"Dreamed up by Socialist Mayor bertrand Delanoe, "Paris Plage"stretches over three kilometres (two miles) of closed-off road on Paris's Right Bank from the Louvre art gallery to the elegant Ile Saint-Louis."
These were at positions 126 (Ile or Thr or Ser) , 131 (Thr or Asn or Pro) , 133 (Met or Thr), 134 (Phe or Arg).
AA131多为Thr,少数为天冬酰胺(Asn),1例为脯氨酸(Pro),AA133多为蛋氨酸,少数为Thr; AA134为苯丙氨酸,仅1例为精氨酸。
CCMC /A CE A (Committee of Common Market Au tomob ile Constructors/Association of Automobile Constructors in Europe) ;
The apparent digestibilities of EAA such as Lys, Met, Leu, Ile, His, Val, Arg, Thr were greater than NEAA.
But North Korean officials did not confirm or deny that a mi ile test is imminent.
FA, along with the entire Army, has a significant backlog of officers waiting to attend ILE.
Letam, CNRS-UMR 7078, University of Metz, Ile du Saulcy, 57045 Metz, France
he cried, 'it's us must break the treaty when the time comes; and till then I'll gammon that doctor, if I have to ile his boots with brandy.'
The levels of the total serum amino acids, EAA/NEAA, Leu, Ile, Phe, Val, Lys, Thr, Ser, Ala and Gln in MHD group were lower than the normal.
以TSF评估,69.38%的病人存在中重度体脂消耗。 MHD病人的血清总蛋白和白蛋白水平正常,总氨基酸量、EAA/NEAA、Leu、Ile、。
BWM, Bayer, Siemens, Danone, AkzoNobel, Lafarge, ABB, BASF, ALCATEL, China Mob ile, Legend etc.
After your gourmet dinner, take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments.Cross the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in the city, to the Ile de la Cite.
The result of the net requirement of amino acids for maintenance of Lys, Met, Thr, Try, Ile and Arg was 68mg, 19mg, 60mg, 39mg, 51mg and 69mg, respectively.
使用全收粪法收集排泄物。 测定结果为北京鸭皮屑及羽毛损失与内源氮损失总氨基酸净需要量为:赖氨酸68mg、蛋氨酸19mg、苏氨酸60mg、色氨酸39mg、异亮氨酸为51mg和精氨酸69mg。
The reactiveness of amino acids with D-ribose follow the order Ile>Leu>Val.
Among the diseases, car ies and periodontitis are the two of the most frequent chronic dise ases in developing country. 5-year-old children have the caries rate at 76.55%, wh ile adult at 64%.
Excellent result will approved ile outstanding cleaning ability while carpet extractor machine used.
Your f ace is pale and blue, a tearful ile.
Notre Dame is a mighty cathedral standing on the "Ile de la Citie," an island in the Seine River in Paris, France.
during the 3rd to 5th weeks , the content of Ala , Arg , Leu , Phc , Tyr , Lys . Pro , Gly , His , Met and Ile increased (P<0.05 ) and by the end of the 7th week the foregoing 11 amino adds reached their apex (P< 0.01);
Hotel Ile De La Lagune : Great Deals Available Now!
Suez Environnement's announcement comes after the relevant authority, the Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile de France, or Sedif, declined to split up the contract into zones as the company had suggested.
ile of fillet weld
never frown,even when you are&nb sp;sad,because youn ever know who i s falling in love with your sm ile.
There are heliports all across the island, notably in luxury hotels, at the Domaine du Chasseur, at Chamarel, on Ile aux Cerfs and at the airport.
7 essential amino acids: PHE,THR, VAL, ILE, LEU, LYS, HIS and the ratio of TEAA/TNEAA, TEAA/TAA reduced much more heavily in chronic diarrhea compared with those in acute diarrhea.
Our walk took us over the Pont Neuf, the historic bridge from which one can access the Ile de la Cite, the larger of the two islands on which Paris was originally built.
Does the fact that V630 is 88%ile make any step toward refuting my point?
Boats anchored along the Seine river with Ile de la Cite in the background, Paris.
The conincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to conince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the ile habit .
Strasbourg - Grande Ile
M ethod:Using Western blot method to measure HSP of hypothalamus in febr ile and hypothermal rats.
Ile des Pines
the sixth component was next;the t value was 0.3381, the Mr was 55,100, the total EAA content was 163mg/g, the EAA/NAA ratio was 19.6%, first LAA was Ile, second was Leu and third, Thr;
Wh、ile the king was at his table, my perfume spread its fragrance.
The normal working processes and the protecting processes when the pile is doffed of the hydraulic p ile hammer were simulated and researched.
Objective To investigate the effects of Tye Ile Gly Ser Arg (YIGSR) and Arg Gly Asp (RGD) polypeptides on the fenestrae of the liver sinusoidal endothelial cells(SECs).
目的 探讨酪氨酸 -异亮氨酸 -甘氨酸 -丝氨酸 -精氨酸 (Tyr- Ile- Gly- Ser- Arg,YIGSR)五肽及精氨酸 -甘氨酸 -天门冬氨酸 (Arg- Gly- Asp,RGD)三肽对肝窦内皮细胞 (SEC)窗孔的影响。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of graft bypass in arterial revascularization for severe ischemia of lower extremities(ILE).
The study indicated that the contents of GLU and PRO had negative contribution to axis two and axis one,but the contents of THR,ILE,TYR and HIS had positive contribution to axis two and axis one.
The results indicated that the plasmatic pool size of Phe was increased and those of ECAA (Val, Leu, ILe) were decreased in severe viral hepatitis.
The results showed that the 7S globulin subunit composition affected the contents of protein, fat, 5 fatty acids, and 15 amino acids (especially, the greatest effect on Cys) excluding Val and Ile.
结果表明, 大豆7S球蛋白亚基组成对蛋白质、脂肪、蛋脂总量以及除缬氨酸和异亮氨酸外的15种氨基酸和5种脂肪酸含量都有一定的影响,对大豆籽粒内半胱氨酸含量的影响较大。
The results show that there is notable difference in determination of serine (Ser), isoleucine (Ile) and proline (Pro) for same sample between the two methods.
Suez Environnement's main competitor, Veolia Environnement (VE), is the provider of drinking water in the Ile de France.
Golladay ES.Treatment of keloids b y single intraoperativper ile sio nalin jectiono fr epositorys teroid[J].SouthM edJ ,198881 (6 ) :736.
Ile readout from the two sides of the brain appear to be quite different, but in fact are the same (discounting normal leftright brain variations).
Application of Mobile Vision in Navigation and Location of Mob ile Robot
This will help decrease the backlog of officers who need to attend and will begin to correct the equal distribution of ILE graduates across our combat formations and institutional Army.
In view of the velocity prof ile charac ters of the swirl jet and the response of the inclined single-wire probe perpen dic ular to the main flow,the optimized data process is introduced.
Sedum spectab ile Boreau
With the increase of age, AG and ASF increase wh ile TSF and BMI decrease.
B here i ill a deep ble in her eye, he an de n ile bak. he lk he ih a piy eprein in her eye and hake her head fly.
In rerpe, any gd pprniie ere negleed in y life. here ay be regre, adne and laen, b all I an d n i ile.