More than 200,000 people have been slain in the Darfur region since 2003 when a number of tribes revolted against the country's Arab-led government.
On March 31, 2005, the UN Security Council, in Resolution 1593, decided to refer the situation in Darfur since 1 July 2002 to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
The BBC was also told that China was training fighter pilots who fly Chinese A5 Fantan fighter jets in Darfur.
The MSF Belgium's General Director Christopher Stokes said that because of the worsening security in Darfur, the future of MSF's medical projects there were uncertain.
The new case of wild polio virus was conformed last month in South Darfur.
The new case of wild poliovirus was confirmed last month in South Darfur.
These numbers tell you that although a divided Security Council can paralyse the UN, as before the Iraq invasion of 2003 and over Darfur now, the council is not always divided.
Unlike his two predecessors, Mr Gration has been appointed as a full-time envoy, stressing Mr Obama's eagerness to help make peace in Darfur.
Managing director of the Forum, Richard Samans, says an informal gathering of world leaders will discuss the ongoing crisis in Darfur.
Two top United Nations officials have warned that the conflict in the Sudanese region of Darfur is spiraling towards full-scale war.
China's trade with Sudan is "underwriting the war in Darfur," she said. "The Darfur issue is one they could solve within easy reach," Farrow said.
The Chinese Fantan jets are believed to have been delivered to Sudan in 2003 before the current UN arms embargo was imposed on Darfur.
China has confirmed it will send engineers to Sudan's troubled Darfur region as part of a planned U.N. deployment of peacekeepers.
It has shown willing to nudge, if not push, the Sudanese government over Darfur.
Why Darfur happened.Why Somalia happened.Why DRC happened.What we need is to deal with the root of the disease, not to give aspirins.
Chad accused Sudan of "exporting the genocide" from its Darfur region over the border.
Just ask (though no one will) the fearful, hungry people of Zimbabwe and Darfur.
In the same area, near the oil-rich Abyei region, Arab militiamen not allied with the Darfur rebels abducted four Indian oil workers and their driver in May.
In June, Moreno-Ocampo said that Sudan's "entire state apparatus" was involved in organizing crimes against civilians in Darfur.
Since that time, I have made repeated efforts to encourage the Chinese government to use its unique influence to bring safety and stability to the Darfur region of Sudan.
He also criticized the US and Britain for their "megaphone diplomacy" in trying to persuade Sudan to accept a UN force in troubled Darfur.
What they are watching keenly is the council's reaction to the massacres and humanitarian disaster in Darfur.
Steinberg points out that figures like Clooney and Cheadle have a very nuanced grasp of the situation in Darfur, but most don’t.
If properly managed, he says, there is already enough water to build peace in Darfur.
"We could have given this money to the people in the camps in Darfur, to the vaccine for AIDS," Ibrahim said.
"Forty percent of the Sudanese army draws itself from the Darfur region, so many people in the army sympathize with the rebels," he said.
He gave a surreal, waspish speech, arguing, among other things, that the Sudanese government was sovereign, so had every right to do whatever it wanted in Darfur.
He was forthright about the difficulties of winding down the war in Iraq and gave an eloquent pitch for American intervention in Darfur.
But in the West of Sudan, in Darfur, the situation for millions is still one of urgent crisis.
But the three together are now putting considerable pressure on him to change course in Darfur and get serious about peace with the south.
However, for millions of people in the Darfur region of Sudan in Northern Africa, their worries are far more serious.
But it is not unthinkable, as we have seen many times, in Armenia, in Cambodia, in Germany, in Bosnia, in Darfur: genocide continues to take place often with impunity.
Yet still the fighting continues, in the south, in the centre and in Darfur.
But, some academics pointed out, the Darfur conflict is more of a conflict between haves (farmers with land) and have-nots (herders with none), than it is a clash between races.
Sometimes though, as in the Darfur region of Sudan, those very same governments have driven the IDPs from their homes in the first place.
Britain implemented the United Nations-backed embargo five years ago in response to the conflict in the Sudanese region of Darfur.
As a big investor in Sudan, it can press Khartoum to accept United Nations peacekeepers in Darfur.
Whether you're talking about poverty in Haiti or genocide in Darfur, games offer that kind of learning.
Clooney has Darfur, Angelina has refugees, Bono has Africa. How does Shakira compete for attention?
Liu's expected mission is to parade China's achievements in Sudan and delink the Darfur conflict from the Olympic Games.
China, Liu said, "has made unremitting efforts and has played a positive and constructive role" on the Darfur issue.
The Sun Air Boeing 737 was hijacked shortly after it took off from Nyala, the largest city in Darfur, on Tuesday afternoon.
