restocking是什么意思   restocking怎么读

英式:['ri:'stɒkɪŋ]    美式:['ri:'stɒkɪŋ]


v.重新进货,再储存( restock的现在分词 ); 再引种; 再放养
n. 再存储, 再进货动词restock的现在分词形式
v.重新进货,再储存( restock的现在分词 );再引种;再放养;



动词 restock:

stock again


restock[ 'ri:'stɔkiŋ ]v.stock again

"He restocked his land with pheasants"




The corollary of less destocking in 2005 may be less restocking than in other metal markets this year.


Satisfaction Guarantee. 30 Day Inspection Period. Buyer will pay for shipping and 10% restocking fee. Refund will be made upon receipt and inspection of returned product.


AX ">BHP.AX ) ( BLT.L ) said on Wednesday restocking of commodities in China may have ended, coinciding with fresh inventory building in other markets.

AX )(必和必拓)周三表示,进货的商品在中国可能已经结束,新的存货配合建设在其他市场。

Some analysts are skeptical that the recovery in trade will be sustainable once businesses restock depleted inventories and the oomph of fiscal and monetary stimulus fades.

一 些分析人士怀疑,一旦企业把耗尽的库存恢复起来、财政和货币刺激的效力消退,贸易复苏是否可以持续。

Demand is improving, but only slightly, one U.S.-based trader said."It's still in the doldrums.People are still working off inventories.We haven't seen any restocking yet.


On the one hand their loose monetary and fiscal policies (along with inventory restocking and a powerful shove from China) have helped produce what appears to be a quick recovery.


The next key control around Mobile, according to the request to restock the Santa gifts.


However, a restocking fee of $5.00 will be charged.

不过$ 5.00的重新上架费将被收取。

Still, much of the recent demand for aluminum and other metals has been due to China restocking industrial supplies in the first half of the year.


Meanwhile, doubts remain about an economic recovery, particularly once temporary effects from programs such as 'cash for clunkers' or inventory restocking wash through.


Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories, and establish restock levels or just-in-time strategies.


Efforts to restock a polluted northern China river with fish ran into problems when residents started hauling them out almost as soon as they were put in, state media said on Thursday.

中国官方媒体周四报道, 为了改善污染河流生态环境,中国向北方受污染河流投入鱼苗。但是放入河流中的鱼群遭到当地居民的大量捕捞。

Efforts to restock a polluted northern China river with fish ran into problems when residents started hauling them out almost as soon as they were put in, state media said on Thursday. more ...

中国官方媒体周四报道, 为了改善污染河流生态环境,中国向北方受污染河流投入鱼苗。但是放入河流中的鱼群遭到当地居民的大量捕捞。更多 ...

China's multiyear, $585 billion stimulus plan is fueling some restocking there, but mainly of commodities such as iron ore.


Chinese officials offeredvaccinations and insurance programs to encourage farmers to restock.


With China consuming about 130,000 tonnes of pork a day, 30,000 tonnes will have little impact in any case. Anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast.


d) Restock items for next service.


Indeed, things are so bad that it is generally assumed that they cannot get any worse, and will instead improve over the next six months as the inventory cycle turns and firms restock.


The boost from restocking will be temporary.


Their order rates are slightly improving but they believe that this is mainly due to restocking driven by traders, perhaps anticipating strong demand as a result of government's stimulus policies.


He said the global consumer had not been pushing up the savings rate in recent months, was continuing to spend and this will induce producers to start restocking by the summer.


But it said the modest recovery was driven by restocking, the car scrappage scheme and the anticipated value added tax increase.


But market expectations could move quickly if data start to depict a recovery that goes beyond inventory restocking and emergency one-time stimulus effects.


But thanks to high oil prices and revolutionary solidarity, plans are now afoot to refurbish the rundown facilities and restock the zoo.


But with China's steel stockpiles seemingly close to or at capacity, the agency said restocking in developed countries would be an important driver of steel demand.


You can repair the torn sails and restock the ship and supply fresh navigation charts.


You already know what you have so it's a great time to restock.


The drivers of company cars shall be responsible for the maintenance and restocking of the kits in their cars.


Coral Reef;Restocking;Turbo;Tripneustes gratilla;Ulva;Surgeonfish;Propagation


For normal orders, only refund or exchange within 30 days of the original ship date. 10% restocking fee is applied to all refunds.


This assistance is to include acting as spa receptionist, performing manicure/pedicure services, selling and restocking professional retail skin care and hair care products.


The primitive business functions would be things like ship a product, restock inventory, or pay a bill.


