n. 上腭音
[医] 腭的
n. a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word `yeast')
a. relating to or lying near the palate
s. produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as `y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as `ch' in `chin' or `j' in `gin')
maxillary palatal process [医] 上颌骨腭突
median palatal cyst [医] 腭中囊肿
palatal abscess [医] 腭脓肿
palatal arch [医] 硬腭弓, 上颌弓
palatal bar [医] 腭连接秆
palatal defect [医] 腭缺损
palatal fissure [医] 腭裂
palatal indices [医] 腭指数
palatal myoclonus [医] 腭肌阵挛
palatal nystagmus [医] 腭震颤, 腭帆提肌痉挛
palatal reflex [医] 腭反射
palatal triangle [医] 腭三角
palatal tuberodties [医] 腭粗隆
Voiced palatal stop 语音腭停止
palatal tooth 腭骨齿
palatal fold 腭旋褶
palatal surface 腭面
Palatal consonant 硬颚音
Palatal lateral approximant 腭侧近似
He broadened their palates as I broadened yours.
他拓展了它们的味觉 正如我拓展了你的味觉
And I'm your soul mate. I'm not a palate cleanser.
我是你的灵魂伴侣 不是什么情感修复站
It's not sweet, but it's a lot cleaner on the palate.
不是很甜 但味道清新干澈
It's fantastic to have such a sophisticated palate and be so young.
这么年轻 就有这么成熟的味觉 真是棒棒哒
Now it's your turn to disappoint my palate.
It's to clear the palate between pieces, not drown it out.
Maybe to the unrefined palate of a roundeye.
The soft palate is the road map to how we sound.
I have a select list of clients with very sophisticated palates.
我有张精挑细选 品味独到的顾客名单
Yeah, that's before my palate and my arteries knew better.