repo是什么意思   repo怎么读

英式:['ri:pəʊ]    美式:['ri:pəʊ]

repo单词基本解析: 报告; 报告书; repossess 重新获得; repurchase agreement 重新达成协议
n. <非正式> 回购协议n. <非正式> 取回, 重新占有 报告;报告书;repossess 重新获得;repurchase agreement 重新达成协议



动词 reply:

reply or respond to

同义词:answer, reply, respond




When the Repo Man strikes!


"In fact, the funds go into a repurchase side, bonds repo transactions almost no risk.


Bonds acquired through reverse repo trades.


Risk Premium of the Term Structure of Repo Rates in the Shanghai Stock Exchange


" This statement represents a significant change from the Committee's finding in their 2001 repo rt, which called such a causal relationship, "biologically plausible.


Similarly, the amount of funding that investment banks were doing through overnight repo agreements surged between 2004 and 2007;


To that end, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is implementing the proposal to develop a Hong Kong dollar repo market to facilitate interbank lending, especially at the longer end;


A greater supply of Treasuries could improve lending in the repo market over the next few days, said traders.


This is astonishing in light of the fact that both the study and the autho r of the study repo rt that the analysis was "inconclusive" and mo re research was required.


Agricultural vehicles in order to repair the main repo perennial second-hand car, the old starter, and operated sailing batteries, tires, gasoline sprayer Taishan license.


But the repo men anticipate a spike in calls once that time is up.


Retaining the restriction on repeated borrowing in respect of repo transactions involving debt securities other than Exchange Fund paper.


One corner of the credit markets is the repurchase markets, known as "repo," where banks and securities firms make and receive short-term loans backed by collateral, usually Treasury bills.

信贷市场的一个组成部分是回购市场,被称为“回购协议” ,在银行和证券公司融出和融入由抵押品支持的短期贷款,通常的抵押品是国库券。

Provisions governing bonds outright repo transactions shall be formulated by this Exchange in another initiative.


In bond trading and buyout repo trading, a par value of RMB1000 Yuan is considered one round lot, while in bond collateral repo trading, RMB1000 Yuan in the standard bonds is considered one round lot.


Job Description:Accounting:1) Manage the preparation of financial statements, balance sheets and management repo...... ...


Major Responsibilities:1. To be responsible to carry out a wide range of operation audits;2. To prepare draft audit repo...... ...


Key tasks of the Global IT Expert will be: - Internal customer support - Resolution / escalation of repo...... ...


Position Job Responsibilities:-Perform sales data pooling and checking to provide timely and accurate sales repo...... ...


The refinancing rate fell to 12.5 per cent and the minimum one-day repo rate to 9.5 per cent after the government admitted the economy had contracted more than expected in the first quarter.


matched sale of repo


The RBI cut the repo 回购rate by 50 basis points to 7.5 per cent, lowering the main short-term interest rate for the second time in two weeks.


The RBI cut the repo rate by 50 basis points to 7.5 per cent, lowering the main short-term interest rate for the second time in two weeks.


reverse repo


Removing the restriction on repeated borrowing in respect of the provision of overnight Hong Kong dollar liquidity through repo transactions using Exchange Fund Bills and Notes.


Repo man, come take my eyes!


repo rate


repo security


Therefore both the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet of the Exchange Fund are increased as a result of entering into repo transactions.


On the trading model and risks of outright bond repo


repo market


repo rate of national bond


Re-examining Predictive Power of Interest Rate Spread of Chinese Government Bond Repo Market


Research of Predictive Power of Interest Rate Term Structure of Chinese Government Bond Repo Market


The duration of an international bond repo transaction begins from the date on which the seller delivers the subject security to the buyer, and continues until the resale date.


International market hardly uses “pledged repo”.


In their latest repo rt, the IOM Committee concludes, "The body of epidemiological evidence favo rs the rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism.


Intraday repo that fails to be reversed before the close of the business day will be carried into overnight borrowing through the Discount Window.


In a repo transaction, sellers of debt securities promise to buy them back later for an agreed price.


In the repo markets, borrowers, such as banks, pledge collateral in return for overnight loans from lenders, such as money market funds.


Some mirrors may have broken dependencies when updating to content in the new repo.


