vt.恐吓,威胁( intimidate的现在分词)adj.吓人的;令人胆怯的adj. 威胁的, 咄咄逼人的 动词intimitate的现在分词
vt.恐吓,威胁( intimidate的现在分词);
副词: intimidatingly | 名词: intimidation | 动词过去式: intimidated | 动词过去分词: intimidated | 动词现在分词: intimidating | 动词第三人称单数: intimidates |
Adjective1. discouraging through fear
动词 intimidate:
make timid or fearful
to compel or deter by or as if by threats
同义词:intimidate, restrain
形容词 intimidating:
discouraging through fear
intimidating[ in'timideitiŋ ]adj.discouraging through fear
an intimidating manner
This kind of questioning can be very intimidating to children.
He was a huge, intimidating figure.
With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
她说话咬文嚼字,样子咄咄逼人, 真是一个典型的传统式的女教师.
We know accounting can be intimidating, especially when you're busy building your business.
我们知道财务会计处理具有紧迫性, 尤其当您整忙于创建您的业务.
Hagrid's appearance is very intimidating, but his disposition is kind.
海格的长相有点恐怖, 但他心地善良.
They kidnapping these lovers or ex lovers and intimidating them with all kinds of threats.
Unable to place her he found her as intimidating as Tigress.
汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
As these exceptional athletes move, they vault, scramble and roll past even the most intimidating obstacles.
这些杰出的运动员移动时, 会一面翻越 、 攀登或滚过障碍物,既使最难跨过的障碍物也难不倒他们.
The arms are quite large and intimidating , with huge rotating guns on both.
It is a dignified choice that announces your presence , but can be intimidating if overused.
选择它作为自己的代表色,威严又不失品位, 但是如果运用过度,则可能让人生畏.
That amount of work is less intimidating.
This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale damage asas physical hurt.
而且这种吵闹 、 雾迷漫的致命武器可以造成既打击士气又伤害肢体的威力.
This is aimed not only at intimidating other wrongdoers but convincing outsiders the problem is solved.
It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.
哈佛的生活使人兴奋, 让人胆怯, 有时甚至会感到泄气, 但永远充满了挑战.
One of their more intimidating customers buys imported pills forand domestic ones for his snarling Alsatian.
The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
The troops march with an intimidating setup.
His craggy face and piercing eyes are intimidating.
Although she was intimidating in aspect, she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.
虽然她外表令人畏惧, 但内心却温暖仁爱.
This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale as as physical hurt.
开枪的巨响 、 烟雾和致命的杀伤力,能对敌人士气和肉体造成双重打击.
That too was intimidating.
Without her intimidating actions and wacky expressions, life will be dull and meaningless.
没有了她那些小动作和搞怪表情, 生活就会变得很黑白,没意义.
People are put off by grandiose institutions, rigid timetables and intimidating courses.
庞大的机构, 刻板的时间表以及可怕的功课使人望而却步.
He is intimidating, he has a kind of arrogance.
他显得咄咄逼人, 他有一种傲慢的姿态.
Express to understand others without intimidating, belittling, or silencing them.
对他人的意见要表示理解而不是打击, 贬损或置之不理.
It is injected by a nurse with an intimidating syringe under a local anaesthetic.
She admits that her height is intimidating for some men.
They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them.
The AAAS project is one approach to the problem the high court tackled in Daubert: How can judges evaluate technical data that are intimidating to most nonscientists?
“You receive the diagnosis and, without any preparation, you're thrust into an intimidating and alien world of white coats and treatment protocols.
“People are put off by grandiose institutions, rigid timetables and intimidating courses.
“By realizing that even the most intimidating people are vulnerable, you can more easily relax,” explains Felder.
“It may look quiet when the Humvees go past during the day, but the militias will be back at night, murdering and intimidating.
"I also have them talk to each other more than they talk to me, because talking to me can be intimidating," Finnie explains.
'I think it has to be intimidating even when we lose a game. Nobody is unbeatable, one day somebody comes here and wins,' he said.
' One performance he points to is the return match in Istanbul, which' was intimidating during the warm-up'.
A Police Constable and his wife were jailed for three and two years respectively for treating and intimidating prosecution witnesses not to give evidence against them in a deception trial.
An older person may seem rather intimidating at first. Pretend you're in total control of the situation graciously.
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Do everything you can to stay away from the threatening and intimidating person.Don't stay alone with a person who touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel unsafe.
The title is intimidating, but chapter 3 is easy to read and contains a lucid introduction to positive definite functions.
At first glance,Taipei is an intimidating confusion of sprawls。With a good map and compass(no kidding)the logic at the heart of the city's layout will slowly begin to dawn.
Homeowners, not surprisingly, found this inconvenient, creating a demand for the product invented in1907 by James Murray Spangler: the smaller, less intimidating in-home vacuum cleaner.
In all of its intimidating and unconventional forms, heavy metal carries one universal message.
Personal Strengths: Detail-oriented and disciplined. And to the relief of those weary of his predecessor's fractious and intimidating style, he's not Andy Grove.
" Dan also says in addition to filming the epilogue, "I think for me, that's intimidating is going to be the walk at the end to meet Voldemort in the forest.
To help the new President get to grips with this intimidating responsibility, some of the world's leading scientists, from Dawkins to Watson, share some crucial words of advice.
Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced intimidating hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer.The ensuing struggle will test Carmen to the limit.
There are also charges that Mr Arpaio employs McCarthyist tactics against his critics, intimidating and harassing county officials, legislators or journalists with bogus investigations and charges.
A canny villager then suggested that they station a woman and some children near the tree,as these would be less intimidating to the girl than the men,and that they smile to her and placidly act out a show of great friendliness.
