abbr.New York Times <美><纽约时报>abbr.New York Times ;
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January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December [Alle sprog - Nyt vindue
The Value of Everything: It's All Psychology: A NYT story correctly states that what stocks, homes and anything else is worth is no more or less than what most people think (trust) they're worth.
事物的价值:全在于心理感受 :纽约时报的一则故事很正确的阐述了所谓股市,家庭或者其他一切东西价值在于人们如何衡量他们。
Or if you're in your car, your phone could sense that and so NYT could deliver the news to you in audio.
Israel sought U.S. aid on planned airstrike on Iranian nuclear site, NYT reports.
You are getting lot of attention after that NYT article was written about you. What did you think of that article?
The actual amount of shoplifting is probably higher than the numbers indicate since many who are caught are banned from stores rather than arrested, The New York Times (NYSE:NYT) reported Tuesday.
We have already seen a number of very interesting uses of the NYT APIs, and we will surely see a lot of interesting and useful applications that will now make use of the Guardian's data.
And despite an increasingly digital culture, face time is crucial in DC.The NYT article says Google is getting poor attendance marks for its presence at political events.
NYT: White House deflected first two requests in 2008, denied third.
The NYT reports that the US Treasury will be auctioning more bonds than ever to finance the $700 billion bailout of the banks.
NYT points out that "Coke was an early mover in the realm of virtual worlds, viewing them as ways to engage their customers and build their brands.
纽约时报指出, “焦炭是一个早期的动议在该领域的虚拟世界,看他们如何从事他们的客户和建立自己的品牌” 。
The NYT cites analysts who estimate that China owns $1 of every $10 of America’s public debt.
The NYT cites analysts who estimate that China owns $1 of every $10 of America's public debt.
Awesome quote on NYT homepage: 'For my generation, the moonwalk had nothing to do with NASA.'
It will be interesting to see how it's employed by the development community - and what the NYT has up its API sleeve next.
非常期待看到,开发团体将如何使用这种信息,以及 NYT 下一步将推出什么样的 API。