An Empirical Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Short Interest Rate with Repo Rates in the Inter-bank Market and Shanghai Security Exchange Market of China Based on CKLS Model


The Empirical Analysis Based on Time Series of Interest Rate in Inter-Bank Bond Repo Market


The reference asset may be any asset, index, or basket of assets.TRORS are particularly popular on bank loans, which do not have a liquid repo market.


key job responsibilities -team management for contractors from service companies -monitoring, repo...


It also could lend its holdings of long-term securities to private investors and take cash in return -- something known as a 'reverse repo' -- which would pull cash out of the financial system.


The term repo facility, which was available from December 1, 1999 and would be available until January 31, 2000, allows licensed banks to obtain in advance Hong Kong dollar liquidity from the HKMA for the year-end at a known price.

定期回购协议机制在一九九九年十二月一日起运作,直至二零零零年一月三十一日为止。 这个机制让持牌银行可按已知价格,预先向金管局借取港元流动资金,应付年底的需要。

The term repo facility,which was available from December 1,1999 and would be available until January 31,2000,allows licensed banks to obtain in advance Hong Kong dollar liquidity from the HKMA for the year-end at a known price.


open repo


The Strategies of Open - ended Repo Trade and the Relevant Precautions


If a 2)creditor needs to 3)repossess property while the borrower attempts to avoid paying the debt, repo men can even 襰teal?such property and give it back to the creditor, legally.


As a group, the pure-play investment banks have relied heavily on short-term funding, particularly repo transactions in which counterparties take collateral as security against the cash they lend.


A Study on China's Interbank Repo Rate Effect


the Le ee shall then permit the Le or to have right to repo e the leased building immediately.


In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively.


The Japanese market for medium-term bond financing, but it is also referred to as a repo market. Securities acting as collateral ...


With the economy sinking faster, employers are giving more Americans dreaded pink slips right before the holidays, AP repo...


It builds up a stochastic volatility interest rate term structure model to describe the behavior of financial market repo rate of national debt in China.


It was also announced that the HKMA and major market participants were working closely on how to kick-start the development of a HK Dollar repo market.


Such issues as the reporting codes for the exit and entry of pledged bonds in the new pledge-style repo transactions will be notified by this Stock Exchange in another initiative.


More importantly, the central repo rate itself is a historic turning point.


The constructed wild type p21 gene promoter driven luciferase repo rter plasmid is used to transfect ECV304 cells to express luciferase protein sta bly and reliably.


The securities sold under repo agreements still remain as assets on the balance sheet.


ies are discu ssingpo ssib le salvage effo r t sw ith San Cru ises, the Singa2po re ow ner of a luxu ry liner that sank offM alaysialast w eek, a new s repo r t said yesterday .

根据文字材料、 主题句等作出听前、 听时预测还不足以选出正确答案。这时就要综合全篇听力材料, 前后联系, 分析推理, 利用听后推测来帮助做答。

This is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the Discount Window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the Currency Board system.


" Caidian District of Wuhan City Department of Transportation's Office of the staff that a repo to explain the case of difficult labor.


However, business leaders and analysts said the 100bp cut to the repo rate and reverse repo rate, used to absorb cash from the market, were insufficient to lift growth and ease lending.


In particular, primary mortgage generally developers signed with the bank "repo guarantee", if the owners-off for the developers to banks "spend a few.


Has your yacht been repo'd?


Now repo companies are the ones doing the booming.


But now the beefy, heavily-tattooed repo men at Gulf Coast hoot about the red Corvette they have just towed away;


The scientific repo that,blood donation is good for health.


Article 13 The outstanding balance of a securities firm's loans of book-entry central government bonds plus repo transactions may not exceed 600 percent of its net worth.


Article 3 Spot transactions and pledge-style repo transactions of bonds (hereinafter referred to as “bonds repo”) shall be conducted in ways of call auction, continuous auction and block trading, etc.


New York Fed has been to improve the derivatives and repo market-clearing system played a positive role, these market-clearing system backward and imperfect people far beyond expectations.


Results Retinal repo sition occured in 8 cases.Intraocular lens was taken out during operation and w as translocated after operation in 1 case.


The interface also enables automatic intraday repo to provide intraday liquidity to the participants of the US dollar RTGS system.


Even though,compared with the long history of foreign repo development,the transaction in China is still at the beginning level and it is common that many problems exist.


Even though, compared with the long history of foreign repo development, the transaction in China is still at the beginning level and it is common that many problems exists.


On the risk analysis of treasury bonds outright repo in the stock exchange
