orgasmic是什么意思   orgasmic怎么读

英式:[ɔ:ˈgæzmɪk]    美式:[ɔ:ˈgæzmɪk]


adj.性高潮的; 令人非常愉悦的;使人极为兴奋的
adj. 极度兴奋的, 性欲亢奋的




orgasmic 性高潮的 来自orgasm,性高潮。



Fifteen percent of women experience pain with intercourse, 18-48% experience difficulty becoming aroused, 46% note difficulty reaching orgasm, and 15-24% are not orgasmic.


By Laurie Barclay, MDWebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Gary D.Vogin, MDFeb. 11, 2002 -- At last, neurologists may have pinned down the orgasm, and its hideaway is far removed from the G-spot.


B vitamins, including niacin and B-5, can help men and women reach orgasm and improve sexual stamina.


Women who do not have a G spot should not despair, according to the New Scientist report. "They can still have a normal orgasm through stimulation of the clitoris," said Jannini.


"We wanted to know what the brain was doing during orgasm," Holstege said.


"Apparently what I'd said as I sought to elevate his expressioninto a more classical form was that Chinaand Australiaare currently experiencing fantastic mutual orgasm," he said.


"It seems women go into the bedroom and expect it will happen quickly, automatically, with orgasm, even be multi-orgasmic, but without spending the time to do so.

“看来妇女进入卧室,并期望性高潮会快速,无意识地发生,甚至有更多的性亢奋 ,但她们没有花时间这样做。

The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers.


Here is a tip: if you are able to slightly tease each other and come close to orgasm without actually achieving one, your final orgasmic moment will be spectacular.


In the words of one 62-year-old: 'I suffer from migraine headaches and I find that when I have sex during a headache, especially if I have an orgasm, it goes away.


An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.


Once she is sexually satisfied, he can then reach orgasm himself by masturbating or by any other method that suits him.


Once he has successfully completed these initial steps, he lets himself be masturbated by his partner (again first without and then with lubrication) until he can delay his orgasm for 15 minutes.


It is not to importune both sides to achieve orgasm at the same time.


An orgasm lasts only a few moments and is felt very much like a seizure or rather a series of convulsions which involve the whole body and soon lead to complete relaxation.


The amount of semen ejaculated during one orgasm is usually about a teaspoonful.


A new study found that trained sexologists could infer a woman's history of vaginal orgasm by observing the way she walks.


Sex is good when it's pleasurable regardless of orgasm.


However, they still remain under the therapist's firm instruction not to aim for coitus or even for orgasm.


However, as long as he follows the woman's own instructions and keeps stimulating the general area of the vulva, he can usually bring her to orgasm.


Instead, the man learns to delay his orgasm for 15 minutes masturbating himself (first without and then with lubrication).


Girls, on the other hand, can learn through self-pleasuring how to reach orgasm quickly.


A severe fright or a particularly intense ejaculatory orgasm in a man, will deplete the Kidney's essence almost instantaneously.


Why do so many women fake orgasm?


The mesmerizing and orgasmic goals of the Swan of Utrecht. The greatest of all!


People who are afraid of death become afraid of all orgasmic experiences, because in each orgasm the ego dies.


The most basic reason for people to masturbate is simply because they want to have an orgasm.


Anybody who can be brought to orgasm by a man is sexually fully responsive to him, and no amount of sophistry can explain this fact away.


It can defend itself only from the ramparts of a manifest sexuality, of a finality of sex that exhausts itself in reproduction, or in the orgasm .


He took me from behind as I clung to his headboard screaming with pleasure until I jolted into an almighty orgasm, dropped my head into his pillow and fell into a deep sleep.


They also spotlight evidence linking the non-dominant right hemisphere, and especially the amygdala involved in emotional response, to sexual arousal and orgasmic sensation.


They are now planning further studies to compared the male and female brains during orgasm.


The following sections discuss orgasmic dysfunctions and their treatment in relation to men.


But orgasmic?


However, I suggest not to try to do so. In this hot, steamy room I'm sure you will die when you reach orgasm.


To experience orgasm.


"Women with orgasmic dysfunction should be treated in a multi-disciplinary manner" says Irwin Goldstein, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine.


Do you believe your girlfriend or wife when she claims to have an orgasm? How can you know for certain that she's not faking?


Would you say that ravished your inquisitive palate or induced an orgasmic explosion of scintillating flavorson your taste buds?


For example, a woman who gradually manages to masturbate the man to orgasm may thereby succeed in breaking his phobic behavior pattern.


