复数:nutritionists;形容词: nutritional | 副词: nutritionally |
Noun1. a specialist in the study of nutrition
名词 nutritionist:
a specialist in the study of nutrition
同义词:dietician, dietitian
nutritionistn.a specialist in the study of nutrition
nutritionist 营养学家 来自nutrition,营养。nutritionist用法和例句:
Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.
In addition, she is the company nutritionist for the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre.
另外, 她是匹兹堡芭蕾舞剧院的公司营养学家.
Nutritionist Patrick Holford says likely culprits are cauliflower, turnips, brocoli, onions sprouts beans lentils and chickpeas.
营养学家帕特里克·霍尔福德指出这些‘罪魁’大概有菜花 、 萝卜 、 花椰菜 、 洋葱、汤菜、大豆、扁豆、鹰嘴豆等.
Yes. If you still have questions about your diet, please discuss them with your nutritionist.
是的.假如你仍然有问题关于你的饮食, 请与你的营养师讨论.
Housewife: What does a nutritionist do?
家庭主妇: 营养师是干什么的?
Any nutritionist knows that food is fuel when it comes to sports.
Nutritionist: A nutritionist gives advice to people on matters of nutrition.
营养师: 营养师就有关营养事宜给人们提出建议.
Seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian.
I went regularly to a nutritionist, a barber, and a masseuse.
我定期去见营养学家, 美容师和按摩师.
You can seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian.
A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation with a nutritionist.
* Think about asking for help from a nutritionist if you haven't already done so, especially if you have a medical problem that requires you to follow a special diet.
* 如果你没有按健康的饮食习惯,特别是你有某些需要遵循特别饮食的疾病,请考虑一下向你的营养师寻求帮助。
* As a budding nutritionist, Kim has learned to design diets that contain foods rich in important basic nutrients.
A nutritionist or dietician guides the session, proiding information on healthy food choices and demonstrating how to read a food label.
One ad placed in Femme Actuelle in April quoted a nutritionist who said, "there's no reason to abuse fast food, or visit McDonald's more than once a week."
一则登在四月刊《femme Actuelle》杂志上的广告引用了一位营养学家的话:"我们不能吃太多的快餐食品,同样也就不能每周吃一次以上的麦当劳。
One ad placed in Femme Actuelle in April quoted a nutritionist who said,"there's no reason to abuse fast food,or visit McDonald's more than once a week."
On the one hand, according to his nutritionist's recommendation to eat more conducive to the resumption of food tendon, and he also pay special attention to controlling food intake.
However drinks the milk only to be able to assist, cannot treat, the nutritionist indicated that besides the milk, the overall diet habits and customs is more important.
Traditional foods and foods with medicinal properties that aid cholesterol level will be prescribed by our TCM nutritionist.
Actuality, Demand and Development Future of Nutritionist in China
The vitamins you ingest from your diet can help put more hairs on your head, says TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer.
Nutritionist and author Michael van Straten says: "Carrot juice is bursting with beta carotene;one glass a day, fresh if possible, works wonders for the skin and is a powerful antioxidant.
Any nutritionist knows that food is fuel when it comes to sports.
The McDonald's Corp., based in Oak Brook, Ill., said in a statement Wednesday that it "strongly disagreed" with the nutritionist quoted in the French advertisement.
但座落在美国伊利诺伊州奥克布鲁克的麦当劳总部对此却不能充耳不闻。 公司于10月28号发表了一份声明,表明公司"坚决不同意"广告中所援引的营养学家的那番话。
The McDonald's Corp.,based in Oak Brook,Ill.,said in a statement Wednesday that it "strongly disagreed" with the nutritionist quoted in the French advertisement.
Candy can be as efficient as healthier options like fruit, and because people typically secrete little insulin during exercise, crashing is unlikely, said Nancy Clark, a sports nutritionist.
As a nutritionist, it is important for me to understand the role of nutrition in health.
Not only do you have to be a chauffeur, a counsellor, a cleaner and an expert chef but now you also have to be a nutritionist as well.
You shouldn't have to unbutton your pants, blouse or unzip anything after your meal," said Cheryl Forberg, the nutritionist for "The Biggest Loser.
The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.
“Fresh Every Day” is elaborately produced from fresh meat and vegetables by professional nutritionist and will completely meet your loved pets' daily needs for nutrients.
Advice from the nutritionist was not enough.
Public health nutritionist
The Present Status and Thinking of the Public Nutritionist Training
Instead, the chef and owner, in consultation with a nutritionist, went through the existing menu and plucked out offerings that they believed were already naturally helpful.
In addition, she is the company nutritionist for the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre.
Seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian.
Meeting with a dietitian or nutritionist can help ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need without allergenic foods.
While the question of what killed Jackson went unanswered pending toxicology results, a claim by a nutritionist who said she worked with Jackson fanned speculation Tuesday.