Other groups, including the Save Darfur Coalition and Amnesty International, also said they were organizing protests and instructing participants to obey the law.
Southern Sudan's ruling party is urging the Khartoum national government to reverse its decision to expel 13 Western aid agencies working in the civil war-ravaged Darfur Region.
Even Khartoum, a few hundred kilometres up the road from war-torn Darfur, is spending its oil bounty on glittering skyscrapers and new technology.
As long as America turns a blind eye to Israel's behavior towards the Palestinians, it cannot credibly criticize China over Darfur.
只要美国对以色列对巴勒斯坦人的态度采取视而不见, 那她没有公信力以达尔富尔来批评中国。
Yet almost all the wordsspoken and written about Darfur have been by foreigners, and inparticular white Westerners.
Remember illegal occupation of Tibet, East Turkestan &Genocide in Darfur.
The rest of time I will be focusing on rehabbing and also working on my film on Darfur.
Just as important, the UN, probably with NATO support, could operate out of Chad to enforce a no-fly zone over Darfur.
BRIAN JACKSONTracy McGrady lived with Darfur's displaced people in Chad where he heard the refugees' tragic stories in their own words.
The Khartoum government, which has equated any UN presence in Darfur to a foreign invasion, has said it will deploy more of its own troops to Darfur in a bid to increase security.
For more than four years he has campaigned to end of (the) conflict in Darfur in western Sudan.
So, as ever, the Sudanese government has been trying to weaken foreign efforts to intervene in Darfur to protect the IDPs and the humanitarian workers who largely keep them alive.
The house bill fully funds requested levels for (Leberaies)Liberia,Sudan and (Hih)Haiti,providing 450 million dollars for Sudan,including 138 million for (Darfor)Darfur.
The House bill fully funds requested levels for Liberia, Sudan and Haiti, providing $450 million for Sudan, including $138 million for Darfur.
Investigators from the International Criminal Court have not been able to travel to Darfur.
A report by Amnesty International on violations of the UN arms embargo in Darfur will add to the diplomatic pressure for the ban to be applied to Sudan as a whole.
For much of the 1980s and ’90s, environmental degradation in Darfur and other parts of the Sahel (the semi-arid region just south of the Sahara) was blamed on the inhabitants.
The day after taking office, he held a weekend meeting about Darfur.
China has acted in a principled manner and played a constructive role on the questions of Iraq and Darfur in Sudan.
As the House debated health care reform on Tuesday, Gwen Moore, a Wisconsin Democrat, rose to address the situation in Darfur.
He just returned from a two-week trip to Darfur, Chard (Chad) and the Democratic Republic of Congo with a UN peacekeeping of official.
Darfur was also pushed over the edge by ethnic and political conflict, with ambitious, violent and unscrupulous leaders preying on the ethnic divisions.
It is time for both Africans and the rich world to walk the talk in Darfur and Somalia.
In Darfur the UN is due to start deploying its forces in a few weeks.
China has all along adopted a constructive and responsible attitude towards the Darfur issue.
In Darfur, government sponsored militias have driven up to two million people from their homes.
Old figures in Darfur are monitored. be there fighting the unforced rebels or fighting between twice, * are try conflicts.
On Wednesday, one more peacekeeper's name was added to that list, when a Ugandan peacekeeper was killed in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Security incidents and deliberate attacks on the United Nations and aid community over the past weeks and months in Darfur have increased markedly.
Over the past year it says it curtails operations in Somalia and Darfur and elsewhere.
Egypt, along with the semiautonomous government of South Sudan, has tried to bring Darfur's fractious rebels together to create a joint platform.
Diplomats in Khartoum said Hu's position on Darfur could be linked to Chinese concerns about Sudan's stability, as well as that of neighboring Chad.
Cheek, a speed skater who competed in the 2006 Winter Olympics, had planned to go to Beijing to support Olympic athletes who are members of Team Darfur.
Little George Bush shrewdly grasped onto this, declaring the Sudanese government wholly responsible for the Darfur Crisis.
Despite evidence like Yasir's testimony, the ICC has yet to press charges related to deliberate environmental destruction against anyone over the Darfur crisis.
Wood added the State Department is sending the U.S.Charge D'Affaires in Khartoum, Alberto Fernandez, to Darfur to assess the situation following the moves against the aid groups.
The president has spoken for some time of his resolve to help the peacekeeping mission in Darfur.
The Bush administration has been relentless in its criticism of Sudanese President Omar Bashir - blaming him for the humanitarian crises in Darfur and elsewhere.