multiplier是什么意思   multiplier怎么读

英式:[ˈmʌltɪplaɪə(r)]    美式:[ˈmʌltɪplaɪə(r)]


n.乘数; 乘子
n.乘数, 增加者,扩音器


名词复数: multiplicities |



1. the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied

名词 multiplier:

the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied

同义词:multiplier factor

multiplier[ 'mʌltiplaiə ]n.the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied

同义词:multiplier factor


multiplier 倍数 来自multiply,乘,多倍。即倍数。


The topology of multiplier, which related with physical implementation closely, also advancedrapidly.

与此同时, 与物理实现紧密相关的乘法器拓扑结构的研究也硕果累累.

Conclusion The multiplier method is a good method for estimating the drug users and prevalence.


The three kind distributions are periodicity distribution, multiplier periodicity distribution and the golden section distribution.

三性分布是指周期性 、 倍周期性和每个周期的黄金分割性组成的时间分布.

The circuits of 16 bit adder and 8 bit multiplier are successfully evolved.


I gave yellow color and big multiplier to main direct light.


The 2 nd picture shows that the multiplier of skylight is equal or lesser than downlights.


This frequency multiplier may be used satisfactorily as the output stage some velocity radar.


The Color, Multiplier and Attenuation parameters can all be animated over time.

颜色, 放大器和减弱器都可以超时绘制.

The full custom chip design of 18×18 Modified Booth algorithm and Wallace Tree multiplier is introduced.


And then it compares the LUT method with the multiplier method.


In 8 X 2 , the multiplier is 8.

在乘式8X2中, 乘数是8.


Operating at clock speed of 50 MHz in FPGA, the multiplier can meet the demand of DTR.

该乘法器在工作频率为50MHz的FPGA芯片中工作正常, 可以满足光盘的DTR要求.

The algorithm does not use any multiplier so that the speed of computation has been accelerated.


But, the contraction in demand will have a large multiplier effect, exacerbating the damage.

但是, 需求的减少将有很大的乘数效应, 加剧了损害.

Only scientific treatment, the multiplier effect can be achieved.

只有科学治疗, 才能取得事半功倍的疗效.

Multiplier is the key in the Digital Signal Processing System.


The foreign trade multiplier of Ningbo reduces gradually; the economic affecting function for exports is dropping.

宁波的对外贸易乘数逐渐减少, 出口对经济的牵动作用下降.

Tenacity and Ferocity pets lost their armor multiplier it was given to all pets.


The money multiplier will increase if banks decide to hold less reserves per dollar of deposits.


There is also a comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, and duality theory.

这门课程也包括了对最适化条件, 拉格朗日乘数理论, 和对偶理论的综合论述.

Booth Recoding multiplier is adopted to further improve the hardware implementation efficiency.


Undertake modification will bringing the total data bulk of effect of a multiplier on these data.



The Lagrange multiplier method is one of the approaches for determining conditional extremum of function in Advanced Mathematics.


Some modules with a "1% penalty to shield boost" have had the penalty remvoed (this was actually a 1 x multiplier that did nothing).


The three kind distributions are periodicity distribution, multiplier periodicity distribution and the golden section distribution.


Added additional unit demand multiplier, which lowers production demand if AI player has the same unit already.


For verifying the performance of the multiplier, the multiplier has beed download into the VertexII-xc2v1000256-4, the frequency can reach 62.27MHz.


Why to say telecommunication is the multiplier of productivity?


Reduced damage multiplier for act-end boss attacks vs. minions.


The number by which another number is multiplied. In 8*2, the multiplier is 8.


The number by which another number is multiplied.In8?2, the multiplier is8.


The number by which another number is multiplied. In8?2, the multiplier is8.


Multiplier Valuation Method is the most common one in companies' stock valuation.


Multiplier Effect The expansion of a country's money supply that results from the collective of member banks being able to lend more money than they take in.


The multiplier multiply said results with 10 of hexadecimal to produce No.1 variable.


Multiplier is the key in the Digital Signal Processing System.


This multiplier used modified Booth Algorithm, Wallace tree and 4- 2 compressor.


The thesis introduces analog multiplier MC1496 of motorola company mainly about its internal structure and setting of quiescent offset voltage and quiescent bias current.

介绍了MOTOROLA公司生产的集成模拟乘法器MC14 96的内部结构及静态偏置电压、电流的设置。

This paper presents an analogue four quandrant multiplier depending on the square law of MOS transistors,which consists of 28 MOS transistors only.


This essay gave the qualitative & quantitative analysis of the controllability of the basic currency and the monetary multiplier with the true economical data and the status i.


In their words, climate change is a "threat multiplier" in some of the most unstable regions in the world.


The multiplier effect magnifies the banker’s income contraction, possibly by a factor of 2.


Code so cleverly designed to avoid the consumption of more FPGA hardware multiplier scarce resources.


Using the ratio of unit holding cost and cost per shortage occasion M as multiplier,Lagrange multiplier method is applied to solve the problem. The specific meaning of M is also given.


Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.


As an intermedium of flux economy, convention and exhibition economy is characterized of multiplier effect, less exchange cost, stronger driving effect, and so on.

会展经济作为流量经济的媒介与载体,具有 乘数效应 、易成本低、动效应强等特点。

As an intermedium of flux economy,convention and exhibition economy is characterized of multiplier effect,less exchange cost,stronger driving effect,and so on.


As the Multiplier increases you gain new weapons and the weapons you already have are then upgraded.


The author considers the multiplier theory of money supply is a specious argument and many of its dubious viewpoints should be carefully reconsidered.


A frequency multiplier which multiplies the frequency of an input signal by two.


If I give skylight multiplier = 1, the multipier of downlighs or any diffusers should be less.


