n.托儿所,孤儿院n. 托儿所, 孤儿院
Noun1. a hospital where foundlings (infant children of unknown parents) are taken in and cared for
2. a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem
名词 creche:
a hospital where foundlings (infant children of unknown parents) are taken in and cared for
同义词:foundling hospital
a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem
creche[ kreiʃ ]n.a hospital where foundlings (infant children of unknown parents) are taken in and cared for
同义词:foundling hospital
a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehemcreche中文词源:
But without a doubt, the chocolate creche has stolen the limelight this Christmas.
The ship have a creche for children over two years old.
From the age of two months onwards, children have to be left with the creche workers.
从两个月大开始, 孩子就必须被托管给流动托儿所的工作人员.
I remember one day I visited the creche when my daughter did not expect me.
seasonal creche
[医] 农忙托儿所, 季节托儿所
regular creche
[医] 常设托儿所
“I would have become a labourer like my father had it not been for the mobile creche where I went as a child.
The pre-schoolers are taught the basics and then from age six onwards they are encouraged to go to formal schools even as they continue getting the support they need at the creche.
“Today, things are very much better. Builders are more aware and willing to give about 40% of the money spent on each child in the creche on their site,” she adds.
There were creche facilities in just nine developments and eight of these were built since 2000.
From the age of two months onwards, children have to be left with the creche workers.
They left their daughter in the creche until each of them could go there after work.
It’s all downy softness and noise in a crowded creche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.
2. Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.
She has her hair in a low knot and wears a very shiny comb which is immediately noticeable, a comb made of that silver they use for stars in a Christmas creche.
Huge Chocolate Creche Sweetens Christmas
Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger.
Builders are more aware and willing to give about 40% of the money spent on each child in the creche on their site,” she adds.
The creche is a useful facility for working parents.
"The simplicity of the creche contrasts with the image of Christmas that sometimes is shown by insistent publicity messages," the pope said.
'The simplicity of the creche contrasts with the image of Christmas that sometimes is shown by insistent publicity messages,'the pope said.
My word, a Loonie then rarely knew who father was and, if raised in creche, might be vague about mother.
Over 4,500 hours and 7,275 pounds of chocolate have gone into creating the creche which is 19 feet, 8 inches wide, 9 feet, 10 inches high and -- to the delight of chocoholics -- totally edible.
Book online the cheapest hotels in La Creche - low prices and high discounts.
网上预定在 La Creche 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
It was the sight of a baby lying unattended at a construction site in the hot sun that galvanised Mahadevan into starting a creche for them.
The ship has a creche for children over two years old.
The church will be used by the local multi-faith community, as a creche and space for leisure activities.
The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger.
这位82高龄的教皇是在出席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。 广场已经装饰了高大的圣诞树,部分还布置成了传说中耶酥基督在马槽出生时众人围绕初生婴儿的的情景。
The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. Peter's Square,already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche,the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger.
But without a doubt, the chocolate creche has stolen the limelight this Christmas.
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Portland Street Residential Creche
用作名词(n.)The ship has a creche for children over two years old.
They put their daugher in the creche until one of them to take her after work.