Likewise, vending machines will be able to tell the warehouse when they need restocking.


Throughput results for April may indicate that the volume recovery in March was triggered by the restocking of low inventories rather than a sustained recovery in global demand.


Therefore, ozone disinfection requirements in time for restocking the previous week.


restock a lake/river with trout


Activity minimal during lockdown and restocking procedures


Howard: All right. I'll talk to the department manager about it. Shouldn't be a problem, but it'll probably take them a day or two to restock the empty space.


Any return that does not comply with the above policy will be subject to 20% of restocking fee.

如未按以上要求退货, 我们将收取货款20%的手续费.

Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism.


If you put together a kit in the past, check it now for outdated or missing items and do any restocking.


If there are insufficient resources to restock both markets as shown in the table, restock the north market first and then the south market as much as possible.


If the West continues to sputter, what happens when Asia's fiscal stimulus and restocking fade?


If the products are not on stock and available in stock, the cycle of restocking is given the responsability to update stock necessary.


They then plan to rendezvous with the King's 14th Regiment at Fort Ticonderoga, near the current site of the Diamond Run Shopping Mall, to restock on hardtack and tobacco.


The inventory department has an inventory Web service to restock products to its inventory; it must reuse the same


As humans attune to this dream, there will be more direction on the part of Marine Scientists to restock the oceans of life necessary for all to subsist.


BHP Billiton said yesterday that while China had almost completed a build-up in metals and minerals such as iron ore, “restocking” was evident in the US, Europe and Japan.


We will try our best to restock your order item(s) as soon as possible.


We have our own entity shop, flowers are restocking directly from Kunming, Yunnan, the absolute guarantee that the catchment flowers fresh, not fresh flowers We will not send out the additional price is fair.


F:We expect our restock to come in around June 5th.


Me: You didn't consider RESTOCKING before comming to an INSTANCE?


I also wish you to distribute five thousand gold talents to these managers as a reward for their years of loyalty and so that they may restock their shelves in any manner that they desire.


restock the freezer for Christmas


Deal-hungry miners looking to restock diminishing reserves have a full menu of companies and properties to choose from, but there is a scant selection of mouth-watering acquisition targets.


New orders exceeded inventories to the greatest extent since 1975, strong argument for the belief that the US will now see a “restocking boom” as production is stepped up to replenish inventories.


That's the mini-bar. Each day we check what's missing and restock it. The items you consume are put on your bill.


Desk Clerk: That's the mini-bar. Each day we check what's missing and restock it. The items you consume are put on your bill.


Most notably, in the real economy, the data is looking a touch more optimistic, not least because western companies are restocking, after slashing their inventories late last year.


This product is currently out of stock. Click here to send a restock request.


There's also a refueling truck that gives players the ability to restock weapons simply by flying in close to the vehicle;


Anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast.


According to the plan, some herbivores, large animals will also be restocking poultry.


A reply is sent back to the mall store saying the restocking pants are on their way.


For example, first you could install the habit of restocking your kitchen with healthy food every Tuesday evening.

比如,首先,你可以养成每周二晚上在厨房贮备健康食物的 习惯 。

Primary Talking on Restocking for Enhancement of Resources in the Yangtze River Estuary


Companies that have depleted their inventories will restock them.


Species Selection and Restocking Technique for Artificial Releasing in Lake


At present, Chinese enterprises still in stock by market is expected that this process will be in February 2009 to the end of March, and look forward to the second quarter of China will be restocking.


A revival in prices is then anticipated early in 2009 as distributors restock after the Winter drawdown.


In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes.


First, factories that shut down when global demand slumped reopened to restock nearly-empty shelves.


Claws of Devastation, Talisman of the Gods, Wrath of Takamura, Invulnerability Potion, Infernal Cloak, Amulet of Spellshield, Runed Bracers, and Shield of the Gods restock time reduced significantly


As a result, inventory restocking now giving the economy a boost is unlikely to develop into the kind of widespread inventory building that translates into much stronger business activity.


to restock a store


restock a forest with seedling


The US will enter this second dip in the first quarter of next year.Its economic recovery in the second half of this year is being driven by inventory restocking and fiscal stimulus.


Because of the expense to ship a heavy weight item, most retailers will have a policy where if you return the pool, you will pay to ship it back plus incur a restock fee.


'They're probably not buying a lot right at the moment,' she said.'But I think toward the end of the year, they are going to have to start restocking again.


Restock date are every 17th and 28th of every month (maybe will change depends on months), do confirm us 2 days before the restock date.
