optimizes是什么意思   optimizes怎么读

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v.使最优化,使尽可能有效( optimize的第三人称单数 )
vt.使完善, 使优化
v.使最优化,使尽可能有效( optimize的第三人称单数 );



动词 optimize:

make optimal; get the most out of; use best

同义词:optimize, optimise

modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost

同义词:optimize, optimise

act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world

同义词:optimize, optimise

optimizev.make optimal; get the most out of; use best

"optimize your resources"


modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost

"optimize a computer program"


act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world





ABB's combustion management software optimizes the combustion process in thermal power plants to improve efficiency.


audio. wav pack. optim frog. flac.

Apple 和 Windows Media无损格式。

BIENNER integrates the enthusiasm and persistence of Germany to life with delicate romance of Frenchman, and optimizes the boring makeup design into the elegant art of fashion.


COM increases and optimizes the coherency, liveness and experience of its users.


EGA algorithm optimizes directionmerely according to the amount of uncovered targets.It is used as the baseline for comparison.

EGA 基于覆盖最多未覆盖的目标数选取工作方向,其不足是可能忽略临界目标.

The lead-free alloys used in EnviroMark 907 are made using proprietary technology that optimizes the performance of paste for printing and reflow operations.

EnviroMark 907中使用的无铅合金是通过专利技术制造出来的,它使锡膏具有了最佳的印刷和回流操作性能。

Express TOS optimizes productivity by managing and maintaining terminal business transactions, data processing and accurately recording and invoicing all transactions and services.

Express TOS可以管理和维护码头业务、数据处理以及准确记录和计价所有交易和服务,从而优化工作效率。

GTV's offer for the JLTV maximizes survivability and optimizes power and payload.


Idiom Technologies optimizes the globalization supply chain by aligning global enterprises, language services providers and translators.

Idiom Technologies通过结盟全球企业、语言服务提供者和翻译员,优化全球化供应链。

Health Monitor in Information Integrator provides a self-managing capability that optimizes and protects applications, and therefore reduces the complexity of database administration and total cost of ownership.

Information Integrator中的健康状况监控器提供了优化和保护应用程序的自我管理能力,并且因此降低了数据库管理的复杂性和总体拥有成本。

Mark Levinson Surround (MLS) audio software optimizes discrete 5.1 playback for Multiseat? listening and provides a surround sound experience for stereo source material.

Mark Levinson surround(MLS)音频软件优化了5.1声道播放能力,并为立体高保真声音源提供了环绕立体声功能

MFF optimizes the fitness function in GEP by special approach called probability correlation factor,which increases the precision by 27%.


The MySQL index analyzes and optimizes


NextScan's exclusive Adaptive Speed Control optimizes scan speed by automatically adjusting for potential network bottlenecks.


The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no need to operate again.

One Touch技术优化BT下载,获取种子文件后自动下载目标文件,无须二次操作。

The OPTIMIZATION_GOAL option controls whether Adaptive Server Anywhere optimizes SQL data manipulation language (DML) statements for response time or total resource consumption.

OPTIMIZATION_GOAL选项控制Adaptive Server Anywhere为响应时间还是总资源消耗而优化SQL数据操作语言(DML)语句。

The OPTIMIZATION_GOAL option controls whether Adaptive Server Anywhere optimizes SQL statements for response time (first-row) or for total resource consumption (all-rows).

OPTIMIZATION_GOAL选项控制Adaptive Server Anywhere是为响应时间(第一行)还是为总资源消耗(所有行)而优化SQL语句。

Optim fibre is one special wool fibre developed by CSIRO of Australia through slenderizing and setting processing.

Optim纤维是一种经过特殊拉伸和定型的羊毛纤维 ,由澳大利亚联邦科学院羊毛所研制。

It uses RISC to calculate the LPC coefficients used to design the TNS decoding filter,and also optimizes the code. TNS decoding filter is described by Verilog HDL,and validates the whole Soc system on FPGA.


All of the VectorTechTex systems incorporate advanced operating software that optimizes the blade path in order to guarantee perfect quality of cut pieces.


Rotational alignment of the trochlear component parallel to the epicondylar axis optimizes patellar tracking.25,26 Palpation of the epicondyles is difficult, particularly when using smaller incisions.


More expensive "accelerated" graphics cards are equipped with circuitry that optimizes such tasks.


In order to improve models to be light-duty based on meeting the demands of solidness, this dissertation optimizes dimension of the whole unit.The dissertation is presented as follows.


To build a platform to interactive dynamic information for robots,this paper proposes a robot autonomous perception model(RAPM),builds paths for robots and optimizes paths based on genetic algorithms.


This paper presents a novel broadband waveguide E-plane Tee junction power divider,and simulates and optimizes it with HFSS.


Unique features of Zirco Drier Cata lyst are introduced.Main factors in fluencing the quality and output of the products are analyzed.The optim um process thereof is determined.


The paper introduces the principle and structural characteristics of the turbo cyclone of a new classifier, and optimizes and studies the structural parameters of the cyclone.


From finite and rational angle of the policymaker, those who studied environment of ambiguous and random demand falls is compositive supply chain (ISC) inventory optimizes a problem.


This paper analyzes the characteristics of on-line bid,puts forward the centralized bidding frame based on Internet,and optimizes the bid procedure.


It optimizes its attacks to deal the most damage and destruction with the least risk to itself.


It optimizes workplace layout design using genetic algorithm according to the anthropometry data so as to achieve the most best effect of human factor.