Development overview of nutrition education and nutritionist at abroad
For two of those, Ridley worked with a rowing coach and nutritionist.
In this stage of drug rehab the most important person is your nutritionist, who helps you to create the diet that will suit your needs.
在这一个阶段中药物修复的设施最重要的人是你的营养学家,他[她] 帮助你产生将会适合你的需要的饮食。
CFU doesn't know that top athletes, be them in boxing, MMA, BJJ, basketball, golf or whatever, have nutritionist guiding them, and have trainers who train them in strength and stamina conditioning.
lean meats only) or a low-sodium diet.The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.
The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.If needed, ask your oncologist for a referral.
Guangzhou Medical school third affiliated hospital nutrition branch nutritionist once the green hill said.
I went regularly to a nutritionist, a barber, and a masseuse.
I'm going to recommend that you go see a nutritionist.
Methods Through the fistula of jejunostomy,we inject the special nutriment,compounded by the nutritionist,from thin to strong,till the patient be able to eat.
Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University, argues that “when you choose organics, you are voting for a planet with fewer pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies.
A leading nutritionist recently pointed out that, while 24 million people in China live in abject poverty and suffer malnutrition, 60 million Chinese are obese.
Guiliano is not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist.
Catherine Collins, chief nutritionist at St George's Hospital in Tooting, South-West London, said she was not surprised the fats could drastically reduce fertility.
Pediatrician Harry Shwachman of the Children's Hospital Center in Boston and nutritionist Louis E. Kopito of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have analyzed trace elements in hair to diagnose and treat disease.
波士顿儿科医疗中心的小儿科医生施瓦克曼(Harry Shwachman)和马萨诸塞理工学院的营养学家科皮托(Louis E. Kopito)用毛发中的微量元素含量来诊断并治疗疾
Because of its high nutritional value, known as the "King of beans", "Tanaka of meat," "green milk", hundreds of natural food is the most respected food nutritionist.
Animal husbandry industry needs commercial nutritionist than veterinary and livestock technician
The level of sodium intake should be decided in consultation with your physician or nutritionist.
” The women in the study had 18 sessions in small groups with a trained nutritionist in the first year and four sessions a year after that.
Cohen.So students, the lesson for the day is talking to your college nutritionist about your diet.
Nutritionist told us that the human body needs protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals, and other elements of the top-five nutrients, it is necessary for the liver.
Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren't.
Nutritionist Patrick Holford says likely culprits are cauliflower, turnips, brocoli, onions, Brussels sprouts beans lentils and chickpeas.
lean meats only) or a low-sodium diet.The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.If needed, ask your oncologist for a referral.
The nutritionist believed that they can know, which living thing function each kind of nutrient is corresponding, or in turn, which nutrients is each living thing function connected with.
But the reason why the woman is thin that the nutritionist studies the man after marriage and gets fat: The man has two bags of fresh milk, a bird's nest, two abalones slice every night;
"To digest food your stomach needs to be producing enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes to breakit down," says nutritionist Natalie Savona. "If this doesn't happen, food enters the small intestine undigested and if this happens.
The nutritionist also reminds, to drink the tea health health caring, had better choose the oolong tea, the green tea does not sugar, the tea of普洱 also can, but to notice the habitat hygiene.
Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t.
Nutritionist and author Patrick Holford says: "Your skin is affected by how well you are internally and is therefore a remarkable barometer of your overall health.
In addition, nutritionist will provide recommendations with reference to individual dietary habits and health conditions.
" Well-known nutritionist in Ruomu gladly Neway Group for the Chinese inscription: "Guozhen Pine Pollen health God has given human treasures.
著名营养学家于若木也欣然为中国新时代集团题词:“国珍松花粉 上帝赐给人类的保健珍品”。
Professionals are often required in this area, but you don't have to be a fully trained nurse, doctor, speech therapist, nutritionist or physiotherapist to contribute.
Occasionally over the years, when I have despaired of looking as slender as I would like, I have consulted a nutritionist.
The nutritionist mainly studies the effects of nutrients on human body.
Day and night the nutritionist experimented to find a kind of more nutritious experimented to find a kind of more nutritious food, and at last he succeeded.
A monthly menu is prepared in advance by the school's qualified nutritionist, Miss Yoshida, and sent home with every child.
the food menu, designed to meet the needs of growing children, is worked out by a nutritionist according to the physical conditions and ages of the orphans.
Consumption of cabbage leaves, in addition to a large number from the intake of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K intake can, food nutritionist, vitamin K on bone has a very strong protective effect.
用作名词(n.)I'm going to recommend that you go see a nutritionist.
I went regularly to a nutritionist, a barber, and a masseuse.
Any nutritionist knows that food is fuel when it comes to sports.