For example, the couple may be told to engage in extended mutual pleasuring, but to interrupt their physical contact as soon as either of them approaches orgasm.


A woman or a man or both may feel, for example, that, during coitus, his orgasm comes too soon or her orgasm comes too late.


At that stage, they are not allowed to have coitus or even to try reaching orgasm any other way.

偏偏又是在这个阶段, 不允许他们有性交 甚或不允许以任何方式达到性高潮。

What it does: Prolactin relieves sexual arousal after orgasm and takes your mind off sex.


He masturbates while listening and ends the phone call once he has reached orgasm.


The reason is simple: the more a woman has sex, the more opportunities she has to learn what feels good to her sexually and how to have an orgasm.


Maybe she's tired or is thinking about things. If she's distracted, tired or worried about something, chances are she won't be having an orgasm tonight.


Most women experience orgasm through clitoral stimulation rather than through vaginal penetration.


Only later in life do they learn that the ability to delay orgasm is very important to maximizing sexual pleasure -- all those "quickie" techniques must be unlearned.


Only 24 percent of respondents from China reported always experiencing an orgasm during sex, the lowest, followed by Japan on 27 percent.


Only three found that having an orgasm made their migraine worse.


Afterplay The affectionate time that occurs after intercourse or orgasm, usually consisting of caressing, cuddling, talking, laughing, eating, cleaning up, getting ready to make love again, or falling asleep.


Teasing one another in the bedroom is playful and fun and creates a sexual build up that powerfully culminates in your final orgasm!


Probing the literature back to 1945 yielded only 22 cases of orgasmic aura.


Because from sexual physiology for, the man produces sexual excitement, achieve orgasm faster, and subsidise period is fast also.


Although women with HSDD may typically also hae some difficulty with arousal and orgasm, this is not always the case.


Thus, a boy who is punished by his parents for masturbating or having a "wet dream" may later find himself unable to have an orgasm during coitus.

因而,被其父母因手淫或有 性梦射精 而惩罚的男孩,可能后来会感到自己在性交中不能有性高潮。

In humans higher oxytocin levels have been linked to physiological phenomena like contractions during childbirth, or orgasm.


At other times, they may simply relish the process of mutual stimulation itself without reaching any orgasm at all.


As all nine patients with sufficient data on ictal onset had right-sided seizure onset, the authors suggest that orgasmic aura is an ictal lateralizing sign implicating the right hemisphere.


In the minds of most men, ejaculation means orgasm in that moment, before the acts are aimed at all the excitement that all of a sudden.


When she did admit her secret, a thorough workup uncovered the anatomical foundations of her orgasmic aura.


Quivering in her yoni is Chatakavilasa ( Sparrow Sport ), which usually heralds orgasm.

在她的号Yoni颤抖是 Chatakavilasa ( 麻雀运动 ) ,这通常预示着高潮。

Head and neck muscles often tighten during sexual activity, and blood pressure can increase at orgasm, causing blood vessels in the brain to dilate, a condition technically named coital cephalgia.


When orgasm, sex of law of section of flesh of ball sponge body is contractive, make seminal platoon the person is urethral, cause ejaculation.


There is no eye contact during orgasmic meditation.


Men can try to hold off orgasm during masturbation to try to learn how to prolong sex with a partner.


At orgasm the muscle tension is quickly released; the penis contracts repeatedly, ejaculating semen.


Afterwards, I will deliver what I would consider to be the ideal blowjob / handjob combination until the winner has an orgasm or 30 minutes passes whichever comes first.


For years, the clitoris was considered the only trigger for the female orgasm.

多年来, 阴蒂(阴核)被认为是唯一引发女性性高潮的器官.唉...

Multiple Screaming Orgasm without the vodka.


Women may try cunnilinctus just as a means of stimulation before they proceed to other forms of sexual intercourse, or they may practice it for its own sake and continue it through orgasm.


Woman: Every time I come close to orgasm, he goes to make himself a sandwich.


The female's mentation, have crucial effect to the advent of orgasm, and the foreplay is to adjust female state of mind, let its had become the key of adequate preparation.


How can you tell if a Scouse girl has an orgasm?


If a woman experiences orgasm during sex, she is more likely to become pregnant, since orgasmic spasms in pelvic muscles help move sperm up the vaginal canal to the uterus.


If all of these exercises are done properly, they sooner or later free the woman from her inhibitions and thus allow her to reach orgasm.


If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.


If be wife camouflage orgasm, they themselves can contract actively pubic and coccygeal flesh, imitate the groan when orgasm and happy expression even.


Every woman can become orgasmic if she tries hard enough.
