to pillage,and do well in our duty,We will become a useful people of the world.
They may pilfer other animals’ food.They have dark plumage, unnerving calls.
Drive in sudden huge profits below, small firm He Xiaosong agrees very quickly, and the life that with eaglet they began stiletto pilfer oil together.
In the time that runs amuck in pilfer edition, this is an impossible task almost.
Fund trades on company net: Cost rate is low, have the code on the net by the risk of pilfer, have the venture that operates a mistake.
Tit. 2:10 Not pilfering, but showing all good faithfulness that they may adorn the teachings of our Savior God in all things.
It is strange that everybody perhaps is met, put out game, how to return pilfer bugle call?
Because the pilfer edition of Internet runs amuck,everybody knows, musical industry is in China basically is unprofitable.
She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months
She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months.
She says helplessly: "Often hear now, because minor is infatuated with a network, be on pilfer, dacoity crime road.
In other days Pork's pilfering would have been a serious matter, probably calling for a whipping
Covet is be murdered, self-condemned, hypochondriasis more, by pilfer, poverty or exaggerated covet.
用作动词(v.)They may pilfer other animals' food.
As we predicted from the results of the first experiments, knowers rushed to pilfer the human-made cache if they were paired with another knower.