With the multiplier 250 volts may be required to move the pointer to full-scale, 135 volts across the multiplier and 15 volts across the meter.


To eliminate that he says the Fed would have to monetise more than $1 trillion of additional stimulus over two years, assuming standard multiplier effects.


Crucially, the overall size of the fiscal multiplier also depends on how people react to higher government borrowing.


This paper describes a Cockcroft-Walton type voltage multiplier circuitwhich is rated at 300kV-6mA.

其额定指标为:工作电压300kv. 负载电流6mA.

Third, the price deflation oscillating through the information sector will drag down the rest of the economy, too, through a multiplier effect.


The damage is extremely streaky and bursty, mostly due to FFB crit multiplier and hot streak.


In this paper,the algorithm of high speed multiplier is analyzed and a 16-bit MBA-WT multiplier is proposed based on VHDL language.


Entrepreneurship are the most active and proactive employment, it not only can solve the self-employed workers, but also through employment Driven have a multiplier effect.


With the Lagrange multiplier method, the minimum distance of the center of a circle and a quadric surface was provided and the tangency condition of curve and surface was given.


A Theory of Variational Assimilation with Kalman Filter - Type Constraints: Bias and Lagrange Multiplier.


In addition, the algorithm can be realized high speed and low complexity VLSI circuits, without using multiplier, need only shifter, multiplexer and adder.


The term to be added are the multiplicand multiplied by each of the bits of the multiplier.


Also through third-party software on system performance testing adjustments, the efficiency multiplier!


It is therefore advisable never to use an excessively high working voltage for a multiplier cell.


The 2nd picture shows that the multiplier of skylight is equal or lesser than downlights.


On the multiplier of planar difference sets in Abelian group,it is well known that -1 is not multiplier and 2,3,5,are not extraneous multipliers.

在 Abel群中平面差集乘子的结果中 ,有平面差集的阶 n的任何因数均是乘子 ,且 - 1不是乘子 ,从文献 [1]可以得出 :2、3、5不是额外乘子 .

Harmonics of the ripple have been investigated experimentally at a self-made model Cockcroft-Walton (C-W) voltage multiplier, as a funct ion of the circuit asymmetry and load.


In 8X2, the multiplier is8.


The register used to contain a multiplier in multiplication and the quotient in division.


At the rQMC sampler use value 0,005 for noise treshold. Set the Global subdivs multiplier to 4 ,it will increase samling quality everywhere in the scene.


By analyzing the limitation of iterative cellular array multipliers, a parallel processing multiplier and its construction algorithm are presented in this paper.


Based on the analysis of the URT industry chain, the methodology of calculating the investment multiplier of URT is discussed by useing the input-output principle.


Combined the Lagrange multiplier and penalty function methods, the augmented Lagrangian method is used to treat the contact constraint and solved the non-linear and non-smooth problems of the mechanical response perfectly.


NES has its own theory basis of western multiplier theory and strategic trade theory.


The distance multiplier from target before attack styles get control.


Based on the 18-bit floating number representation, the improved multiplier, division, adder and comparator is given, and then the floating arithmetic is completed.


Investment in infrastructure is how a nation harnesses this awesome multiplier.


Determination of the luminescence intensity space distribution from a plastic film scintillator is useful for finding optimal position to install a PMT(photo multiplier tube).


The monolithic MUX can be used in STM-16 multiplexing system, which consists of 16:1 Parallel-In-Serial-Out (PISO) and 2.5 GHz clock multiplier unit (CMU).

复接器主要包括16:1并串转换单元和2.5 GHz时钟倍频单元。

The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig.2.


If the government's actions bolster confidence and revive animal spirits, the multiplier could rise as demand goes up and private investment is “crowded in”.


The condition of compatibility on the interfaces between each subdomain is satisfied weakly by introducing a Lagrange multiplier technique. In the computational domain, the finite element meshes can be non coincident at the interfaces.

子域交界面上的约束条件是通过引入一Lagrange乘子而得到弱满足的 ,在有限元离散子域的交界处网格可以是非匹配的。

Multiplier and multiplicand were distinguished on multiplications with different coding methods.


For certain contracts settled in cash, the contract size may be stated as a dollar multiplier applicable per point change in the contract price (S &P500 Index).


For the geometry depicted in Figure 2-2, the lagrange multiplier is positive.


The multiplicand and multiplier are encoded in the same DNA strand,and the product is computed by operations of combination,separation,set,and clear.


The multiplier for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits.


The methods used include: SUMT, the multiplier law.


The mean value detector comprises a second adder and a multiplier.


And if the initial stimulus triggers a cascade of expenditure among consumers and businesses, the multiplier can be well above one.


According to the data from Chinese National Statistics of 2002, the procedure of the method is demonstrated and the 1.4073 of investment multiplier in URT is obtained.


Finally, problems which should be paid attention in using the Lagrange multiplier method given in the paper are pointed out.


We also proposed new structures of generally low error, low area, fixed-width multiplier and the design of a decoder for large scale disk array system.


The multiplier of circuit optimized by CSD coding and Wallace tree,effectively saves logic resources,and enhances the frequency.


An inequality was proved by using the theory of conditional extremum on funtions of several variables and lagrange multiplier method.


Optical m ulti-bit matrix multiplier[J].

引用该论文 周少敏,邬敏贤,金国藩.

Testing the Noise of Image Intensifier with Multiplier Phototub[J].

引用该论文 张伟,汪岳峰,董伟.

Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1d6. x3 - 2d6. x4 - 3d6.


In sum, injormation warfare is a "combat multiplier," a kind of warfare that enhances or degrades combat power.


I always start creating lights whose multiplier is the strongest first.


We are a leading manufacturer of multiplier wrenches for truck.



In 8×32, the multiplier is 8.

All that would reduce the fiscal multiplier, potentially to below zero.