铸币者[经] 铸币人(者)
n a skilled worker who coins or stamps money
Money, money, money, money, it's what everyone is doing.
现金 现金 现金 现金 这就是当下流行趋势
Just so I'm clear, my money's our money, but your money's your money.
我確定一下 我的錢是我們的錢 但你的錢是你自己的錢
The money you make is your money, but the money I make is our money.
你赚的钱是你的钱 我赚的钱是我们的钱
It's not your money because it's not money at all.
这不是你的钱 因为这根本不是钱
Money is money is money when you ain't got it.
没钱的时候 一分钱都算钱
In terms of money, we have no money.
资金情况就是 我们没钱了
I don't have money I don't have any money, but, look, I have this.
我没钱 一点钱都没有 但看啊 我有这个
Yeah, again with the money, again with the money.
没错 又谈钱 又谈钱
You can have all the money... all the money.
你们可以把所有的钱都拿走 所有的
It's not about the money. It's never been about the money.
不是钱的问题 从来就不是钱的问题