A canny villager then suggested that they station a woman and some children near the tree, as these would be less intimidating to the girl than the men, and that they smile to her and placidly act out a show of great friendliness.
Many have two or three different jobs in different schools and complain that conditions are intimidating and the pay is low.
The sheer bustle and intricacy of the land they have built is intimidating to the lone, over-educated immigrant trying to get somewhere, or build anything.
One of their more intimidating customers buys imported pills for himself and domestic ones for his snarling Alsatian.
They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them.
Armed with an axe and light armour, these hard men from the north are an intimidating prospect on the battlefield.
His craggy face and piercing eyes are intimidating.
Bitar, who is of Arab descent, believes StunStrike would be particularly intimidating in the Middle East because, he contends, people there are especially afraid of lightning.
forbidding; intimidating; grim; fearsome; daunting
The imposingly built and athletic Steffi Graf was an intimidating athlete between the lines.
However while wearing the intimidating outfit, Christensen told the Celebration III audience that seeing through the eyes of a fallen hero wasn't easy, in fact he had trouble seeing much at all.
But in this brightest and kindest world, the philosophical problems themselves become intimidating.
But it should not be intimidating.
Once you master these, you will most likely find the challenge of identifying and releasing your patterns far less intimidating.
Peyton Manning is familiar with facing challenges on the field, but he'll soon take on a much more intimidating adversary: childhood obesity.
an intimidating manner
Intimidating Growl causes an enemy to run away in fear at an increased movement speed.
Conquering fear and pursuing a life goal can be overwhelming, intimidating.
With respect to the content, the Delegation stated that the Committee was faced with the prospect of examining 111 proposals, which, on the face of it, was an intimidating exercise.
As other teams have found, whatever hopes Turkey had of intimidating a player who comes from a family of boxers and sparred in his youth proved fanciful.
The troops march with an intimidating setup.
There are taller players in his games most every night, but there is no more intimidating man on the floor than Big Al.
Just go and talk to him, he may seem kind of intimidating, but he's a really laid back kind of guy.
The students who are willing to make the sacrifice to attend Shield every Saturday tend to be acutely aware of just how high the stakes are, which is intimidating enough.
It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.
Tue Apr 10th Somehow the Mastella Stadium isn't as intimidating as it threatened when empty.
14'At the far post Namouchi gets to Buffel's cross from the right but his header is blocked by Marco Andreolli, who shows great calm in such an intimidating environment.
The intimidating atmosphere of Turkey didn't faze Sven-Goran Eriksson's side, who kept their heads despite fierce provocation from the hosts.
In a hearing, the panel found that Copperman had“ engaged in professional misconduct by reason of willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient.
In a hearing, the panel found that Copperman had "engaged in professional misconduct by reason of willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient."
Always in his icy grip is his bladed weapon, an intimidating tool forged from some unknown dark ore, covered with strange images guilded in gold, said to depict the end of Nirn itself.
The atmosphere in Istanbul is notoriously intimidating but the team will be buoyed with the return to fitness of our first choice keeper {10}.
The exclusionary rules dominated by intimidating theory established the just of Criminal procedure further, and protected rights of suspect.
He became unpleased by her continuous request, and in the cab on their way home, he started intimidating her by using physical violence.
Mr.Erdogan accused the Kurdish party of intimidating voters and Tuesday's arrests will only add to tensions, according to columnist and political scientist Nuray Mert.
Calling the situation "hostile and intimidating" Tata Motors has suspended work at the plant.
The favourites to claim the gold are Brazil and Argentina, who have a more intimidating array of overage stars.
The female soldiers were commonly tasked to do the foraging, as they were less intimidating to local inhabitants, and obtained better results.
His mother had always been a headstrong woman, and, with her grayish-white mane and unsmiling face, she appeared as regal and intimidating as she had ever been.
7.With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect,she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
Today it can be reached only through underpasses patrolled by security forces, an experience that is more bleak than intimidating.
Nene, Chris "Birdman" Andersen and Kenyon Martin give the Nuggets a physical, if not intimidating, presence down low.
Investing your money can be intimidating if you do not understand what you are doing.
If you find that the terms of the deal are troublesome, speak up and negotiate. Pluto's position only shows you'll meet a formidable, possibly intimidating authority figure.
If we want our kids to learn science, we can't treat science as this boring or intimidating thing.
Black holes wouldn't be so intimidating if we understood them.
If the idea of journaling all your dreams is intimidating, try drawing them.
If you ve found the larger UI tool kits intimidating, Buoy is a viable alternative.
To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner.
bully ['buli] vt.To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner.See Synonyms at intimidate.
It can be clever and flirtatious, or sexist and intimidating.
It sounds intimidating, but math isn't the exclusive purview of computer scientists;you can learn it all by yourself as a closet hacker, and be just as good (or better) at it than they are.
It is not easy to be intimidating, and for commerce it's strictly a matter of attitude rather than physical presence.
To a newcomer, the sheer number and variety of concepts and techniques present in GEF may feel intimidating.
Patent litigation is increasingly an intimidating and uncertain environment for the unwary.In the last decade, U.
You may have been too intimidating to those of lesser passion and too young to understand why.
Although interacting with girls keems like an intimidating ereavor to many guys, adhering to certain principles allows it to beamore comfortablejand enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
As I walk back to the car, an intimidating wallaroo engages me in a staring contest.It is as long as I am tall.But I don't blink, and it hops off.
用作形容词(adj.)Despite their post-season follies, the Pistons will likely go down as the most intimidating team of the decade.
The intimidating atmosphere of Turkey didn't faze Sven-Goran Eriksson's side, who kept their heads despite fierce provocation from the hosts.