Based on vacuum residual oil hydrodesulfurization plant of some refinery,simulates and optimizes typical hydrogenation plant.


The interface optimizes the display for both touchscreen and keypad phones.


Optimizes the solar energy absorbed by the collector.


The way reconstructs the buildings by projective reconstruction at first, and then makes use of the surface features of buildings to complete the Euclidean reconstruction and optimizes the results.


Designed as a living gallery space, the architecture capitalizes on the openness and optimizes generous display surfaces.


Replay events using multiple threads. This option optimizes performance and disables debugging.


For example, you can create a Release configuration that optimizes code when building the solution, and a Debug configuration that includes the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol.


How China Optimizes Allocation of Crude Resources


Turning off this feature optimizes the control by not incurring the expense of creating a window until it is necessary.


The operating software optimizes the cut path in real time, routine operations are automated, and improved cutting quality ensures correct assembly of cut pieces.


The new piloting software allows for a reduction of material consumption and optimizes markers and cutting quality.


Their surface finish maximizes lubricant film formation and optimizes rolling motion of the rollers.


The agricultural production to regionalizing, the superior electron particle materialization, the industrial production direction develops, the planter structure further optimizes.


Decrease little SEO is advisory, of the word such as SEO service outside catenary optimizes He keyword distribution, accentuated the relevant article of He of layout 、 density that keyword SEO grooms.


The paper optimizes the concrete fine aggregate scheme with median sand of gate foundation excavation and build coarse sand through 4 appraisal index using fuzzy optimization decisiontheory.


Our integrated approach not only improves each individual process, but also optimizes the asset management operations. Active management is the key to improving the performance of any asset.


Crisis hour, the structure of TV station advertiser optimizes fractionize to appear important all the more.


The principal of each department should make and perfect standard documents of self-department, optimizes this department work flow, give the technology development suggestion of forward-looking proposal to this department's management.


Also this paper considers the stability of the formation under the influence of J2,and optimizes the initial condition of the configuration by using av...


Working with engineers, develops and optimizes part shapes and sections to withstand applied loadings.


Promoting pharmacotherapy that optimizes patient outcomesand develops evidenced-based practitioners in Asia.


On basis of ensuring the smooth operation of the ironmaking process, the expert system optimizes several critical model parameters.


Based on analyzing the asynchronous replication protocol which has been existed, it presents a new asynchronous replication flow that optimizes the performance.


On the basis of analyzing the current situation,it optimizes the distribution of the logistics center from the loading and transportation.


On the basis of these measures, the thesis also optimizes the algorithmic, so that the encryption and decryption can share the hardware and the area of AES processor can be saved.


On the basis of the model, taking LH-1300 and S100-41 tunneling machinesas examples, the paper optimizes the adjustable parameters of the machines andputs forward some optimized design results for reference.


Insisting that optimizes the national territory development pattern, promotes the regional economies coordinated development.


Integrated freight transportation system is the tendency and imperious demand of the city. This system optimizes the transportation resources and integrates the travel demand management.


This paper optimizes the FCA method and brings forward a new algorithm-SFCA.


Processing of blended yarn with OPTIM fiber and silk


Under optim un conditions including tem perature,catalyst and feed ratio,the yield oflight stabilizer 944 interm ediary is upto 76% .


If the option is set to all-rows (the default), then Adaptive Server Anywhere optimizes a query so as to choose an access plan with the minimal estimated total retrieval time.

如果此选项设置为all-rows(缺省值),则Adaptive Server Anywhere将优化查询以选择预计总检索时间最少的访问计划。

It optimizes the power supply and improves the circuitry transmition speed.


It can be disconnected from the production machines if necessary, and optimizes cutting times by allowing the combination of manual and automatic nesting of specific pieces, guaranteeing maximum process flexibility.


The fully integrated Fieldbus architecture optimizes performance at each layer of the enterprise.


Executive grain oil keeps system of job responsibility is implementation inventory optimizes management, make sure grain oiler tastes safe significant step.


The controlling method is NN-PID control in which BP neural network is used to implement the optim...


As the experiments show, the algorithm optimizes both running time and relative speedup, and has more strong flexibility.


Shuts down or starts up turbine, switches on islanding or normal mode, synchronizes the phases to connect the generated electricity to the grid, optimizes the power output.


The WaveShaper improves throw and mechanical stability of the cabinet as well as optimizes coupling and directivity control when multiple subs are stacked.


Instructional scaffolding optimizes the results of learning, but it has its limitation in application.


Working set strategy prevents thrashing while keeping the degree of multiprogramming as high as possible. Thus it optimizes CPU Utilization.


When the compiler optimizes code, it repositions and reorganizes instructions, resulting in more efficient compiled code.


The company optimizes its management of each branch company by means of star connection, giving full play to its overall edge.


The designed state feedback controller guarantees the stability of the closed-loop system, and in noninferior (equivalently Pareto optimal) sense, optimizes the upper bound of multi-objective cost function for all admissible uncertainties.


Luster and structure of Optim fiber and its blended fabrics


According to the new founding an armed force plan, will reorganize for the military region, the group army and the brigade, optimizes the army operational control system.


Bundled payments will shift the focus to restoring and maintaining health, providing a mix of services that optimizes outcomes, and reorganizing care into integrated practice structures.


According to Sultex, the sley drive by complementary cams optimizes sley dwell.



What can you do to optimize your family situation?

How to optimize them efficiently is still a question.

We allocate our resources effectively to optimize business potential.